This sentence said to me,
The video is 1 hours 9 minutes long, but as I explained in the post, I can only record 35 minutes or so of audio. The audio cut off at 44 minutes mark. Which mean if you are indeed watching for the whole 69 minutes (or as your claim, spent an hour), you will be watching a video without sound for the last 25 minutes, which is basically
NOTHING. And 25 minutes of nothing is a long time for anyone to sit and watch.
So, how are you going to sit 69 minutes to listen to something that only have 44 minutes content in it? Are you telling me you sit in front of a computer and watch the map move WITH NO SOUND for 25 minutes?
Another point to proof is I don't know whether or not you familiar with YouTube, YouTube record the person location to the channel and show to the account owner so they can see who and from where people watch their video. You know the funny thing was? The video have 17 watch as of Oct 14 2017 when I was writing this (Which is after you claim you have watch it) and can you guess how many people from Singapore watch that video? 0
I have 3 watches from Australia (me) 3 watches from the US (I don't know who) 2 watches from Germany (From no one's boy), 2 watches from India (Possible from Austerlitz) 2 watches from Malaysia, 1 watch from UAE (from Levina) 1 from Brazil, 1 from Canada and UK and NZ, that make 17, where are the watches from Singapore?
View attachment 431078
View attachment 431079
What I can gather is that, you look at the front of the clip, which it said 69 minutes. And you say that so you said you watched 69 minutes without reading anything or hearing anything. Because 1/3 of the audio is not working, which mean if you claim to be watching the video from beginning to end, you would have sat in front of your computer for 25 minutes watching the map moves silently. And most importantly, there are not a single person from Singapore watch this video.
From that, I can definitively conclude, you have not watch the video at all, nor were you actually read any of the post telling or warning member, the audio cut out before the video.