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Intentional or an Oversight?

So, I've been observing the way soldier (not just Pakistani) are seated in pickup-trucks and other unarmored troop transport vehicles. And a question that pops into my mind is, if they want to avoid being caught in an ambush then why are they seated facing one another?


And troops mounted in this configuration are a common sight in Urban areas as well, including Rangers and Police.

So, is this done intentionally? Doesn't this configuration seriously hamper a soldiers ability to see the surrounding area in an ambush situation? Furthermore, wouldn't this make it difficult for a soldier to retaliate? I've seen videos of troops having to dismount during a firefight, just to point their gun at the enemy. Plus, a pressure-plate IED is most likely to blow up under the tires, so wouldn't it be safer to move the troops to the midline of the vehicle, to avoid the direct blast, shrapnel and gases?
See, nobody in their right minds would ambush a vehicle with a front-facing gunner from the front, or the rear, because the barrels are pointed straight at them. But they would definitely hit them from the left and right side, just because troops are facing their backs in that direction (and their eyes the opposite) .
I think having troops face outwards rather than inward would greatly boost their awareness and fighting capability.

@PanzerKiel @Sifar zero @Huffal @Pappa Alpha @Windjammer

I'd like to hear your opinions about this, sorry in advance to mods who think it shouldn't be posted in this section. I want this post to gain traction so we can have a discussion and I can learn a few things. :-)
They only ride in logis when their not expecting enemy ambush. otherwise they dismount.
foot soldiers are dispensable, that why no protection or armor at all.
you can shoot at them even with paint balls.
I am legit amazed by the amount of "generals" and experts here who know better about infantry combat than the actual soldiers and people organizing this.
They only ride in logis when their not expecting enemy ambush. otherwise they dismount
I mean it's called an ambush because it's unexpected. Also by Logis you mean those 2.5 tons? It's the same with Hilux and Land Rovers as well.
Most ambushes have happened where troops/convoys were unaware of the threat, and then dismounted without knowing where the fire was coming from because they weren't facing in the right direction.
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