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Insurgents attack CRPF camp in Srinagar

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But the terrorists were poor brainwashed punjabi souls trained by Lashker-e-Toieba , inside the camps in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir to wage Jihad inside our Integral Part.

Just Like this guy, to whom we caught last year in an encounter.

Most of these terrorist comes from South Punjab of Pakistan. Militants fighting in Kashmir are predominantly Punjabis, Pashtuns or even Chechans with negligible presence of Kashmiris.
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Most of these terrorist comes from South Punjab. Militants fighting in Kashmir are predominantly Punjabis, Pashtuns or even Chechans with negligible presence of Kashmiris.

in sheer ferocity, brutality and daredevilry chechens>pashtuns>punjabis>kashmiris. no wonder the militancy didnt succeed
Expected it.....and it happened..RIP to the fallen soldiers..
in sheer ferocity, brutality and daredevilry chechens>pashtuns>punjabis>kashmiris. no wonder the militancy didnt succeed

This may be the reason that mere one province of Pakistan Pakhtunkhwa along with FATA brought whole of Pakistan at the brink, unlike Kashmir these Pashtun militants are native and quite familiar to the terrains.
But I heard its not India but Pakistan who is using Airforce to kill their own Pashtun or Baloch people by bombing their whole villages.

No your Pakistan obsession is taking it's toll....Pakistan is using it's air force against the Talibans....let's not mention the Chopper and the injured being left behind in the Maoiust area. ;)

Indians don't Need to do anything . Pakistanis themselves are doing a spectacular job of decimating their own country .

One could argue Indians are also doing something to their country in and around Delhi....but let's just leave it at that. !!
Yeah. I believe in you guys. :lol:

Most gracious Sir.

Not that it matters really, we have what we want & cherish not what others have, and its been like this for 65 years.
After cold start, surgical strikes, hot persuits....the term is now...."dismantle"....i guess the Indians should send in their builders now.

Look around in Pakistan mate.. Bunch of stuff getting dismantled pretty regularly.. And without Indians having to send in their builders ;)
May the Souls of Deceased Jawans Rest In Peace. Apparently, Yasin Malik's recent visit to Pakistan and meeting with his 'role model' didn't go in vain. He is one of the happiest men in the Kashmir valley today. India must take up the gauntlet from the militants more seriously.
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