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Insight: The Curious Case of Kashmiri Sarpanchs | PKKH.tv


Oct 10, 2012
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Insight: The Curious Case of Kashmiri Sarpanchs | PKKH.tv


PKKH Exclusive | By Atiq Durrani

A Sarpanch is an elected/selected head of a village level legislative institution of local self-government called the Panchayat (village government) in Kashmir/India. In Pakistan Sarpanch is known as Numberdar. He, together with other elected Panchas (members), constitutes the Panchayat. The Sarpanch is the focal point of contact between government officers and the village community. The Sarpanch is responsible for the welfare of the people of his village. He deals in the security, education, health and other related matters of the village. People of the village forward their complaints to Sarpanch; the Sarpanch talks to the government representatives and tries to solve the problems of the village. Hence they have good control over the village community as most of the benefits the villagers get, comes thru the hands of the Sarpanchs.

In Indian held Kashmir these Sarpanchs are valued even more because whenever a person is arrested by Kashmir based police or Indian forces, the Sarpanch of village goes and facilitates his/her release. Similarly if the Indian police or army has some issue related to that village they will contact the Sarpanch. After the recent killings of two Panchayat representatives in Baramulla district in less than a fortnight, dozens of scared Panchs and Sarpanchs announced their mass resignation after submitting their papers to concerned Block Development Officers and by declaring their position via newspapers. Over 1000 Sarpanchs has resigned in the last few months. The state has over 34,000 village representatives as Sarpanchs and Panchs, of which seven have been killed and more than 1000 Sarpanchs have resigned till now.

All this started when the Indian Agencies and Army forced these Sarpanchs to report about the Mujahedeen activities and the people who help them to cover intelligence/logistics/operations etc in their areas. As most of the Sarpanchs were also from the same people who are fighting against the illegal occupation of Kashmir and support freedom movement, they resisted and did not agreed to spy on their own people, clan and relatives. But few Sarpanchs affiliated to the puppet government of National Conference a pro

Indian political party started helping the Indian Agencies and Army.

The Sarpanchs that refused to follow the instruction of the Agencies/Army were targeted by them. These Sarpanchs were pressurized and blamed to be the supporters of mujahedeen, in some cases these Sarpanchs were even arrested and tortured by the Indian Army. In some other cases some Sarpanchs were told that there are mujahedeen in their areas, if those are not killed within 2 or 3 months, the Army will kill these Sarpanches or their villagers.

On the other side the Sarpanchs who helped the Indian Army were rewarded by the Gov. and Army. According to Indian Express, Mohammad Shafi Teli the deputy Sarpanch affiliated to the ruling National Conference, killed in recent attacks by the Mujahedeen was born poor, 40-year-old Teli had struggled hard to make a living. His fortunes changed; however, eight years ago when the BSF — that has a frontier headquarters in the neighboring Singhpora village — started acquiring land in Nowpora. Teli was among those who received a handsome compensation.

Recently, the BSF approached villagers again, seeking to acquire 800 kanals more of land. Teli was again a big beneficiary as the BSF had identified more than 30 kanals of land belonging to him. However, unlike him, a majority of the villagers were opposed to the acquisition.

To stop such activities of Sarpanchs, this summer mujahedeen published posters to warn these Sarpanch to stop their activities against them. After the repeated warnings from Mujahidin Lt General Om Prakash, General Officer Commanding (GOC) of Indian Army’s Srinagar based 15 Corps promised that security will be provided to the Sarpanchs but this was never provided.

The Sarpanchs who didn’t stop facilitating Indian Agencies/Army/Police were attacked by Mujahedeen and were killed after confirming their links with the Indian Agencies/Army/Police.

Within three days of these attacks on Sarpanchs, more than 100, in 2 weeks more than 500 and within a month more than 1000 Sarpanchs had resigned and that made the Indian military forces and political parties frustrated and the whole plan was shut down.

Indian and Kashmiri political parties also tried to benefit the situation. Kashmir’s ruling National Conference (NC) and opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) blamed each other for the killings and gave reasons that their opponents are benefiting from the killings.

Former National President and In-charge of BJP Study Group on Jammu and Kashmir, Rajnath Singh in a letter to Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh said “The mass resignations have dealt a big blow to democratic forces in the Valley’’. He urged upon the Government to look into critical issues highlighted by him in his letter and take effective steps to strengthen Panchayat system in the State.

As a result Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi was sent to Kashmir. He visited Kashmir University where he was welcomed by the students singing Pakistani Anthem and chanting slogans of “We want freedom”, “Jevay Jevay Pakistan”, “Kashmir Bane ga Pakistan”and “Go Rahul Go back”.

Earlier In a meeting with delegation of Sarpanchs from Jammu and Kashmir at New Delhi Rahul Gandhi criticized Omar Abdullah’s government for not giving powers to Sarpanchs. The delegation showed fear, concern and anger over the killings of their fellow Sarpanchs and put forth three demands seeking Rahul Gandhi’s intervention.

To seek compensation for the families of those Sarpanchs who had been killed.
To visit the state and see first-hand the circumstances in which they live and work.
To provide security to Sarpanchs working at the grassroots.
Later in another high level security meeting Abdullah decided to increase the security of Sarpanchs but according to security officials providing individual security to everyone is an administrative impossibility. If just two guards are provided to each village head, it will involve 68,000 guards for 34,000 Panchs and Sarpanchs. This is not practically possible. According to some unofficial reports Indian officials decided to put 3 battalions for the security of Sarpanchs from the existing security forces in Indian Held Kashmir and will provide individual security to all the Sarpanchs.

All this episode of Sarpanchs once again raises serious questions on the tactics and performance of Indian forces in occupied Kashmir. They once again tried to involve Kashmiri civilians in their fight against the Kashmiri Mujahedeen putting the life of Kashmiri locals in danger. They tried to force the Sarpanchs against their wishes to work for them. They, in turn, were forced to go against the wishes of their own people and clans; who want freedom.

On the other side Sarpanchs can use this right against their local enemies/rivals and can name them as the supporters of mujahedeen. As a result the common man will have to face the brutality of Indian forces; if he is lucky he will be tortured and put in jail for 2 years without any investigation or trial otherwise, as in many cases, he will be killed without any investigation and buried in mass graves and all his properties/business will be seized.

This also clearly shows that after 65 years of illegal occupation Indian security forces are still unsuccessfully experimenting the ways to suppress the freedom movement of Kashmiri people, who are against the illegal occupation of Kashmir by the Indian Forces. Indian Security forces have failed miserably in last 65 years because of the resistance from the Kashmiri people.

Singing of Pakistani National Anthem by the Kashmir University students at the arrival of Rahul Gandhi clearly prove the fact that the new generation of Kashmir also wants freedom and are against the illegal occupation of Kashmir. Indian Government always tries to relate Kashmiri freedom movement with Pakistan-induced terrorism but it is a fact that continuous denial from the UN and Indian Government for the independence of the Kashmiri people has forced them to struggle for their independence in every possible way, that is the reason the Indian government is facing militant as well as political resistance in Kashmir. But it is the time that Indian Government should accept the fact that the Kashmir freedom movement cannot be suppressed by force as they have tried for 65 years, doing so. It is the time for world community to realize the gravity of the Kashmir problem and solve it according to the resolutions of United Nations which call for the holding of a “free and fair” plebiscite under UN supervision to determine the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

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