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Inside one of the world's largest licensed brothels - BBC News

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Are we in opposite worlds?
YOu actually are... 95% of the prostitute chose what they are doing... Abduction and force prostitution are just too rare. People dont want that kind of trouble when willing girls are abundant.

A BBC investigation has found children as young as seven are being groomed to sell sex in one of the world’s largest licensed brothels.
Legalized pedophilia
Its a bit of a shocker how Bangladesh gets a pass on rigged election,child sexual abuse and legalized sexual slavery

YOu actually are... 95% of the prostitute chose what they are doing... Abduction and force prostitution are just too rare. People dont want that kind of trouble when willing girls are abundant.
That is for the independent escorts not the women in brothels who have to entertain 6-7 diseased dung holes in a day or they will be sleeping with the fishes
That is for the independent escorts not the women in brothels who have to entertain 6-7 diseased dung holes in a day or they will be sleeping with the fishes
Dude, in Bangladesh brothel girls has to pay rent to stay there. If they dont pay rent they are kicked out. They need good connection to get good room for good price. They can leave on their wish as long as they dont owe any money there. Its up to them if they want to sleep with a man or not. But its usually the girls who chase the men...;)
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Prostitution is something that has always existed and can never be eradicated. It exists in all countries and all places.
It needs to be licensed and regulated to ensure the health, safety, and security of the sex workers. They need to be protected from the exploitation of pimps and mafias. They then need to be offered education and economic alternatives to enable them to adopt other ways of making a living.
Prohibition is not the answer to this or any other problem.
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How much do yall wanna bet that the witch haseena is the pimp.

WTF you trying to prove here? These are the legacy we are still bearing from us being part of India and british rule. Most of the brothels were closed down since 1947. Few remains because of the NGO and high court who intervened.

There is nothing wrong in it.. Even your wife is paid for it... only through a marriage license.

This is the filth that sided with kaffirs in 71
@OsmanAli98 @Retired Troll @PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan.

Can't believe I have read this.
Well, you did and that's their mentality, if it wasnt things like these won't have been running
How much do yall wanna bet that the witch haseena is the pimp.

This is the filth that sided with kaffirs in 71
@OsmanAli98 @Retired Troll @PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan.

Well, you did and that's their mentality, if it wasnt things like these won't have been running

:o::o::o::o::o:......... bro, that is one of the most diabolical posts I have EVER read on PDF!!!!!!!..............:o::o::o::o:........WTF!!!!!!!.......so according to him, ALL married women in the world are prostitutes?????......WTF???????
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A BBC investigation has found children as young as seven are being groomed to sell sex in one of the world’s largest licensed brothels.

Which man in their right mind would want to pay them for some nookie??????........:bad:
There is nothing wrong in it.. Even your wife is paid for it... only through a marriage license.
Anybody who compare marriage to prostitution, is mentally retarded and should be dispatched to a mental asylum, or to a reformation center until s/he understand the difference and can be reintegrated back into the society. In fact, I have very colorful treatments in mind. Don't spew this nonsense in front of people whereever you go, chances are that somebody will teach you a lesson.

Marriage represent a union of love to create a family and provision of resources for the needful with dignity, needs and security of a woman entrusted to a man for life in lawful manner. This relationship is not only legal but have divine endorsement. This relationship is not a one-time business transaction to satiate lusts like in the case of prostitution.
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