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INS Vikramaditya a Pakistan Attention seeker

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May 26, 2016
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Hello guys.
Does India's mighty aircraft carrier really upset the naval and air balance between India and Pakistan.
What plans do our military policy makers have on their minds?Do we really care to look into the air-craft carrier as a major threat?or are we just not giving it attention because we think its not ?
Now we all know there are numerous ways to Sink the ship,Can Pakistan effectively use Diesel-Electric subs like china to surprise the ship or even sink it?
I Just want to ask,since the arms race between India and Pakistan has always been very responsive to each others are we not giving it much attention or we cant ?
Hello guys.
Does India's mighty aircraft carrier really upset the naval and air balance between India and Pakistan.
What plans do our military policy makers have on their minds?Do we really care to look into the air-craft carrier as a major threat?or are we just not giving it attention because we think its not ?
Now we all know there are numerous ways to Sink the ship,Can Pakistan effectively use Diesel-Electric subs like china to surprise the ship or even sink it?
I Just want to ask,since the arms race between India and Pakistan has always been very responsive to each others are we not giving it much attention or we cant ?

What a Attention Seeker Title, with hollow matter. Post about the carrier, its capabilities, then ask the members how it could be a threat and how it could be neutralized.

For the question you asked, it is very difficult to distroy a Carrier, because it do not travel alone, and their are many layers of security. A diesel Electric Subs threat could be easily neutralized by increasing the ASW capability.
And due to the sheer size of the modern Carrier, I don't think a single torpedo is more than enough to damage the carrier seriously and to come such close to the carrier to fire the torpedo would need great luck and stealth on the ocean.
What a Attention Seeker Title, with hollow matter. Post about the carrier, its capabilities, then ask the members how it could be a threat and how it could be neutralized.

For the question you asked, it is very difficult to distroy a Carrier, because it do not travel alone, and their are many layers of security. A diesel Electric Subs threat could be easily neutralized by increasing the ASW capability.
And due to the sheer size of the modern Carrier, I don't think a single torpedo is more than enough to damage the carrier seriously and to come such close to the carrier to fire the torpedo would need great luck and stealth on the ocean.
lol Yeah man,I know what you have said,as do a lot other people,Y do I need to elaborate,we already know about the ship.
Just want to know are our military policy makers overlooking the aircraft carrier,As it seems to me,or we just have no answers to the ship.
Will we buy Chinese DF-21 anti-ship high explosive rounds to sink the ship.
Because I certainly feel that it can pose a real threat as a Third tier attack on Pakistani ships,Detecting them soon enough to alert other ships to take them out
lol Yeah man,I know what you have said,as do a lot other people,Y do I need to elaborate,we already know about the ship.
Just want to know are our military policy makers overlooking the aircraft carrier,As it seems to me,or we just have no answers to the ship.
Will we buy Chinese DF-21 anti-ship high explosive rounds to sink the ship.
Because I certainly feel that it can pose a real threat as a Third tier attack on Pakistani ships,Detecting them soon enough to alert other ships to take them out


First check whether DF-21 is ready or not. For the starter like you DF-21 have only been tested on ground static target.

Second, to target a movable naval target, you need to first acquire its location precisely, and for that Chinese have a fine and robust network which includes UAVs, Satellite, Recce Aircraft, Sea based Optical fibre based network.

Third, don't compare the Chinese GPS system with the live tracking and survellance satellite, for the starter like you Chinese are placing more than 40 satellite in the Area around Yellow Sea to monitor the naval ships and their potential target. Study Chinese SOSUN Network, and the Survellance Satellite Fleets around Chinese Ocean.

Fourth Study about the MTCR

Fifth Study about the Antiship Ballastic Missile like Dhanush of India.

Sixth Study about the Carrier Battle Group, and learn that it is the most difficult target to hit on the planet.

Seventh Kid first study study and study before opening the mouth straight away.

First check whether DF-21 is ready or not. For the starter like you DF-21 have only been tested on ground static target.

Second, to target a movable naval target, you need to first acquire its location precisely, and for that Chinese have a fine and robust network which includes UAVs, Satellite, Recce Aircraft, Sea based Optical fibre based network.

Third, don't compare the Chinese GPS system with the live tracking and survellance satellite, for the starter like you Chinese are placing more than 40 satellite in the Area around Yellow Sea to monitor the naval ships and their potential target. Study Chinese SOSUN Network, and the Survellance Satellite Fleets around Chinese Ocean.

Fourth Study about the MTCR

Fifth Study about the Antiship Ballastic Missile like Dhanush of India.

Sixth Study about the Carrier Battle Group, and learn that it is the most difficult target to hit on the planet.

Seventh Kid first study study and study before opening the mouth straight away.
This is a discussion,If you want to educate firstly go educate yourself don't tell me something to do Mahatama gandhi,
I know that DF-21 is not ready,but its a work in progress .
Point 1.
Static targets ,that's BS ,It's being designed to specifically sink aircraft carriers,In the future it will make progress on grounds specifically to sink Ships like air-craft carriers.
Second point
It's been known that countries ask other countries for satellite support ,Wasn't it you Indians that asked GPS system from America during the kargil war...
You are like a typical Indian on this forum and you don't fail to impress with your "India is very very much formidable"mindset

I think you don't know that the probability of sinking an aircraft carrier might be hard,but it is very much possible,When an aircraft carrier of a country like yours is sunk it breaks your navys and airforces backbone and morale.

That ship is actually a very nice floating target,If Indian aggression ever transforms into an all out war ,Pakistan can very much use STN'S on the ship to stop further conflict Unless of course India is very much on MAD.

Fourth point is a total BS too ,MTCR are you kidding me? did they let India and Pakistan to make nuclear bombs without any such rubbish?When its war its war,Only one who care about things like those are boogers like you from India.
Sixth Point.... Again that's "Incredible India" "Barat mama" stuff

... Listen boy or man or what nuts ever ,Don't ever tell someone to do something .
This is a discussion,If you want to educate firstly go educate yourself don't tell me something to do Mahatama gandhi,
I know that DF-21 is not ready,but its a work in progress .
Point 1.
Static targets ,that's BS ,It's being designed to specifically sink aircraft carriers,In the future it will make progress on grounds specifically to sink Ships like air-craft carriers.
Second point
It's been known that countries ask other countries for satellite support ,Wasn't it you Indians that asked GPS system from America during the kargil war...
You are like a typical Indian on this forum and you don't fail to impress with your "India is very very much formidable"mindset

I think you don't know that the probability of sinking an aircraft carrier might be hard,but it is very much possible,When an aircraft carrier of a country like yours is sunk it breaks your navys and airforces backbone and morale.

That ship is actually a very nice floating target,If Indian aggression ever transforms into an all out war ,Pakistan can very much use STN'S on the ship to stop further conflict Unless of course India is very much on MAD.

Fourth point is a total BS too ,MTCR are you kidding me? did they let India and Pakistan to make nuclear bombs without any such rubbish?When its war its war,Only one who care about things like those are boogers like you from India.
Sixth Point.... Again that's "Incredible India" "Barat mama" stuff

... Listen boy or man or what nuts ever ,Don't ever tell someone to do something .

A blind man could be shown the way, not the ones who have closed its eyes shut and impossible which have shut its brain. Read my post slowly and understand, study and when ready tag me.
This was a thread for discussion instead its turned into a Bacha talk.
Its not about Pakistan vs India conflict,Its about a ship and the various other Pakistan military policies attached to it which I believe Pakistan is over-looking I wanted to know about from the experts,Next time leave your bacha talk to your homes and don't reply to such threads if you don't have the answers.
jany do yaar, bacha samjh ky maaf kr do. :lol:

Oy chump kar Kaka mama.
Easy Targets....:azn:
great, nothing to worry about, then ? :azn:

but, as has been said, in a wartime combat situation (and otherwise too for the most part), it wont be a single big slow mover, it'll be escorted with a myriad of surface vessels as well as fast attack subs in a carrier battle/strike group formation.

That's many many hundreds of nautical miles of radar coverage and anti air, ship, as well as anti sub defences around the carrier which houses twin engine jets to further extend their strike range.

An aircraft carrier is a significant capability, not exactly an "easy target"
Wow!! I am now compelled to Write again........

1) Aircraft Carrier will Switch off 5 types of RADARs.
2) It will switch off 3 Types of Passive radar systems
3) The Submarine Below - will be asked to go on Holiday
4) 1 Destroyer will be asked to shut up--its Electricity cut
5) 2 6000 Tonnage Frigates will engage in Fishing Competitions for the Fleet
6) CV AirCoprs with 1.5 Sqns Mig 29Kwill not enforce 350 Km No Entry Zone. 8 Ka will shit in Hangars
7) ABMs of CV will be duds,,,,Barak 8 & 1
8) Shitls on Frigate and Destroyers will be shut again...
9) 2 SQNs of IAF covering Arabian Sea will run away...
10) 21 MRPs will not engage in E-Int and Counter-EInt Operations...
11) Decoys on CV, Sub , Frigates and Destroyers will Fizzle Out

Yes Sir --- I agree wth you CV will be a Dud waiting for DF 21 or Kamkazee Pilots to Pin it....

Sinking it will promote your Fishing Industry. I believe your assertion - Thank you

CV Sunk !!
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Wow!! I am now compelled to Write again........

1) Aircraft Carrier will Switch off 5 types of RADARs.
2) It will switch off 3 Types of Passive radar systems
3) The Submarine Below - will be asked to go on Holiday
4) 1 Destroyer will be asked to shut up--its Electricity cut
5) 2 6000 Tonnage Frigates will engage in Fishing Competitions for the Fleet
6) CV AirCoprs with 1.5 Sqns Mig 29Kwill not enforce 350 Km No Entry Zone. 8 Ka will shit in Hangars
7) ABMs of CV will be duds,,,,Barak 8 & 1
8) Shitls on Frigate and Destroyers will be shut again...
9) 2 SQNs of IAF covering Arabian Sea will run away...
10) MRPs will not engage in E-Int and Counter-EInt Operations...
11) Decoys on CV, Sub , Frigates and Destroyers will Fizzle Out

Yes Sir --- I agree wth you CV will be a Dud waiting for DF 21 or Kamkazee Pilots to Pin it....

Sinking it will promote your Fishing Industry. I believe you assertion - Thank you

CV Sunk !!

Indian Military's Ultimate Fear: Are Aircraft Carriers Too Big To Fail Sir!! so many kind of weapons that can avoid radars!!

Sir with due respect. The bigger the stuff easy to target. Indian Aircraft Carrier is real headache for Indian security establishment as it cost them billions of ruppes to protect it . Think rationally, How hard for Indians to protect it and intact it from daily basis threats.

U can analysis the question of thread starer, U will come up the conclusion that Aircraft Carrier could be destroyed by small weapon carrier objects.

To own the Aircraft Carrier is the biggest mistake by Indian army, they r repenting every day and many more years to come. Every day they spend 10 crore Ruppes to protect it.


First check whether DF-21 is ready or not. For the starter like you DF-21 have only been tested on ground static target.

Second, to target a movable naval target, you need to first acquire its location precisely, and for that Chinese have a fine and robust network which includes UAVs, Satellite, Recce Aircraft, Sea based Optical fibre based network.

Third, don't compare the Chinese GPS system with the live tracking and survellance satellite, for the starter like you Chinese are placing more than 40 satellite in the Area around Yellow Sea to monitor the naval ships and their potential target. Study Chinese SOSUN Network, and the Survellance Satellite Fleets around Chinese Ocean.

Fourth Study about the MTCR

Fifth Study about the Antiship Ballastic Missile like Dhanush of India.

Sixth Study about the Carrier Battle Group, and learn that it is the most difficult target to hit on the planet.

Seventh Kid first study study and study before opening the mouth straight away.

The missile, of course, may will cause little damage; however, it can struck a fueled and armed aircraft, which will exploded and cause adjacent aircraft to also explode. And on and on.

These many aircraft exploding will likely to cause more damage than any missile or hits by dropped bombs. Even though there will be a great loss of life for Indian Navy marines, sailors,officers, the structural damage r nowhere near enough to sink it even but U never know what kind of weapons r to ensure it sink!

To beat the Indian aircraft carrier is not hard and now its headache for Indians , on how to protect it , They r so scared to bring it to Indian ocean around Pakistan... Every day they spend 10 corer Ruppes to move it 10 nautical mile and on its protection around Indian coast line 1000s mile away from Pak..

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Indian Military's Ultimate Fear: Are Aircraft Carriers Too Big To Fail Sir!! so many kind of weapons that can avoid radars!!

Sir with due respect. The bigger the stuff easy to target. Indian Aircraft Carrier is real headache for Indian security establishment as it cost them billions of ruppes to protect it . Think rationally, How hard for Indians to protect it and intact it from daily basis threats.

U can analysis the question of thread starer, U will come up the conclusion that Aircraft Carrier could be destroyed by small weapon carrier objects.

To own the Aircraft Carrier is the biggest mistake by Indian army, they r repenting every day and many more years to come. Every day they spend 10 crore Ruppes to protect it.

The missile, of course, could cause little damage; however, it struck a fueled and armed aircraft, which exploded and cause adjacent aircraft to also explode. And on and on.

These many aircraft exploding was likely to cause more damage than any missile or hits by dropped bombs. Even though there was a great loss of life, the structural damage was nowhere near enough to sink it even but U never know what kind of weapons r to ensure it sink!

To beat the Indian aircraft carrier is not hard and now its headache for Indians , on how to protect it , They r so scared to bring it Indian ocean around Pakistan... Every day they spend 10 corer Ruppes to move it 10 notional mile and on its protection around Indian coast line 1000s mile away from Pak..


The most informative post!!!!

Have you considered joining the Pakistani Armed Forces

@zebra7 @Red-Bull @Alphacharlie --- please post one thank each, you imbeciles. You have been served with pearls of wisdom. After this kindly shut up and move to somewhere else so that you don't waste critical bandwidth... no use trying to match this logic

Please be clear for your future education by the quoted gentleman:

1. the cost of running an aircraft carrier is too much for us
2. It can be destroyed by small weapon carrier objects ... why the fcuk is Pakistan buying DF-21 in hypothetical future then?
3.all aircrafts will by order of the day explode in chain reaction, if not your as$es will be kicked ... understood?
4. We spend Rs 10 crores on 10 notional miles .... that mean not actually moving for moving would be nautical miles

@Joe Shearer your first candidate is here for the entrance exam!!!!!
The most informative post!!!!

Have you considered joining the Pakistani Armed Forces

@zebra7 @Red-Bull @Alphacharlie --- please post one thank each, you imbeciles. You have been served with pearls of wisdom. After this kindly shut up and move to somewhere else so that you don't waste critical bandwidth... no use trying to match this logic

Please be clear for your future education by the quoted gentleman:

1. the cost of running an aircraft carrier is too much for us
2. It can be destroyed by small weapon carrier objects ... why the fcuk is Pakistan buying DF-21 in hypothetical future then?
3.all aircrafts will by order of the day explode in chain reaction, if not your as$es will be kicked ... understood?
4. We spend Rs 10 crores on 10 notional miles .... that mean not actually moving for moving would be nautical miles

@Joe Shearer your first candidate is here for the entrance exam!!!!!

Passed by acclamation!
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