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Infrastructure Development in Pakistan





Currently the big one is on hold!




i hav few querries if some one can solve it...

whts the already constructed height of center point?
wht is the exact height of Arfa software part? it seems more than 100 meters than why wkipedia's page tallest building in Pakistan says its only 67M?
the last thing r u the same guy shameer from skyscrappercity:P?


i hav few querries if some one can solve it...

whts the already constructed height of center point?
wht is the exact height of Arfa software part? it seems more than 100 meters than why wkipedia's page tallest building in Pakistan says its only 67M?
the last thing r u the same guy shameer from skyscrappercity:P?

CP- Its just below 150m But not exactly 150m as claimed.
ASP - its 106m

No im Rafay

BTW thats to shahmeer for pics

One Constitution avenue



CP- Its just below 150m But not exactly 150m as claimed.
ASP - its 106m

No im Rafay

BTW thats to shahmeer for pics

One Constitution avenue


please make the changes in wiki page as well & whts the height of center point right now ny idea? is it becomes tallest in Pakistan now or we have to wait more??
& whts the height of one constitution avenue?
please make the changes in wiki page as well & whts the height of center point right now ny idea? is it becomes tallest in Pakistan now or we have to wait more??
& whts the height of one constitution avenue?

can any one answer?
Pakistan looks a lot like India....!


I humbly beg to differ. Humbly ok!

Pakistan always had better infra., and buildings than India, except the monumental Islamic, Rajasthani and British stuff. Till very recently, say 10 yrs.

My thesis is that Pak inherited Sikh-Hindu cities of Lahore and Karachi which were far richer and later regimes then the decadent Muslim cities of say Lucknow or Murshidabad. Hyderabad is exception!

Yet, during military dictatorships, Pak invested and developed both cites phenomenally. Karachi with all the refugees. Lahore. Islamabad was built from 0, I guess. India did only small patch-up jobs in beautiful, British built New Delhi, Bombay & Calcutta and while it ran it's economy to the ground and was broke by the 90's. There was little incremental, contiguous development while demand exploded and remained exponential after partition. Cities turned into slums.

In the past 20 yrs., India became rich enough to re-invest, re-juvenate and re-build it's British and Muslim inherited cities and the boom's caught on. India has only now started to leave Pak behind in cities and infra. Naturally, it's all spanking new.

Pak will allways lag India because the Indian developmental eco-system is huge, & self propelling.
India's development is now on auto-pilot, privately funded with a rich clientele. I'll give you an example : Indian private and public sector corp.'s can hypothetically bid for, compete and complete any Pak. project in pretty much any reasonable area. Dozens of Indian Co.'s have experience now to do a Gwadar Port, Islamabad City, Pak Steel Mills, Dams or Road projects.

While my respected father worked in Karachi, I have traveled across North, West & South India by rail, plane, Maruti Van, Mahindra Jeep's and Tata buses, even Volvo :).
Pakistan has better road infra compared to India even today. Ofcourse say in another 10 years we will have left them behind. But credit must be given for their road system planning.

In some places like New Delhi and Bombay, we will always have a worse road system compared to Islamabad or Lahore simply because we did not plan as well as they did during the initial stages of the development of the city.
Now you cannot remove buildings to make adequately bigger roads and parking spaces.

We will leave them behind in highway and expressway development soon enough. But the difference in the cities will remain as that cannot be fundamentally changed. Flyovers can only do so much.
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