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Infiltrator killed in hand to hand combat along LoC in Poonch

Young gurkha slays Pak militant in fierce hand-hand-combat long LoC in Jammu and Kashmir : North, News - India Today

A 23-year-old courageous soldier of the Gurkha regiment killed a Pakistani trained infiltrator during a hand-to-hand combat along the Line of Control in Poonch in the wee hours of Saturday.

Defence PRO in Jammu said, "A 23-year-old soldier from the elite Gurkha Regiment of the Indian Army, Rifleman Prem Bahadur Roka Magar scripted an astonishing saga of raw courage and fearlessness, resulting in the elimination of two hardcore Pakistan trained terrorists in the Poonch sector".

"The brave soldier after reaching within hand shaking distance tried to grab the AK 47 rifle of the Pak trained infiltrator and in the ensuing melee he escaped a gun shot and dropped his own weapon," the PRO added.

"Without paying attention to his own safety the fearless solider pounced on the infiltrator and grappled with him before the two fell in a near by nallah."

Acting on intelligence inputs about the possible infiltration in the area, the troops were deployed in a group of multiple ambushes near the Baghialdhara Nallah on the Line of Control.

The PRO further said before hand-to-hand combat Magar and his ambush party spotted a group of terrorists and eliminated one with precise and controlled fire of automatic weapons, after tracking them with night vision devices for some time.

What followed was the stuff of legends when Magar, in darkness and extremely thick foliage, initially mistaken for another armed militant to be one his colleagues, moved to within hand shaking distance of him, and was almost shot down and in the process also dropped his own weapon.

Completely displaying nerves of steel with scant regard for his own safety, the courageous Gurkha engaged in a fierce physical duel with the terrorist while simultaneously grabbing his AK 47 which was spewing a hail of fire.

The two grappled and rolled down the hillside, finally disengaging with a fall in another Nallah.

The militant, now clearly unnerved by the boldness of the braveheart, tried to make good his escape. Magar though bereft of his personal weapon, whipped out a hand grenade and hurled it at the fleeing miscreant killing him instantaneously, thus bringing to conclusion another heroic chapter that epitomizes the character and ethos of the Indian Army and its matchless soldiers.

Read more at: Young gurkha slays Pak militant in fierce hand-hand-combat long LoC in Jammu and Kashmir : North, News - India Today
You know things are fucked when even Queen is taller in front of sold out midget Nepali. God was not kind to them :cry:

Queen Elizabeth is 1.63m tall, she's wearing about 1.5 inch of heel and standing on 3 inch platform, so add 11.5 cm to her height, roughtly 175cm.. That makes the Gurkha soldier atleast 170 cm tall.

For reference Pakistani Military Academy minimum height requirement is 162.5 cm.
The BS comment from an Indian did NOT deserved even this reply but again you talked about argument then do you think your countryman's comment even needed any argument it was pure BS which could not be replied logically.

As far as whether your army's suicide rate is less then others thats not something to boast about . Even then if you compare their conflict areas with yours you will see your performance is bad. again i will repeat my statment that its good that one gurkha has given some solace to Indians in Occupied Kashmir. It surely saved the day and some suicides by your soldiers .

I will suggest read whatever the masala is put to the story by Indian media shows that you guys are frustrated enough and need such masala to boost moral
classical insult:lol::lol:
Queen Elizabeth is 1.63m tall, she's wearing about 1.5 inch of heel and standing on 3 inch platform, so add 11.5 cm to her height, roughtly 175cm.. That makes the Gurkha soldier atleast 170 cm tall.

For reference Pakistani Military Academy minimum height requirement is 162.5 cm.

Beta i am just 5.11 and yet Nepalis always look shorter then me.
Offtopic, but I wondering what other knives are used by our soldiers apart from the gurkha khukris... does they use ka-bar..
Khukri will only be for the Gurkhas, for all other regular infantry they'll be issued with INSAS/AK bayonets and standard issue tactical knives. The SFs will have a more varied and exotic assortment of knives with themselves not to mention multi-tools like Leathermans (Leathermans are only for a few in the regular IA right now).
"If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or is a Gurkha."
-- Field Marshal Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji ManekshawMC(Sam BAHADUR)
"a millenia full of humiliation"!
A gurkha lying under your bed with an unsheathed khukri has got more chances of happening.

Yeah sure.. unless tht midget get my sword in his .. first..

These Pakistanis also forget the fact that the British East India company conquered the entire sub-continent using these "very short, very dark, rice eating Bengalis" troops. The very tall ubermensch from the land of the pure had to submit.

Stop reinventing history.. it was the "very short, very dark, rice eating Bengalis" troops who got owned by the brits at the Battle of Plassey.... none came to our land.. n than came the 200 years of british enslavement of you people n the "non martial" tag...
Stop reinventing history..
The East India Company - Its History and Results by Karl Marx

I am not reinventing history. All the north Indian (India + Pakistan) annexations by the British were done by the British Bengal Army.
The armies of the Bombay and the Madras presidency were used in suppressing the Marathas and the Mysore kingdoms.

The Sikh empire (which ruled over most parts of modern Pakistan) was decisively defeated by the Bengali army.
The only people who actually put up a good amount of resistance to the British expansion were the Marathas and Tipu Sultan.

The Bengal Presidency C-I-C was the most high ranking officer in the East India company.

Stop fighting history.

it was the "very short, very dark, rice eating Bengalis" troops who got owned by the brits at the Battle of Plassey.... none came to our land.. n than came the 200 years of british enslavement of you people n the "non martial" tag...

umm...aren't you a Pakistani? What part of 'your' land wasn't captured?
Stop reinventing history.. it was the "very short, very dark, rice eating Bengalis" troops who got owned by the brits at the Battle of Plassey.... none came to our land.. n than came the 200 years of british enslavement of you people n the "non martial" tag...

First of all, I have no freaking clue what they teach you guys in school, but it must be pretty damn hilarious :lol:

2.) There was no "Pakistan" nor an "India" in the 18th century.

3.) The British Army of the 18th century was among the best in the world, surely the Mughals would have beaten them.
The East India Company - Its History and Results by Karl Marx

I am not reinventing history. All the north Indian (India + Pakistan) annexations by the British were done by the British Bengal Army.
The armies of the Bombay and the Madras presidency were used in suppressing the Marathas and the Mysore kingdoms.

Lmao.. the people who couldnt fight for themselves and were declared non martial ... annexed the sub continent? :lol:

The Sikh empire (which ruled over most parts of modern Pakistan) was decisively defeated by the Bengali army.
The only people who actually put up a good amount of resistance to the British expansion were the Marathas and Tipu Sultan.

The Bengal Presidency C-I-C was the most high ranking officer in the East India company.

Stop fighting history.

Wow... you are a special kid:


The first ango-sikh war:

Battle of Aliwal - The Sikh Wars

umm...aren't you a Pakistani? What part of 'your' land wasn't captured?

How about learning something for a change?


http://www.uob.edu.pk/journals/TREATY OF KALAT 1758 BETWEEN QANDHAR AND KALAT AND ITS IMPACTS.pdf

Balochistan Archives

Apart from tht FATA...and other states like Bahawalpur,Sawat etc etc.
Lmao.. the people who couldnt fight for themselves and were declared non martial ... annexed the sub continent? :lol:

Ok. So your viewpoint on the matter is - gibberish followed by a weird green smilie. Touche I must say.

Wow... you are a special kid:
Did I make you angry?awww

So I see a lot of links.
why are you posting these links? try to communicate what you want to portray in english/urdu/punjabi and then post links to back it up.
I still dont know where 'your land' lies.

First of all, I have no freaking clue what they teach you guys in school, but it must be pretty damn hilarious :lol:

2.) There was no "Pakistan" nor an "India" in the 18th century.

3.) The British Army of the 18th century was among the best in the world, surely the Mughals would have beaten them.

They dont get it. Pakistan 'obviously' existed forever.
The Mughals lost it after Aurangazeb. Shah Alam was functioning only because of Maratha help.
Apart from Mysore, Pune and to an extent Ranjit Singh's Sikh empire, nobody could do anything about the British.
Ok. So your viewpoint on the matter is - gibberish followed by a weird green smilie. Touche I must say.

Thats what happened in Plassey when Sirajs large army was beated by a bunch of brits...

Did I make you angry?awww

No but my words hurt you alot .. :lol:

So I see a lot of links.
why are you posting these links? try to communicate what you want to portray in english/urdu/punjabi and then post links to back it up.
I still dont know where 'your land' lies.

You are adorable..:D

They dont get it. Pakistan 'obviously' existed forever.
The Mughals lost it after Aurangazeb. Shah Alam was functioning only because of Maratha help.
Apart from Mysore, Pune and to an extent Ranjit Singh's Sikh empire, nobody could do anything about the British.

No but states like Punjab,Bahawalpur,Sind,Kalat,Lasbela,Sawat,Makran etc etc etc sure did.. unless you think the people appeared outta thin air..
You have a point here, pakistani soldiers mostly avoid gun battles with taliban....on the other hand indian soldiers in kashmir deal with militants through gun battles no matter how tough resistance they are facing, they dont call for air force.

This is because Indians are more averse to the prospect of heavy collateral damage
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