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Infiltrator killed in hand to hand combat along LoC in Poonch

The problem with such stories is, it's hard to make your rivals believe them. Anyway, Gurkhas are tough pahadi guys , I won't be surprised if this actually happened.

Its tough to prove stuff like this, but nothing suggests it didn't happen except chucking a grenade in the dark for a kill.


Its tough to prove stuff like this, but nothing suggests it didn't happen except chucking a grenade in the dark for a kill.

The kill may have happened indeed. the only amusing thing is bollywood masala which is insulting to the soldier as well
WTF? :woot:Our Pakistani friends look awfully pissed! :lol: It's hard for them to comprehend how a Gorkha screwed a hard core heavily armed terrorist trained by them!! Now that does suck!

But they should know better because no one messes with them...


Gurkha single-handedly kills 30 Taliban | Questions and Observations

Gurkhas are incredible soldiers who live, eat, breath and sleep an amazing tradition associated with the British Army. From the tiny country of Nepal, these soldiers are, many times, legacy soldiers – 3rd or 4th generation serving in the 1st Battalion the Royal Gurkha Rifles. And they hold themselves to the highest standards and traditions imaginable. So when you read that one of them did something like this, well, if you know their history, you’re still in awe, but you’re not that surprised. This is another brilliant and valorous chapter in their storied history.

Hero Gurkha handed bravery medal by Queen said: 'I thought I was going to die... so I tried to kill as many as I could' | Mail Online

Hey you can make movies how you were .... by the evil Pakistanis? ;)

Jeez you sound like a 71 vic...;)
Ofcourse. Nice movie too.
We showed the big, tall, fair Pakistani's being paraded as prisoners by the very short, very dark, rice eating Bengalis :D

But in reality ofcourse, you need not be so butthurt, its still actually East Pakistan, its all a big lie that you lost ;)
Ofcourse. Nice movie too.
We showed the big, tall, fair Pakistani's being paraded as prisoners by the very short, very dark, rice eating Bengalis :D

But in reality ofcourse, you need not be so butthurt, its still actually East Pakistan, its all a big lie that you lost ;)

Oh well 71 civil war ... n india n its role n the war... we all know the real story... but hey atleast now u guys can brag about something after a millenia full of humiliation.. good for you.
Many internet tough guys and keyboard warriors boast about the height of the soldier, and yet, 99% of them here would sh** and pi** in their panties when put into real combat where its about life and death.

Being brave behind your screens makes you look completely retarded and like a coward.
The crying was done by PA and PAF post operation Geranimo.. Complicity vs incompetence.. Devil and the deep blue sea :D

Actually that crying was also part of the plan. We successfully hide our real plan with that. ;)
Gurkha soldier remembers terror of Argentines

It has long been a legend of the Falklands War that the Argentines defending Stanley were so terrified of the Gurkhas, Nepalese soldiers fighting for the British, that they ran from their positions before the small but ferocious Gurkhas were able to make contact.

Talking yesterday on BBC World Services' Calling the Falklands programme, 19 years after the Argentine surrender, Nermail Rai, a Falklands veteran who still serves in the British Army with the rank of Captain, confirmed that the Argentines were terrified.

After taking some injuries from an Argentine artillery barrage, his battalion was tasked to capture one side of Tumbledown Mountain, but as they advanced on the well defended feature the Argentines left their defences and retreated rapidly towards Stanley. In contrast, at the other end of the ridge, the Argentine defenders had been taken on by the Scots Guards, and apparently without the same degree of fear, fought hard.

Captain Rai was asked if the Gurkhas ferocious reputation is deserved. He replied, "I think yes."

He went on to recall that as he and his comrades moved through the largely abandoned Argentine positions on Tumbledown, they found several Argentine medical troops who may have remained behind to care for wounded. The men were taken prisoner and the Gurkhas unsheathed their huge curved "kukri" knives. The incident is Captain Rai's most abiding memory of the war. He said: "The Argies were terrified that we were going to chop off their heads. In fact we had drawn the kukris to cut up shoe laces to tie them up with."

The Ghurkhas had to reassure their prisoners they were not going to be murdered with the fearsome knives, and a few hours later they were relieved to be in a prisoner of war compound.

Source: BBC/CTF

Gurkhas are not built for hand to hand combat , their average height is 5 feet 3 inches , there is limit to the amount of bluffing that can be done
Jusr like we called your bluff

Yes according to pakistanis Indians are not built for hand to hand combat only pakistanis are built for that and one pakistani is equal to 3 indians,I wonder why is that they lost 3-1 here?:fie::cray:
Oh well 71 civil war ... n india n its role n the war... we all know the real story... but hey atleast now u guys can brag about something after a millenia full of humiliation.. good for you.
Aww..did that feel humiliating deserty?
Short, dark rice eating Indians and Bengalis got the better of you?
Even worse, a Jew was the General ? :lol:

How about India staging all fake encounters in Kargil, damn, that was an impressive lie there! But you needen't worry there either deserty, Kargil is now actually under Pakistan. We are not building a new airstrip there right now and definitely all supply lines to Siachin have been cut just as Pakistani big, tall, fair Army wanted. Its just a big play by us, We dont have Kargil anymore! ;)
Gurkha are just hype , all due to only unit who show some performance under Royal India during 2nd world war. Otherwise they have no existence ....
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