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Indonesia Economy Forum

Iran, Indonesia sign 4 cooperation documents

TEHRAN, Dec. 14 (MNA) – Iran and Indonesia inked four memoranda of understanding in Tehran on Wed. in the presence of President Rouhani and President Widodo.

The agreements include mutual legal cooperation in criminal matters, extradition of criminals, cooperation on electricity and renewable energy, and encouraging investment between the two countries.

Concurrent with this signing ceremony held on Wednesday at Sa'dabad Cultural Complex in Tehran, the representatives of private sectors of the two countries also signed eight cooperation documents to further expand bilateral relations.

Tehran determined to cement ties with Jakarta

"Iran welcomes improving the level of economic, political, cultural and scientific ties with Indonesia and is ready to supply energy for this country," said President Rouhani at the meeting of high-ranking delegations of Iran and Indonesia on Wednesday.

"If state and private banks establish closer ties with each other, we can witness faster development of commercial ties and joint ventures,” Rouhani stressed.

The president further highlighted the keen interest for participation of Iranian companies in various projects related to energy, oil, gas, water, as well as technical and engineering services.”

President Rouhani highlighted the need for Tehran and Jakarta to further deepen ties in regional and international fields, adding "the two countries pursue common goals in defending the rights of the Palestinian people and can cooperate more closely in establishing security in Syria, Iraq and Yemen and delivering humanitarian aid to the people of these war-stricken countries.”

At the same meeting, the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, also stressed his country's resolve for developing ties with Iran, saying "we believe that there is a great opportunity for expanding trade and investment cooperation with Iran in the wake of the implementation of the nuclear deal and lift of sanctions.”

President Widodo welcomed participation of Iranian companies' activities in Indonesia, particularly on construction of refineries, adding "Indonesia is also ready to develop extensive banking relations with Iran.”

Export credit for Indonesia’s power sector

Indonesia’s power grid will be boosted by eight mobile power plants, to be financed by the export credit agencies of Canada and Hungary.

In total, 500MW will be added to the grid, primarily outside of Java, in regions with low electrification rates. The finance, totalling US$435mn, comes in 12-year loans jointly funded by Export Development Canada (EDC) and the Hungarian Export-Import Bank (Hexim).

The borrower is state-owned electricity board PLN, which has been set a target of adding 35,000MW to the grid by 2019.

“These mobile power plants are expected to make electricity procurement reach Indonesia’s remote areas so the economy can grow and the 99.7% electrification ratio target in 2019 can be achieved,” says PLN communciations head I Made Suprateka.

The plants will utilise Tm2500 gas turbines made by GE. Fifteen of the 20 to be used will be made in Hungary, with the remaining five made in Canada.

CEO of Hexim Zoltán Urbán estimates that the deal will make Hungary Indonesia’s number one trading partner in the Central and Eastern European region, and that it will add more than HUF25bn to the Hungarian economy.

The details of the eight power plants are as follows: Lampung (4 x 25MW), Pontianak in West Kalimantan (4 x 25MW), Bangka (2 x 25MW) in Bangka Belitung, Riau (3 x 25MW), Belitung in Bangka Belitung (25MW), Ampenan in West Nusa Tenggara (2 x 25MW), Paya Pasir in North Sumatra (3 x 25MW) and Nias (25MW) in North Sumatra.

looking at the news from India and Iran, meanwhile Indonesian President strictly stressed himself on Economic cooperation, the other two using the opportunity to gain their regional politics agenda into the playing games.....
looking at the news from India and Iran, meanwhile Indonesian President strictly stressed himself on Economic cooperation, the other two using the opportunity to gain their regional politics agenda into the playing games.....

We should emphasize more in military industry cooperation...
Indonesia car sales rise 14.9 pct y/y in Nov

JAKARTA, Dec 15 Car sales in Indonesia were 14.9
percent higher in November than a year earlier, preliminary data
released by the automotive industry association showed on

An association official said the figure would be revised
higher as two carmakers, Chevrolet and Mercedes Benz, have not
reported their sales for last month. Normally, they make minor
contribution to total sales.

Automakers sold 99,900 units of cars last month, the data

On a monthly basis, car sales rose by 8.6 percent from

Toyota Motor Corp continued to lead the local car
market, followed by Daihatsu Motor Co Ltd and Honda
Motor Co Ltd.

Indonesia car sales rise 14.9 pct y y in Nov   Reuters.png

(Reporting by Gayatri Suroyo; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)
Bank Indonesia calls on President to support re-denomination bill

The Jakarta Post - Jakarta | Mon, December 19, 2016

Bank Indonesia (BI) has urged President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to support the passing of the redenomination bill in a bid to make rupiah denominations simpler and more efficient.
“Simplifying the number of digits on rupiah denominations will not decrease consumers' purchasing power as it will also be followed by the prices of goods and services being adjusted,” BI governor Agus Martowardojo said at the central bank’s headquarters on Monday, during an event on the issuance of new banknotes and coins.
Agus said should the bill be passed into law the denomination process would need a minimum transition period of eight years, adding that BI would coordinate with the Finance Minister to accelerate the bill’s completion.
Jokowi, who also came to the event, said the bill should have been included as a priority item in the 2017 National Legislation Program (Prolegnas).

The previous government had discussed plans to slash three zeroes off the local currency since 2013. However, until this point, the draft bill still has not been deliberated by the House of Representatives. (win/dan)


African region, as a priority for Cooperation with Indonesia in 2017
Selasa, 20 Desember 2016


Pemerintah dan dunia usaha nasional perlu terus memperkuat konsolidasi dan sinergi dalam menggarap peluang kerja sama dengan Afrika. Demikian ditegaskan oleh Plh. Direktur Afrika, Ditjen Aspasaf, Kemlu, Irwan Iding, dalam membuka acara “Forum Koordinasi Penguatan Diplomasi RI ke Afrika” di Tangerang Selatan, 15-16 Desember 2016.

Forum yang dihadiri oleh sekitar 40 peserta dari kalangan pemerintah dan pengusaha nasional tersebut membahas rencana kegiatan tahun 2017 ke Afrika dan permasalahan yang dihadapi bersama. Turut hadir sebagai pembicara yaitu Direktur Teknologi dan Industri Pertahanan, Ketua Komite Afrika KADIN RI serta pejabat senior mewakili Sesditjen Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional, Biro Kerja Sama Luar Negeri Kementan dan dari Ketua Kadin Komte Afrika serta Sales Marketing Eximbank.

Forum memandang produk industri strategis RI Indonesia memiliki potensi untuk promosikan ke Afrika dan menetapkan negara-negara Afrika sebagai prioritas penjualan produk industri strategis. Saat ini akan diserahterimakan sebuah pesawat CN-235 untuk Senegal dan sebuah pesawat lagi dalam tahap pembuatan yang dipesan oleh Pemerintah Ghana. Sementara pemesanan pesawat dalam tahap perundingan akhir adalah dari Pemerintah Nigeria. Demikian juga dengan produk dari PT Pindad yang dalam perundingan dengan Pemerintah Madagascar, Mozambik dan Nigeria.

Forum menyepakati bahwa kerja sama di bidang pertanian, khususnya pelatihan merupakan program kerjasama yang berhasil dikembangkan di Afrika. Terdapat 2 (dua) Pusat Pertanian Pedesaan yang dibangun di Tanzania dan Gambia, dan sebanyak 286 orang yang diberikan pelatihan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia disamping 50 bantuan hibah traktor ke negara-negara Afrika. Pemberian bantuan traktor ini juga sekaligus memperkenalkan produk Indonesia kepada petani Afrika. Untuk 2017, Kementerian Pertanian menempatkan prioritas kerjasama Pertanian dengan negara-negara Afrika. Sementara di bidang perikanan, Kementerian KKP menawarkan fasilitas Center of Excellence Penangkaran Ikan di Indonesia untuk kerjasama pelatihan.

Di bidang ekonomi, forum mengangkat isu-isu permasalahan perdagangan seperti fluktuasi mata uang lokal dan kredibilitas mitra lokal. Hal ini dapat ditangani dengan mengajukan asuransi gagal bayar dan meneliti mitra dengan lebih teliti yang dapat dibantu oleh KBRI dan ITPC di negara akreditasi.

Ketua Komite Tetap KADIN RI, Mintardjo Halim, mengusulkan perlunya pendirian zona ekonomi khusus Indonesia di Djibouti untuk mempermudah akses masuk produk RI ke Afrika Timur. Pendirian zona ekonomi khusus tersebut diharapkan dapat memotong biaya logistik ke Afrika dan menjadi hub distribusi barang-barang Indonesia ke negara-negara sekitar seperti Ethiopia, Sudan dan lain-lain.

Afrika merupakan salah satu pasar non-tradisional Indonesia dengan nilai perdagangan antara RI-Afrika pada tahun 2015 mencapai USD 8,2 miliar. Beberapa produk Indonesia, seperti mie, kertas, sabun dan minyak goreng, telah mudah ditemui di berbagai negara di Afrika.

(Sumber: Dit. Afrika)
New Hope for Japan with Jakarta-Surabaya Railway

After seeing its proposal for an earlier railway project shunted into a siding after requesting a sovereign guarantee, Japan has been invited to submit a proposal for a new medium-speed, double-track railway line linking Indonesia’s two largest cities, Jakarta and Surabaya.

The proposed Jakarta-Surabaya railway project is expected to cut travelling time from the current 11-hours to just six-hours, with trains travelling at speeds of between 180 to 200 kph (111-124mph). In addition to reducing the passenger travel time the new Jakarta-Surabaya railway will also speed up the transfer of goods from the port city of Semarang on the north coast of Java to Surabaya.

Despite being five times the distance of the $5.5 billion, 156km (96.93 miles) high-speed Jakarta-Bandung railway project that Japan lost to China last year, the 725km (450mile) Jakarta-Surabaya railway project is expected to cost just $3 billion.

Last year Japan, historically one of Indonesia’s largest foreign investors saw its bid for the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway project sidelined in favour of rival China when it stipulated a government guarantee was necessary. In response Indonesia awarded the $5.5 billion project to China Railway International Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of China Railway Group Ltd., and Indonesian state-owned enterprises, who didn’t require such an undertaking.

Source : aecnewstoday

Long-term project for eastern part of Indonesia,

Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia eastern Hub.



Papua was chosen to Host 20th PON in 2020, it really provides a tremendous boost for the improvement of infrastructure in the city, such as..

New sport facilities



New Hotels


New public transportations
Brace Yourself, LRT Will be Coming Soon in Papua


The Indonesian government is up on their heels to improve the transportation infrastructures in Papua. Currently, they are building Trans Papua Roads, Train, Sea Tolls, and many more. By building more transportation infrastructures, they want to help the distribution of goods and better inter-connectivity in Papua. Furthermore, the government also hopes that with these developments, the economic growth and welfare in Papua will be improved.

Currently, there is also good news from the local government of Papua. The Provincial Government of Papua is planning to build light train or LRT (Light Rail Transit) that spans around 37 kilometer (km) from Mandala Stadium in Jayapura to Sentani Airport in Jayapura Regency. There are more good news. To ensure the quality and safety of the train, they will order the train from Japan. The train that is going to be used is the same as the one that’s being used in Japan for their public transportation.

“This light train are made in Japan. The purchase is due to the consideration that right now, Japan is most advanced in railways industry. Why do we use light train? Because this will be used for urban areas, so its focusing on public transportation,” said LRT Development Planning Consultant, Domonggus Urbon, as cited from Okezone.

Because of the topography in Papua and the lack of land that can be used as roads, train becomes one of the solution that is chosen by the Provincial Government of Papua. The reason why they are choosing light train or Light Rail Transit in Papua is because they can build the rails above, crossing mountainous area in Syklop and beaches in Jayapura City.

“The development of Light Rail Transit in Papua from Mandala Stadium to Sentani will help the realization of a more effective and efficient public transportation that can also boost tourism in Jayapura,” said LRT Development Planning Consultant, Domonggus Urbon, cited from detik.

There will be 11 stations for the Light Rail Transit in Papua, which are, in front of the Mandala Stadium, the Governor’s Office, GOR, Mesran Terminal, Hamadi Market, Entrop, Youtefa Abepura Market, Tanah Hitam or Abe Beach, Expo Waena, Harapan Village, and the Station near Sentani Airport.

With these developments, the Provincial Government of Papua hopes that it will solve the public transportation problems in Papua. In addition, they also want to ensure the best public transportation for the Papuan people. The existence of Light Rail Transit in Papua will give the Papuan people a more convenient and comfortable public transportation, not to mention that they will also use a train from a leading country in terms of train technology.
source : papuanewsorg
Even Papua getting LRT. So far Jakarta (Jabodetabek), Palembang, Bandung, and Jayapura are getting Metro/LRT, I guess it's safe to say other big cities will follow soon.

feel free, it's safe to say so.

Bandung Metro Capsule- Soil Test



Bandung Sky Bridge- Underconstruction



Surabaya- Trem I Soil Test


Even Papua getting LRT. So far Jakarta (Jabodetabek), Palembang, Bandung, and Jayapura are getting Metro/LRT, I guess it's safe to say other big cities will follow soon.

Jambi kapan ?... Jambi...
@Bungaterakhir , how about make a special thread dedicated for newly made or ongoing building of our infrastructures? You seems to have lots of material. :-)

ahh, dont have to make it. we all know lah our birocrazzy. "anget2 tai ayam/panas2 di awal". hari ini bilang A besok bilang B kita tunggu awal 2017 bakalan banyak groundbreaking project apa ngak. semua itu dari forum ssc kok. anggap ini cuma postingan selingan aja, i just can't sama tetangga yang gak tau diri dan gak sadar posisi mereka dimana di region. lol lanjuuuut guys..
seem high rise buildings sprawl across the cities in Indonesia in just matter of years, yes years!! As merely less than a decade Indonesian second and third tier level cities is busy build their high rise building in which many had 150 meter or so tall building. Another Jakarta is in the making, the pic came from various cities like Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang, Makassar, Manado, Batam

Cities with more than 2 millions population like Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, Makassar, Semarang had tremendous boost in infrastructure and property sector build up

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