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Indonesia Economy Forum

Nusa Tenggara Timur Province
Saat ini pembangunan infrastruktur jalan di perbatasan NTT dengan Timor Leste dilakukan bersama-sama dengan Zeni TNI sepanjang 176 km dengan 27 buah jembatan yang di kenal dengan istilah Sabuk Merah Sektor Timur. Pool/PUPR.






FO Laluan Madani - Batam



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PT. INKA ( Indonesia's train manufacturer ) Exports Diesel Trains to Philippine.

- 3 sets of diesel trains will be exported to the Philippines starting January 2018. 1 set = 6 trains.
- INKA's export to Philippine is not the first time.
- INKA has been invited to bid train procurements in Africa and South America.
- INKA's current capacity limits export opportunities.
- INKA will undergo factory expansion to cope with export demands.

Inka Ekspor 6 Kereta Diesel ke Filipina

JAKARTA - PT Inka (Persero) akan kembali mengekspor kereta buatan Indonesia. Kali ini negara yang akan dituju yakni Filipina. Ekspor kereta tersebut akan dilakukan pada awal Januari 2018.

"Nanti kita punya kado akhir tahun. Kita akan ada penandatanganan dengan Filipina untuk kereta rel diesel. Kami akan kirim pada minggu kedua Januari 2018 kalau tidak ada halangan," ujar Plt Direktur Utarna PT Inka (Persero), Mohamad Nur Sodiq, di Grand Hyatt, Jakarta, Rabu (27/12/2017).

Dia mengatakan, nilai kontrak yang disepakati dengan Filipina untuk 3 trainset sekira Rp300 miliar.

"Filipina awal tahun mudah-mudah bisa signing untuk kereta. Itu ada 3 train set dengan 1 train set 6 car," ujarnya.

Sebenarnya, kata Nur, INKA sudah banyak sekali mendapatkan undangan dari luar negeri untuk ikut tender kereta. Bahkan, di antaranya sudah masukan penawaran utamanya negara di ASEAN.

"Tapi memang kita atur iramanya supaya bisa terlayani dengan baik. Jangan sampai terima semua pesanan tapi kemampuan kita enggak cukup. Alhamdulillah kita sedang dalam posisi on top. Bahkan negara Amerika Selatan sudah mengundang," ujarnya.

Tahun lalu, Inka juga mengirimkan 15 gerbong kereta api pesanan Bangladesh melalui Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak, Surabaya.

Baca Juga: 2 Lokasi Jadi Bidikan Menhub untuk Bandara, Antara Sukabumi dan Pelabuhan Ratu

Ekspor perdana gerbong kereta api ditandai dengan penekanan tombol sirene yang dilakukan Menteri Keuangan Bambang Brodjonegoro, dilanjutkan dengan pemindahan gerbong ke dalam Kapal Seiyo Spring. Ke-15 gerbong tersebut merupakan pengiriman tahap pertama dari total pemesanan 150 unit senilai USD73 juta. Pengiriman sisa gerbong dilakukan bertahap hingga Agustus 2016.

Untuk mendorong ekspor kereta tersebut, Inka menyatakan keinginan membangun industri perkeretaapian dan pabrik di Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, dengan taksiran investasi sekitar Rp600 miliar.

"Berdasarkan paparan PT INKA, pabrik diharapkan sudah beroperasi tahun 2019. Tentu kami menyambut hangat, selain bisa menguatkan industri perkeretaapian nasional dan langkah ini bisa semakin menggerakkan ekonomi lokal di daerah kami," ucap Bupati Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas di Banyuwangi, Senin (23/10/2017).

Anas mengatakan, pihaknya telah menyampaikan kepada PT INKA untuk menjalin sinergi dengan SMK yang ada di Banyuwangi, sehingga lulusan-lulusan SMK bisa dididik untuk terlibat dalam industri perkeretaapian nasional.
since the government build more road & toll road, what we need nowaday is Road sweeper. i dont see SoE or Private company made these stuff. in the future there will be more road and toll road, more new urban or metropolitan area and ofcourse the population increase. so, we can't relies on import for this kind of machine. i hope our local private company will see this as big opportunity.
EDITORIAL: Another well-deserved upgrade

    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Thu, December 28, 2017 | 09:03 am
A view of Jakarta city. (Shutterstock/File)
Indonesia will be in a stronger position to weather the second wave of monetary tightening expected to result from the United States Federal Reserve’s (Fed) move to up its funds rate another three times next year, after Fitch Ratings raised the country’s sovereign rating to BBB investment grade last week.

Strong pressure on capital outflow from Indonesia has been cited as one of the biggest downside risks the country is likely to encounter next year as a result of the Fed’s plan to further tighten its monetary policy. But last week’s rating upgrade, the second this year after S&P Global Ratings lifted the country out of junk bond status in May, will most probably keep Indonesia’s risk premium and foreign currency and rupiah bond yields low.

The country’s resilience to external shocks is among the key rating drivers as policymakers focus on stability. There have been many positive developments in the key economic indicators that qualified Indonesia for another rating upgrade from Fitch Ratings.

The most important of them is the consistent macroeconomic policy that focuses on stability, as proven by the high fiscal discipline to maintain the fiscal deficit way below the 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) ceiling, credible budget assumptions used since last year and low government debt that has been kept at below 30 percent of GDP. The government’s 2018 deficit target of 2.2 percent of GDP shows a conservative approach. This provides leeway for budgetary pressure to expand as household spending usually rises significantly during an election year.

A more flexible exchange rate that helped increase foreign exchange reserves to more than US$127 billion as of this month and low inflation are other reasons for the upgrade. Moreover, monetary policy has been sufficiently disciplined to limit bouts of volatile capital outflow. Macroprudential measures have helped curb a sharp rise in corporate external debt, while financial deepening has coincided with improved market stability.

The 16 reform packages launched thus far have improved the investment climate, contributing greatly to a more expedient administration and licensing of businesses, reducing business costs and risks and encouraging a higher pace of direct capital inflow amid the global pickup in trade and stabilizing commodity prices.

In Fitch’s view, Indonesia’s finances have become more resilient to potential external vulnerabilities as a result of the consistent focus of the government’s policy framework on macroeconomic stability and the improvement in external buffers, including foreign exchange reserves.

The rating agency, however, cautioned that despite the significant improvements generated by the reform implementation, Indonesia’s economy continues to exhibit some structural weaknesses and is less developed on a number of indicators than that of many of its peers. Indonesia’s dependence on commodities remains relatively high.

Another downside risk, albeit rather small, cited by Fitch is the possibility that political noise will become a distraction from economic policy-making and the continued reform drive in the run-up to the June 2018 local elections in 171 regions and preparations for the April 2019 presidential and legislative elections. This risk, if not managed well, could undermine domestic and foreign market sentiment.

since the government build more road & toll road, what we need nowaday is Road sweeper. i dont see SoE or Private company made these stuff. in the future there will be more road and toll road, more new urban or metropolitan area and ofcourse the population increase. so, we can't relies on import for this kind of machine. i hope our local private company will see this as big opportunity.

Rather than this, what we really need is public trash can. Seriously. People will keep littering on the streets, like, forever.
since the government build more road & toll road, what we need nowaday is Road sweeper. i dont see SoE or Private company made these stuff. in the future there will be more road and toll road, more new urban or metropolitan area and ofcourse the population increase. so, we can't relies on import for this kind of machine. i hope our local private company will see this as big opportunity.

Nggak bakalan ada buatan lokal. Liat aja mesin ATM, mesin kasir. Ada berapa ribu ATM disini. Ada berapa ribu mesin kasir di alfamart/indomart/giant/carrefour, dll. Ada yang nuatan lokal? nggak ada. Org kite senengnye maen properti. Mental bisnisnye masih yg "gampang balik modal".

Rather than this, what we really need is public trash can. Seriously. People will keep littering on the streets, like, forever.

"Nggak pa-pa. Nanti juga ada yang bersihin." What we need is revolusi mental in ALL aspects of daily life.
One price fuel program

Berdasarkan roadmap yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah, Program BBM Satu Harga diwujudkan dengan pendirian lembaga penyalur di wilayah 3T (tertinggal, terdepan, dan terluar) yang ditargetkan 150 titik, terhitung dari tahun 2017 hingga 2019.


Land certificate for people

Sebanyak 1.080.950 sertifikat tanah diserahkan secara serentak di tujuh Provinsi diantaranya Kalimantan Barat, Bandar Lampung, Jambi, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sumatera Selatan dan Jawa Timur. Presiden Joko Widodo menargetkan seluruh sertifikat tanah di Indonesia selesai dibagikan kepada masyarakat pemilik tanah pada 2025 mendatang.



Nggak bakalan ada buatan lokal. Liat aja mesin ATM, mesin kasir. Ada berapa ribu ATM disini. Ada berapa ribu mesin kasir di alfamart/indomart/giant/carrefour, dll. Ada yang nuatan lokal? nggak ada. Org kite senengnye maen properti. Mental bisnisnye masih yg "gampang balik modal".

"Nggak pa-pa. Nanti juga ada yang bersihin." What we need is revolusi mental in ALL aspects of daily life.

Sektor manufaktur kita peringkat 9 dunia, semoga kedepan bisa di perluas di sektor2 yang lebih high-tech lagi.
one step clooser.. http://www.omron.id/our-business/industrial-automation
Sektor manufaktur kita peringkat 9 dunia, semoga kedepan bisa di perluas di sektor2 yang lebih high-tech lagi.
one step clooser.. http://www.omron.id/our-business/industrial-automation

Manufaktur kita masih didominasi low tech. Jadi anda benar kita harus perluas hi-tech, seperti truk penyapu jalan yang anda singgung. Tapi jangan BUMN lagi. Kerja BUMN sudah sangat berat belum lagi direcoki 'public service obligation' yang menggerus profit.

Makanya harus lebih banyak murni swasta lokal terjun kesana.

Tapi... hi-tech manufacturing itu biasanya balik modalnya lama. Profit margin juga seringnya tipis. Coba kalo bangun ruko. Baru gambar brosur udah laku abizz. Bangun ruko 1 tahun dapet dech profit 100%-200%. Konglomerat kita berani nggak masuk ke TESLA ato SpaceX misalnya? Nggak berani. Kapan balik modalnya?

Ngomong2x anda kerja di Omron yah? That's cool. 8-)

English: We are discussing the need of more private sector and less SOE in Indonesia's manufacturing industries.
No Fanfare for Indonesia as Economy Hits Trillion-Dollar Mark

Indonesia’s economy, the largest in Southeast Asia, hit a milestone last year by reaching $1 trillion, yet the mood wasn’t celebratory as the government continued to miss its revenue targets.


Gross domestic product was an estimated $1.004 trillion in 2017, but economic growth was probably lower than the 5.2 percent initially projected, according to figures released by Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati on Tuesday.

readmore: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti...ndonesia-as-economy-hits-trillion-dollar-mark
Airport trains planned for 3 more cities after Jakarta

The Indonesian government plans to operate airport trains in three more cities following the inauguration of the airport train in Jakarta, the country's transport minister said.


Jakarta launched the first train connecting its international airport to the city centre on Tuesday as the sprawling Indonesian capital moves to tackle the gridlock that can make the trip an hours-long headache.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said airport trains will also be built in Padang in West Sumatra, Palembang in South Sumatra, and Surakarta in Central Java, The Jakarta Post reported.

The trains in Padang and Palembang are scheduled to open in May, while the Surakarta service is expected to begin operating in November, the minister said.


The Jakarta system links Soekarno-Hatta International Airport on the outskirts of Jakarta to downtown in 55 minutes, cutting the journey time by half or more.

President Joko Widodo inaugurated the new system that officials hope will convince travellers to make the switch from private to public transportation on the 38km route.

Jakarta is also building its first subway and light-rail systems, with service expected to start next year.

"We know that this train is a way to provide transportation in Jakarta to reduce traffic jams," Mr Joko said on Tuesday.

The direct link cost 3.6 trillion rupiah (S$355 million) with a total of 42 trips scheduled daily. The service runs from dawn to shortly before midnight.

About 11,000 passengers are expected to use the service daily with three trains plying the route.

Tickets will cost 70,000 rupiah for the first two months of service, rising to the regular rate of 100,000 rupiah afterwards - about half the cost of a taxi.

This week's inauguration comes about eight months before the capital hosts the 2018 Asian Games, which is expected to see about 9,500 athletes flock to the congestion-prone city.

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Tourist arrivals recorded at 12.68m in November, says BPS

  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Tue, January 2, 2018 | 09:45 pm
The recent volcanic activity of Mount Agung in Karangasem has impacted Bali's tourism with numerous flight cancellations resulting in low hotel occupancy. (Shutterstock/File)
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) announced on Tuesday that tourist arrivals from January to November reached 12.68 million last year, or 21.84 percent higher compared to the figure in the corresponding period in 2016.

BPS head Suhariyanto said his agency was still waiting for the data in December, which was supposed to be the peak season of tourist arrivals, but many tourists had to cancel their trips to Indonesia, particularly to Bali because of the eruption of Mount Agung.

“Let's just wait for the December data to know how many foreign tourists we welcomed in 2017," he said at a press conference in Jakarta.

Indonesia targeted to have 15 million foreign tourists last year.

Arrivals at two major airports —Soekarno-Hatta International Airport and Ngurah Rai International Airport —decreased by 0.93 and 9.63 percent year-on-year (yoy), respectively.

He said arrivals at Ngurah Rai Airport and Lombok International Airport in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) decreased steeply in November by 22.55 percent and 14.39 percent respectively.

China, the largest contributor, contributed 13.36 percent to total tourist arrivals in November, followed by Singapore with 12.25 percent of tourists, Malaysia with 11.30 percent and Australia with 7.81 percent. (srs/bbn)
Commuter Line - Station Buaran Revitalization





JAKARTA MRT : Lebak Bulus station & Depo

Jakarta LRT`s investment value US$25 billion
source https://en.antaranews.com/news/114122/jakarta-lrts-investment-value-us25-billion


Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Jakarta`s Vice Governor Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno stated that the city administration was ready to build a world-class Light Rail Transit (LRT) through a cooperation with private sectors with an investment value of US$25 billion.

"We have a group of Ratu Prabu Energi, one of the big business in Indonesia that brought a settled concept to build more than 200 kilometers additional LRT in Jakarta and surrounding areas," Sandiaga said here on Thursday.

The Vice Governor expected that the total investment on this project was about US$25 billion and it would be built in five years from 2020 to 2025. The total funds raised is about Rp320 trillion (US$ 23,8 billion).

"This is a full business to business concept with no government support in providing guarantees and involves Korean, Chinese and Japanese investors. And we are very happy because this is a very concrete proposal to solve congestion problem in the capital city," Sandiaga said.

He said PT Ratu Prabu Energi has coordinated with BPTJ (the Transportation Management Agency of Jakarta) and the Ministry of Transportation. The project plan will continue to be developed and a comprehensive study will be conducted during the project.

KCI Aims to Transport 320mn Commuter Line Passengers in 2018
source : https://en.tempo.co/read/news/2018/...nsport-320mn-Commuter-Line-Passengers-in-2018


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - In 2017, PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (PT KCI) served more than 315,811,848 passengers, or 108 percent higher than the target. The number also represents a 12.5 percent increase from 2016's passengers' volume.

KCI president director Muhammad Nurul Fadhila said in Jakarta, Thursday that the increase was due to the expansion of service to the Rangkasbitung Station.

"We also expanded our service to the Cikarang Station in October Oktober 2017," he said on January 4.

For this year, KCI is targeting to transport 320,026,523 passengers, or 9.5 percent more than in 2017.

According to Fadhila, the number of the commuter line has increased by 22.6 percent or 58 million people in the last two years.

To improve its services and transport more passengers, KCI will increase the number of their trains and cars gradually.

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