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Indonesia Economy Forum

erecting a cross strait bridge like the one proposed (here)will integrate these areas more into the world economy, catapulting Sumatra into our next economic powerhouse.


This is daydreaming. Not going to happen within any foreseeable future
Trade Ministry promotes Indonesian cleaning products in Philippines
8th Jul 2020 18:59


Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Trade Ministry, through its attaché in Manila, held a virtual business-matching event to boost exports of cleaning products to the Philippines.

"Foresight and innovation are some (of) the keys to boosting national export performance amid the world economic condition that has been affected by COVID-19. The virtual business-matching carried out by all trade attachés overseas has shown that the Ministry of Trade is making serious efforts to boost exports," said director general of National Export Development, Kasan, in a statement received here on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Trade Attaché in Manila, Lazuardi, said that, at the moment, the Philippines has significantly increased imports of cleaning soaps. Based on data from the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA), the nation’s imports of soap products have seen an increase of US$37.4 million, or 27 percent, in the first quarter of 2020.

"The rise in imports of cleaning soaps by the Philippines is also due to the rise in the people's awareness on the importance of cleanliness amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It shows that there is a significant (export) potential for Indonesian products in the Philippines, especially for soaps. This is the opportunity that we need to take advantage of as far as possible," he said.

Lazuardi said he believed the business-matching event led to initial orders for five containers of Indonesian soap products, valued at US$85,000, as part of an agreement between Indonesia's PT Indokemika Jayatama and the Philippines’ Arvin International Marketing Inc.

Aside from that, the business-matching also helped bridge a meeting between PT Indomop Multi Makmur, an Indonesian exporter of cleaning products, with City Hardware, one of the largest retailers of construction materials in the Philippines with 70,000 stores.

PT Indomop Multi Makmur has routinely exported retail cleaning tools to HomeAid Philippines since 2007. HomeAid Philippines supplies building materials in the Metro Manila region. PT Indomop Multi Makmur exports products worth US$40 thousand to US$60 thousand annually.

The market share of Indonesian laundry soap products to the Philippines in the first quarter of 2020 was 31.64 percent. For the same quarter, the value of exports was pegged at US$9.3 million, an increase of 21.6 percent compared to the same period last year, when the figure stood at US$7.6 million.

In particular, exports of broom products, mops, and brushes increased by 82.9 percent, reaching US$193 million from US$105 million recorded in the same period last year. (INE)

Related news: Fisheries Ministry issues licenses to 26 baby lobster exporters

Related news: Trade Ministry eyes North African market for processed food exports


Translated by: Sella PG/Aria Cindyara
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

PT Barata Indonesia, a state-owned company engaged in the fields of Engineering, Procurement & Construction, Manufacturing and Foundry, booked exports of around Rp133 billion (USD 9.3 million) in the last three months of April-June 2020, despite amid economic uncertainty due to the COVID pandemic -19 globally.



The two sets of power plant components (LP Outer Casing and Condenser) sent to Germany were used in the Herne 6 (1 x 600) MW Combined-Cycle Power project. The power plant has a capacity of 600 MW with a steam output of 400 MW, and is used to meet electricity needs for the Rhine-Ruhr region, Germany.

Germany adds to the list of countries expanding global markets for Barata Indonesia. Throughout 2020, Barata Indonesia has exported to various countries such as Japan, Pakistan, Armenia and Bahrain. Barata Indonesia, previously had also exported condensers and LP outer casings to various countries such as Brazil, Argentina and Pakistan. Meanwhile in the next few months, the PT Barata Indonesia Power Division turbine component plant plans to re-export turbine components to Australia, South Korea, Brazil, Iraq and Japan.


Indonesia is preparing to add another 270.000 hectare in Kalimantan island for paddy field and other agricultural plants. For the first stage, 30.000 hectare will be prepared together with its irrigation system.

One of the biggest data center in indonesia
Groundbreaking New Telkom data center




SPACEDC Data center by Singapore SpaceDC,LTD


By Q2 2020, Jakarta will have its first green data center campus. SpaceDC, the company behind the initiative, will use natural gas to produce electricity to power the data center. It will also recycle waste heat from the gas generators to provide cooling through absorption chillers, a unique energy saving feature for a Southeast Asian data center. The 1.8-hectare campus in West Jakarta will house two data centers, the first being JAK2, a 2.6MW Tier III facility.
source : https://www.spacedc.com/media-relea...ts-first-green-data-center-campus-by-q1-2020/
KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Pertamina memastikan kerjasama pembuatan kapal dengan BUMN galangan kapal kluster industri manufaktur masih dalam tahapan studi kelayakan yang ditandai dengan penandatanganan potensi kerjasama pada Selasa (14/7).

VP Corporate Communication Pertamina Fajriyah Usman mengatakan perjanjian ini sebagai kesepakatan awal yang akan ditindaklanjuti oleh tim teknis. Dus, Pertamina belum bisa merinci seputar alokasi dana untuk pembuatan kapal serta jenis kapal yang akan dibuat.

"Hal ini masih dalam tahap feasibility study, namun akan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Pertamina dan kapasitas galangan nasional," terang Fajriyah, Selasa (14/7).

Asal tahu saja, dalam lima tahun ke depan Pertamina merencanakan pengadaan 48 kapal, 15 kapal diantaranya akan dibuat oleh industri galangan kapal dalam negeri.

Fajriyah menambahkan, selama ini untuk pembangunan kapal dengan ukuran maksimal 17.500 DWT dilakukan di galangan dalam negeri, menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan kapasitas dok galangan dalam negeri.

Fajriyah melanjutkan, saat ini Pertamina memiliki sekitar 70 unit kapal tanker. Sementara, kebutuhan kapal untuk operasional mencapai 270 kapal dan lewat penambahan 48 kapal maka baru memenuhi kurang dari setengah kebutuhan yang ada.

Disisi lain, Pertamina memastikan kerjasama yang pasti dilakukan yakni menyangkut, pemeliharaan dan perawatan kapal milik Pertamina pada industri galangan kapal dalam negeri.

Sekedar informasi, selama ini perawatan kapal Pertamina terkendala dengan kontrak yang ada. Kapal yang terikat kontrak dengan dok Surabaya jika mengalami kerusakan maka harus dilakukan perawatan sesuai kontrak yakni di Surabaya.

Penandatanganan kerjasama ini memungkinkan kapal Pertamina yang memerlukan perawatan dapat dilakukan dilokasi dok terdekat, tidak berbatas pada kontrak yang ada.


Synergy between BUMN. Tho I am happy to see they give portion of ship construction to local shipyard but this "Synergy between BUMN" move will also effect private local shipyard. When too much of this happen then prolly we can call it oligopoly and in some extreme case perhaps can be called a cartel. Why dont they just simply put it up on open tender and let the best company win? The contract they had before as mentioned in above article is with Dok Surabaya (Persero). And now this? Really?

Government, lawmakers set 2021 state budget deficit at up to 4.7% of GDP
  • Adrian Wail Akhlas
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Wed, July 15, 2020 / 01:12 pm

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati (front) hands over the government's response to the draft 2021 state budget to House of Representatives Speaker Puan Maharani (right) during a plenary meeting in Jakarta on June 18. (Antara/Muhammad Adimaja)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo will announce the detailed 2021 state budget, including exact revenue and expenditure figures, during his annual speech on Aug. 16.

The government and the House agreed that the assumption underpinning the 2021 state budget would see state spending reach 13.11 percent to 15.17 percent of GDP, while tax revenue is expected to reach 8.25 percent to 8.63 percent and nontax income 1.6 percent to 2.3 percent of GDP.

Indonesia’s economy could enter a recession in the third quarter this year as the government expects GDP to shrink by 3.8 percent to 5.1 percent in the second quarter and to decline by a further 1 percent in the third quarter.

If the economy shrinks in the third quarter, it will mark Indonesia’s first recession since the 1998 Asian financial crisis. A recession happens when an economy shrinks in two consecutive quarters.

“Indonesia’s economic outlook will now depend on the ability to stimulate recovery after a drastic deterioration in economic activity,” Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati told lawmakers in a hearing on July 9.

She expects the economy to contract 0.4 percent this year under the worst-case scenario or grow 1 percent under the baseline scenario.

The government expects the fiscal deficit to reach 6.34 percent this year as it allocates Rp 695.2 trillion (US$48.23 billion) in stimuli to strengthen the country’s healthcare response and bolster the economy amid the pandemic.

Officials are now looking to accelerate spending to boost economic recovery and strengthen the country’s virus response after receiving criticism from President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo as well as from business and health communities for the slow disbursement of stimulus funds.

Indonesia WIKA construction state company doing honour to be part of construction companies to build Sanying line of MRT project in Taiwan


The project had been started since last year, part of the projects being done by WIKA including stations and trainset depo maintenance server for the district line

Perluas Portofolio Luar Negeri, WIKA Tandatangani Agreement Sanying Line Rapid Transit Project dengan RSEA Engineering Corporation Taiwan
  • Read 5949 times

Taipei - PT WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk. (WIKA) melakukan Signing Agreement Ceremony untuk Proyek Sanying Line Rapid Transit dengan RSEA Engineering Corporation Taiwan, pada Kamis, 11 April 2019 di Indonesia Exhibition Centre, Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Indonesia di Taipei.

Penandatanganan dilakukan secara langsung oleh Direktur Operasi III WIKA, Destiawan Soewardjono dan President of Architectural Engineering of RSEA Engineering Corporation Taiwan, Jason Wu serta disaksikan langsung oleh Kepala KDEI untuk Taipei, Didi Sumedi. Acara ini juga dihadiri oleh Wakil KDEI untuk Taipei, Teddy Surachmat beserta Jajaran Manajemen WIKA serta RSEA Engineering Corporation Taiwan.

Diawali penjelasan mengenai Proyek Sanying Line Rapid Transit oleh Aliset Sebayang, Country Manager WIKA untuk Taiwan. Dalam paparannya, beliau menyampaikan bahwa WIKA akan terlibat dalam pengerjaan Paket Kontrak I dari Proyek Sanying Line Rapid Transit berupa 4 bangunan stasiun dan dilanjutkan dengan Paket Kontrak II berupa 3 bangunan stasiun dan 1 Depo yang menghubungkan Distrik Sanxia dan Distrik Yingge serta Paket Kontrak III yaitu Pembangunan Basement Gedung Taiwan Insurance Building dengan Metode Top-Down.

Dalam sambutannya, Direktur Operasi III WIKA, Destiawan Soewardjono menyampaikan bahwa WIKA bangga bisa bekerjasama dengan RSEA Engineering Corporation Taiwan dikarenakan pengalaman serta reputasi dari Perusahaan Terkemuka ini di Taiwan, dan dengan adanya proyek ini beliau berharap peluang WIKA di Taiwan akan menjadi besar dan luas dengan berbagai proyek baru lainnya dan dengan adanya proyek stasiun diatas menjadi pembuktian terkait performance dan pengalaman WIKA di sektor infrastruktur khusus pembangunan transportasi publik.

Kepala Kantor Dagang Ekonomi Indonesia untuk Taipei, Didi Sumedi juga turut menyampaikan kebanggaannya atas pencapaian WIKA yang telah berekspansi membanggakan Indonesia di Taiwan. "RSEA Engineering Corporation akan mendapat kepuasan dari hasil kerja yg dikerjasamakan dgn salah satu BUMN Indonesia dan Champion di bidangnya", terangnya.

Dengan ditandatanganinya agreement ini, semakin menunjukkan eksistensi WIKA di Taiwan yang di mana sebelumnya telah melakukan Joint Operations dengan Dong – Pi Co., Ltd (Dong - Pi) untuk membangun Bridge Across the Kinmen Island.


@bluesky just like i said before Indonesia aims is to be sufficient in railway construction technology and can compete to foreign companies when building railway lines either it is HSR or Metro projects
Number of poor in Indonesia swells to 26.42 million amid pandemic
15th Jul 2020 18:51


Jakarta (ANTARA) - The COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in the number of poor in Indonesia, with the figure reaching 26.42 million in March this year, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS).

The figure showed an increase of 1.63 million compared to September, 2019.

The poverty rate also climbed, with the number of poor rising by 1.28 million compared to March, 2019.

"If we look back at the results of the social demographic survey on the impact of the pandemic, carried out by the bureau, it can be seen that the earnings of all sections of people saw a decrease," said head of the BPS, Suhariyanto, at a virtual press briefing in Jakarta on Wednesday.

According to the BPS report, after the Indonesian government reported the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia in the beginning of March, the bureau carried out a survey which revealed that 70 percent of citizens from the low income group, who were making under Rp1.8 million (around US$120) per month, admitted their earnings had gone down.

Meanwhile, three out of 10 people earning over Rp7.2 million (around US$500) per month also reported a decline in income.

"This means that the pandemic hit all levels of the people, with the impact being felt harder by those at lower (income) levels,” Suhariyanto added.

The BPS, he continued, also recorded a slowdown in household consumption and spending, which showed a growth of just 2.8 percent in the first quarter of 2020, a decrease compared to the same period in 2019 when the growth rate was over 5 percent.

Another sector that was hit by the pandemic was tourism, with the outbreak affecting several areas: from occupancy rates of hotels to craft-makers at a number of tourism destinations.

As for commodities, from September, 2019 until March, 2020, even though inflation rate was under control, a number of commodities became more expensive. For instance, the price of purebred chicken meat climbed 5.53 percent between September, 2019 and March, 2020.

Meanwhile, the price of cooking oil, purebred chicken eggs, and granulated sugar rose by 13.35 percent.

Suhariyanto also said that in March, 2019, there were still a significant number of citizens (7.45 percent) on the verge of poverty, or those whose spending and income were slightly above that of the poor population.

"By paying attention to these phenomena, in March, 2020, the BPS survey results showed that the percentage of poor citizens had gone up from 9.22 percent to 9.78 percent, which is equal to 26.42 million poor citizens," he revealed.

The survey showed the number of poor citizens in regional areas was considerably higher compared to urban areas.

Related news: Nearly seven thousand workers in West Papua sent home: govt
Related news: Government allots Rp10 trillion for laid-off workers

Translated by: Sella Panduarsa Gareta/Aria Ci
Editor: Rahmad Nasution

Quarter 2 and 3 Indonesia will experience contraction

Indonesian farmers encouraged to develop integrated farming
13th Jul 2020 09:03


Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture encourages farmers to implement an integrated farming method to enable them to optimize the profitable uses of their farmland for supporting the government's efforts to make the country a food barn.

"In achieving Indonesia's food self-sufficiency, the ministry is very supportive for the farmers to implement the integrated farming method with zero waste," Director General of Food Crops at the Ministry of Agriculture Suwandi said in a statement here Sunday.

Suwandi explained the integrated farming method that enabled the farmers to cultivate their farmland for planting paddy, vegetable, and food crops, as well as raising chickens and breeding catfish and even cows during his visit to Jagan Village in Central Java.

The Ministry of Agriculture was so serious to develop this integrated farming method by providing the eligible farmers with such facilities as the micro credit program "Kredit Usaha Rakyat" (KUR) scheme and seed program, he said.

The method has become a role model for other areas, including the ones in Central Kalimantan Province that the central government has selected for its food-estate program, he added.

With food security being the top priority, the government has been working on its food estate program by developing 165 thousand hectares of land into farmland in Pulang Pisau District, Central Kalimantan Province.

According to ANTARA's observation, despite a steady rise in Indonesia's population, the country had yet to achieve food security, which by definition is related to "food availability, food access, and food utilization" (USAID 1995 in FAO).

Rather than feed its people the rice produced by its own farmers, the central government has frequently imported rice over the past years to meet the public's requirements.

This condition has, indeed, posed a grave challenge and does not bode well with Indonesia's status as one of the world's top agricultural countries.

Indonesia should not make it a permanent practice to import rice from countries, including Thailand and Vietnam, since it will potentially disadvantage local farmers and threaten its national security in the long term.

On April 21, 2020, President Widodo had called on officials to make a precise assessment of Indonesia's rice stocks.

The president's directive came on the back of the FAO of the United Nations' warning of the COVID-19 pandemic triggering a global food crisis.

Translated by: Mentari DG, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Number of poor in Indonesia swells to 26.42 million amid pandemic
15th Jul 2020 18:51


Jakarta (ANTARA) - The COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in the number of poor in Indonesia, with the figure reaching 26.42 million in March this year, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS).

The figure showed an increase of 1.63 million compared to September, 2019.

The poverty rate also climbed, with the number of poor rising by 1.28 million compared to March, 2019.

"If we look back at the results of the social demographic survey on the impact of the pandemic, carried out by the bureau, it can be seen that the earnings of all sections of people saw a decrease," said head of the BPS, Suhariyanto, at a virtual press briefing in Jakarta on Wednesday.

According to the BPS report, after the Indonesian government reported the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia in the beginning of March, the bureau carried out a survey which revealed that 70 percent of citizens from the low income group, who were making under Rp1.8 million (around US$120) per month, admitted their earnings had gone down.

Meanwhile, three out of 10 people earning over Rp7.2 million (around US$500) per month also reported a decline in income.

"This means that the pandemic hit all levels of the people, with the impact being felt harder by those at lower (income) levels,” Suhariyanto added.

The BPS, he continued, also recorded a slowdown in household consumption and spending, which showed a growth of just 2.8 percent in the first quarter of 2020, a decrease compared to the same period in 2019 when the growth rate was over 5 percent.

Another sector that was hit by the pandemic was tourism, with the outbreak affecting several areas: from occupancy rates of hotels to craft-makers at a number of tourism destinations.

As for commodities, from September, 2019 until March, 2020, even though inflation rate was under control, a number of commodities became more expensive. For instance, the price of purebred chicken meat climbed 5.53 percent between September, 2019 and March, 2020.

Meanwhile, the price of cooking oil, purebred chicken eggs, and granulated sugar rose by 13.35 percent.

Suhariyanto also said that in March, 2019, there were still a significant number of citizens (7.45 percent) on the verge of poverty, or those whose spending and income were slightly above that of the poor population.

"By paying attention to these phenomena, in March, 2020, the BPS survey results showed that the percentage of poor citizens had gone up from 9.22 percent to 9.78 percent, which is equal to 26.42 million poor citizens," he revealed.

The survey showed the number of poor citizens in regional areas was considerably higher compared to urban areas.

Related news: Nearly seven thousand workers in West Papua sent home: govt
Related news: Government allots Rp10 trillion for laid-off workers

Translated by: Sella Panduarsa Gareta/Aria Ci
Editor: Rahmad Nasution

Quarter 2 and 3 Indonesia will experience contraction

Indonesian farmers encouraged to develop integrated farming
13th Jul 2020 09:03


Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture encourages farmers to implement an integrated farming method to enable them to optimize the profitable uses of their farmland for supporting the government's efforts to make the country a food barn.

"In achieving Indonesia's food self-sufficiency, the ministry is very supportive for the farmers to implement the integrated farming method with zero waste," Director General of Food Crops at the Ministry of Agriculture Suwandi said in a statement here Sunday.

Suwandi explained the integrated farming method that enabled the farmers to cultivate their farmland for planting paddy, vegetable, and food crops, as well as raising chickens and breeding catfish and even cows during his visit to Jagan Village in Central Java.

The Ministry of Agriculture was so serious to develop this integrated farming method by providing the eligible farmers with such facilities as the micro credit program "Kredit Usaha Rakyat" (KUR) scheme and seed program, he said.

The method has become a role model for other areas, including the ones in Central Kalimantan Province that the central government has selected for its food-estate program, he added.

With food security being the top priority, the government has been working on its food estate program by developing 165 thousand hectares of land into farmland in Pulang Pisau District, Central Kalimantan Province.

According to ANTARA's observation, despite a steady rise in Indonesia's population, the country had yet to achieve food security, which by definition is related to "food availability, food access, and food utilization" (USAID 1995 in FAO).

Rather than feed its people the rice produced by its own farmers, the central government has frequently imported rice over the past years to meet the public's requirements.

This condition has, indeed, posed a grave challenge and does not bode well with Indonesia's status as one of the world's top agricultural countries.

Indonesia should not make it a permanent practice to import rice from countries, including Thailand and Vietnam, since it will potentially disadvantage local farmers and threaten its national security in the long term.

On April 21, 2020, President Widodo had called on officials to make a precise assessment of Indonesia's rice stocks.

The president's directive came on the back of the FAO of the United Nations' warning of the COVID-19 pandemic triggering a global food crisis.

Translated by: Mentari DG, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

that supposed to be ministry of agriculture reponsibility ....
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Indonesia books $1.27b trade surplus in June as economic activity resumes
  • Adrian Wail Akhlas
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Wed, July 15, 2020 / 03:49 pm

Indonesia booked a trade surplus of US$1.27 billion in June as both exports and imports rose from the slump recorded in May, signaling increasing economic activity as the country and its trading partners have begun to lift coronavirus-induced restrictions.

Exports were up 2.28 percent year-on-year (yoy) in June at $12.03 billion, the first growth recorded in four months, thanks to rising shipments of manufactured and agricultural goods, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced on Wednesday.

Imports, meanwhile, were 6.36 percent lower than last year at $10.76 billion as domestic demand for raw materials remains weak. But the decrease was much less pronounced than in May, when imports plummeted 42.2 percent yoy. Imports of consumer goods and capital goods rose significantly following the government’s gradual reopening of the economy in June.

“The growth in exports is an encouraging sign for the economy, and we hope that this will become a positive signal of a continuing rise in exports in the coming months,” BPS head Suhariyanto told reporters in a streamed news conference.

Suhariyanto added that the significant rise in exports was warranted with the relaxation of pandemic-related restrictions.

Trade rose significantly in June compared to May, when the country imposed large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) to curb the spread of COVID-19, halting many business activities, disrupting supply chains and forcing manufacturing facilities to shut down temporarily. In June, exports increased by 15.09 percent month-to-month (mtm) and imports rose by 27.56 percent mtm.

Meanwhile, the country’s oil and gas exports decreased in June by 18.52 percent yoy to $580 million despite the rise in oil prices, while exports of mining products fell by 17.05 percent yoy due to falling coal prices.

Exports of manufactured goods rose by 7.09 percent, driven by increased exports of palm oil and electrical machines, while exports of agriculture goods rose by 34.36 percent yoy.

Meanwhile, imports of consumer goods grew by 37.15 percent yoy following a sharp increase of garlic shipments from China and frozen meat from Australia, among other items. Imports of raw materials plummeted by 13.27 percent, while imports of capital goods grew by 2.63 percent, driven by higher demand for laptops from China.

China, the United States and Japan remain Indonesia’s largest trading partners.

In the first half of the year, the country booked $76.41 billion in exports, a decrease of 5.49 percent, while imports amounted to $70.9 billion from January to June, a 14.28 percent yoy decrease.

Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of $5.5 billion over the first half of the year, compared to a deficit of $1.87 billion in the same period last year.

Global trade is expected to drop around 18.5 percent yoy in the second quarter of this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the World Trade Organization. The WTO also forecasted that global trade volumes would contract by between 13 percent at best and 32 percent at worst in 2020, amid the disruption brought about by the pandemic.

Bank Central Asia chief economist David Sumual told The Jakarta Post that the result was justified following the reopening of the economy, adding that implementing health protocols would be key to maintaining the positive trade performance.

“We still think that uncertainty remains going forward as COVID-19 is still around, but the way we are going now is overall positive for economic growth,” David said in a phone interview.

Bank Danamon economist Wisnu Wardana said after the announcement that the current account deficit would narrow to 1.5 percent in the second quarter, a result he called “surprisingly positive” for the virus-battered economy.

Indonesia recorded a current account deficit of $3.9 billion, or 1.4 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), in this year’s first three months, down from 2.8 percent of GDP in the preceding quarter.

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Bikin Jokowi Happy, 7 Pabrik Relokasi ke RI Mulai Dibangun
Yuni Astutik, CNBC Indonesia

17 July 2020 15:37


Foto: Jokowi Kunjungan ke Jawa Timur. Dok: Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) mengatakan 7 pabrik di luar negeri siap relokasi/pindah dan melakukan groundbreaking di Indonesia termasuk di Kawasan Industri Batang, Jawa Tengah.

"Minggu depan, 7 perusahaan akan relokasi, akan ada groundbreaking. Kita berusaha mengawal (investor) tak hanya sampai izin, tapi dikawal sampai konstruksi dan produksi," ujar Juru Bicara / Komite Penanaman Modal BKPM Tina Talisa saat video conference dengan tema "Potret Investasi di Indonesia" di Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Jumat (17/7/2020).

Dia memastikan, sejauh ini belum ada investor yang sudah komitmen untuk memindahkan pabriknya ke Indonesia meski diterpa pandemi Covid-19. Sebanyak 7 perusahaan yang relokasi antara lain dari China dan beberapa negara lain.

"Untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja, kita masih didukung konsumsi, orang punya belanja kalau punya pendapatan, pendapatan ya kalau ada pekerjaan. Tugas investasi ya.. itu," tegasnya.

Ia juga mengungkapkan Covid-19 berdampak pada realisasi investasi di 2020. Berdasarkan catatan BKPM, hingga triwulan I-2020, realisasi investasi mencapai Rp 210 triliun atau 23,8% dari target. Padahal, target tahun 2020 adalah Rp 886 triliun.

"Akan ada revisi. Kalau Juli tuntas revisi Rp 817 triliun, kalau belum selesai akan revisi lagi," ujarnya.

Pemerintah saat ini sedang membangun kawasan industri di Batang, Jawa Tengah. Kepala BKPM, Bahlil Lahadalia menyebut sudah ada beberapa pabrik siap masuk ke kawasan tersebut.

Berikut daftar 7 pabrik atau investor yang sudah memastikan relokasi ke Indonesia, termasuk di Batang:

1. PT Meiloon Technology Indonesia, 
Relokasi pabrik dari Suzhou, China. Pabrik di Taiwan dan China merupakan pusat produksi untuk pasar global

2. PT Sagami Indonesia, 
Relokasi pabrik dari Shenzen, China karena biaya pabrik dan tenaga kerja di indonesia lebih kompetitif dari China

3. PT CDS Asia (Alpan),
 Relokasi pabrik dari Xiamen, China karena tarif impor produknya dari Indonesia ke Amerika 0% dibanding tarif 25% dari China ke Amerika

4. PT Kenda Rubber Indonesia
, Relokasi pabrik dari Shenzen, China karena peningkatan permintaan pasar di Indonesia

5. Denso, PT Denso Indonesia
, Relokasi pabrik dari Jepang karena memandang Indonesia sebagai lokasi terbaik setelah melakukan riset ke berbagai negara di kawasan ASEAN

6. PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia
, Relokasi dari China karena ingin menjadikan Indonesia sebagai pasar basis ekspor bagi beberapa kategori produk home appliances

7. PT LG Electronics Indonesia
, Relokasi dari Korea Selatan dan berencana menjadikan Indonesia sebagai regional hub baru yang menjangkau pasar Asia dan Australia

"Ditargetkan akhir 2020 semua sudah pembangunan infrastruktur. Komitmen ini karena ijin kita kasih, izin kabupaten sampai provinsi, kita layani mereka secara baik," pungkasnya.

Akhir Juni lalu, Presiden Jokowi mengungkapkan akan ada potensi relokasi pabrik-pabrik dari China sebanyak 119 perusahaan, sebanyak 7 pabrik sudah positif pindah ke RI. Jokowi pun merasa senang.

"Saya senang hari ini sudah ada yang masuk 7. Udah pasti ini yang 7. Kemudian ada 17 yang memiliki komitmen besar sudah masuk ke 60 persen hampir 100 persen," kata Jokowi saat meninjau kawasan industri terpadu Batang, Jawa Tengah, Selasa (30/6).
Just a throw back, actually the current government started to realized a long dead planning of old times. There is planning to electrified most of main route of railway system on Java. Currently only in Jabodetabek area and Yogjakarta Solo routes under construction

Fakta Tentang Rencana Elektrifikasi Jaringan Perekeretaapian Utama Pulau Jawa
Jumat, 15 Mei 2020 Rizki Fajar Novanto 0 Komentar

Ilustrasi Jalur Kereta Api Jakarta Bandung Setelah Elektrifikasi | Sumber: JICA

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Ilustrasi Jalur Kereta Api Jakarta Bandung Setelah Elektrifikasi | Sumber: JICA
Jepang sudah sangat lama berkontribusi dalam pembangunan perkeretaapian di Indonesia pasca Kemerdekaan. Dimulai dari pemberian pampasan perang hingga berbentuk Official Development Assistance (ODA) dari tahun 1958 hingga saat ini. Pembangunan tersebut sangat dapat terlihat dari sistem sarana dan prasarana perkeretaapian seperti revitalisasi jalur kereta api Jabodetabek hingga penyusunan standar pembangunan double track untuk lintas selatan Jawa.

Pada tahun 1970 hingga 1990-an awal merupakan puncak kerjasama di bidang perkeretaapian antara Indonesia dan Jepang. Pada tahun 1984, Pemerintah Indonesia meminta Pemerintah Jepang lewat JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) membuat Studi Elektrifikasi Jaringan Perkeretaapian Utama di Pulau Jawa. Studi ini dibantu oleh Japan Railway Technical Service (JRTS) yang dilaksanakan dari Desember 1984 hingga Februari 1986. Studi ini berisikan tentang penyambungan sistem arus listrik Jabotabek yang masih menggunakan sistem DC (Direct Current) dan sistem jalur utama yang menggunakan sistem AC (Alternating Current), efek terhadap keuangan PJKA (Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api) serta ekonomi nasional negara Indonesia apabila proyek ini dilaksanakan. Rencana ini dimulai dari elektrifikasi jalur pada bagian Jakarta-Bandung dan Cikampek-Cirebon.

Peta Proyek Elektrifikasi Segmen Pertama | Sumber: JICA

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Peta Proyek Elektrifikasi Segmen Pertama | Sumber: JICA
Jalur Jakarta-Cikampek-Cirebon dan Cikampek-Bandung dipilih sebagai jalur pertama yang dielektrifikasi sebab memiliki populasi penduduk yang sangat besar yakni 38.1% dari total keseluruhan populasi Pulau Jawa dan 23.4% dari total populasi Indonesia pada tahun 1984. Selain itu, JICA memprediksi perkembangan populasi ini akan terus bertambah seiring berkembangnya Pulau Jawa. Juga, PJKA menjalankan 32 kereta ekspress dan empat kereta cepat di jalur tersebut yang membawa total 667.000 penumpang per tahunnya. Namun jika dibandingkan dengan pengangkutan barang, kereta api hanya mendapatkan volume pengangkutan sekitar 120.000 ton barang pada jalur Jakarta-Bandung dan 305.000 ton barang pada jalur Cikampek-Pegadenbaru.

Sistem Elektrifikasi dan Rekayasa Prasarana Lintas
Elektrifikasi jalur ini direncanakan menggunakan sistem 25 kV 50Hz AC. Listrik dari PLN akan menjadi sumber utama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan jalur yang dielektrifikasi. Untuk kebutuhan listrik, substation atau gardu listrik dibuat di tiga tempat yakni Kosambi, Arjawinangun, dan Padalarang. Sistem listrik aliran atas yang akan digunakan adalah sistem simple catenary karena lebih murah dan memudahkan perawatan. Selain itu, sistem ini dipilih sebab kecepatan operasional kereta direncanakan pada 100 km/j. Namun pada bagian jalur Purwakarta-Padalarang yang berbukit-bukit dengan jarak 50 kilometer akan menggunakan sistem direct suspension sebab kecepatan kereta dibatasi hingga 80km/j.

Sistem Elektrifikasi Jalur Kereta Api Utama Jawa Segmen Satu | Sumber: JICA

" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=300,200&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=800,534&ssl=1" class="size-full wp-image-13238" src="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=800,535" alt="Sistem Elektrifikasi Jalur Kereta Api Utama Jawa Segmen Satu | Sumber: JICA" width="290" height="194" srcset="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...m.google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?w=1616&ssl=1 1616w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=300,200&ssl=1 300w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=1024,684&ssl=1 1024w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=768,513&ssl=1 768w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...ndroid.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=1536,1027&ssl=1 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" style="-x-ignore: 1">
Sistem Elektrifikasi Jalur Kereta Api Utama Jawa Segmen Satu | Sumber: JICA

Sistem Listrik Aliran Atas yang Digunakan pada Elektrifikasi Jalur Utama Jawa Segmem Pertama | Sumber: JICA
Elektrifikasi ini juga memerlukan rekayasa teknik pada terowongan Sasaksaat dan beberapa jembatan. Modifikasi pada terowongan Sasaksaat dilakukan dengan cara roadbed lowering method yakni menurunkan ketinggian jalur kereta dengan memodifikasi drainase dan menggali roadbed hingga kedalaman 40 cm. Selain itu, bagian atas (arch crown) dimodifikasi dengan memotong sedikit beton untuk memasang sistem elektrifikasi. Hal ini menjadi rekayasa teknik terowongan untuk elektrifikasi pertama di Indonesia bila rencana ini dijalankan. Untuk jembatan, rekayasa teknis dilakukan dengan menambahkan ruang untuk instalasi peralatan listrik aliran atas.


Roadbed Lowering Method pada Terowongan Sasaksaat | Sumber: JICA

Modifikasi Jembatan untuk Instalasi Sistem Listrik Aliran Atas | Sumber: JICA
Rekayasa Layout Stasiun dan Dipo
Selain membutuhkan rekayasa teknik pada terowongan dan jembatan, proyek ini banyak mengubah beberapa layout lintas di sekitar wilayah Jabodetabek, depo lokomotif, dan Balai Yasa Yogyakarta. Pada lintas Jabodetabek, pembangunan skala besar dilakukan yakni dengan membangun jalur dwiganda layang antara Jakarta Kota-Manggarai (1500V DC) untuk pemisahan jalur ekspress dan non ekspress dan Manggarai-Krawang untuk elektrifikasi dengan sistem 25 kV AC. Platform (peron) baru di Stasiun Manggarai yang berada di ujung dekat peron satu eksisting akan dibangun sebagai pola operasional yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 1994. Selain itu, Stasiun Krawang akan diremodelisasi sebagai tempat perpindahan sistem dari sistem kelistrikan 1500V DC menjadi sistem 25 kV AC dan sebaliknya. Depo-depo lokomotif listrik akan dibangun di Cirebon dan Kiaracondong sebagai tempat untuk pengecekan harian dan bulanan sedangkan perawatan besar-besaran lokomotif listrik akan dilakukan di Balai Yasa Yogyakarta. Sedangkan depo kereta akan dibangun di Cipinang.

Rencana Remodelisasi Balai Yasa Yogyakarta untuk Mendukung Operasional Lokomotif Listrik | Sumber: JICA

" data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=300,183&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i1.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=800,489&ssl=1" class="size-full wp-image-13242" src="https://i1.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=800,489" alt="Rencana Remodelisasi Balai Yasa Yogyakarta untuk Mendukung Operasional Lokomotif Listrik | Sumber: JICA" width="800" height="489" srcset="https://i1.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...m.google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?w=1767&ssl=1 1767w, https://i1.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=300,183&ssl=1 300w, https://i1.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=1024,626&ssl=1 1024w, https://i1.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=768,469&ssl=1 768w, https://i1.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=1536,939&ssl=1 1536w, https://i1.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...858_com.google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?w=1600 1600w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" data-recalc-dims="1" style="-x-ignore: 1">
Rencana Remodelisasi Balai Yasa Yogyakarta untuk Mendukung Operasional Lokomotif Listrik | Sumber: JICA

Gambar 1- Layout Stasiun Manggarai | Sumber: JICA
Layout Stasiun Manggarai | Sumber: JICA

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Gambar 2- Layout Stasiun Manggarai | Sumber: JICA
Pola operasional prasarana kereta api yang direncanakan adalah membagi dua bagian elektrifikasi yakni Jakarta hingga Krawang menggunakan kelistrikan sistem DC sedangkan Krawang, Cikampek, Cirebon serta Bandung menggunakan kelistrikan sistem AC. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi pengembangan perkeretaapian di wilayah Jabodetabek yang menggunakan sistem 1500V DC. Pola operasional ini direncanakan hingga tahun 1993. Direncanakan pola operasional ini berakhir pada tahun 1994 setelah adanya pembangunan jalur ganda yang paralel antara jalur eksisting Krawang dan Manggarai dengan sistem kelistrikan 25 kV AC. Jalur selain Jakarta-Cikampek dielektrifikasi sesuai dengan kondisi saat itu yaitu jalur tunggal.

Layout Stasiun Krawang Untuk Perpindahan Sistem Kelistrikan Kereta Api | Sumber: JICA

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Layout Stasiun Krawang Untuk Perpindahan Sistem Kelistrikan Kereta Api | Sumber: JICA
Pola operasional untuk sarana kereta api direncanakan oleh JICA dan PJKA disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan lintas. Kecepatan operasional yang diharapkan adalah 100km/j dan maksimum 120 km/j untuk kereta penumpang sedangkan untuk kereta barang dibatasi hanya 85 km/j. Lokomotif yang digunakan yakni AC/DC (dual current) akan digunakan untuk melayani kereta penumpang maupun kereta barang. Kereta penumpang terdiri dari 10 atau 6 kereta dengan total tonase maksimum 400 ton. Sedangkan kereta barang tonase maksimum disesuaikan dengan kapasitas lintas yakni pada segmen Cikampek-Bandung hanya 600 ton sedangkan pada segmen Cikampek-Cirebon maksimum 1000 ton.

Sistem persinyalan yang akan digunakan adalah sistem sinyal blok otomatis dengan sistem interlocking relay. Sistem ini akan digunakan pada jalur Jakarta-Cikampek-Cirebon dan Cikampek-Bandung dengan memperhatikan peralatan yang digunakan untuk meminimalisir efek dari inductive interference. Selain itu, sistem keselamatan otomatis akan digunakan di perlintasan sebidang. Sistem persinyalan akan mendukung sistem Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) agar perjalanan kereta dapat teroptimalisasi dengan baik.

Armada yang Digunakan
Untuk kebutuhan sarana berpenggerak pada awal pengoperasian, PJKA membutuhkan sekitar 58 lokomotif listrik . Lokomotif listrik yang akan digunakan adalah tipe B-2-B dengan sistem traksi VVVF (Variable Voltage Variable Frequency). Lokomotif ini merupakan hasil peningkatan dari lokomotif sebelumnya yakni tipe D-3 yang memiliki sistem thyristor continous phase control and field control. Keduanya sama sama memiliki berat 70 ton dengan axle load 15 ton. Output lokomotif VVVF adalah sebesar 2600 kW, lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem lokomotif D-3. Namun, lokomotif ini akan menggunakan bentuk yang sama dengan tipe D-3.

Gambar Teknis Lokomotif Tipe D3 yang menjadi Basis Lokomotif Listrik Untuk Indonesia | Sumber: JICA

" data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=300,173&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=800,462&ssl=1" class="size-full wp-image-13247" src="https://i2.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=800,462" alt="Gambar Teknis Lokomotif Tipe D3 yang menjadi Basis Lokomotif Listrik Untuk Indonesia | Sumber: JICA" width="800" height="462" srcset="https://i2.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...m.google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?w=1870&ssl=1 1870w, https://i2.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=300,173&ssl=1 300w, https://i2.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=1024,591&ssl=1 1024w, https://i2.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=768,444&ssl=1 768w, https://i2.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=1536,887&ssl=1 1536w, https://i2.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...269_com.google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?w=1600 1600w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" data-recalc-dims="1" style="-x-ignore: 1">
Gambar Teknis Lokomotif Tipe D3 yang menjadi Basis Lokomotif Listrik Untuk Indonesia | Sumber: JICA
Spesifikasi Lokomotif Listrik VVVF untuk Indonesia | Sumber: JICA

" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=276,300&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=800,871&ssl=1" class="size-full wp-image-13248" src="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=800,871" alt="Spesifikasi Lokomotif Listrik VVVF untuk Indonesia | Sumber: JICA" width="800" height="871" srcset="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...om.google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?w=952&ssl=1 952w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=276,300&ssl=1 276w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=941,1024&ssl=1 941w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=768,836&ssl=1 768w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" data-recalc-dims="1" style="-x-ignore: 1">
Spesifikasi Lokomotif Listrik VVVF untuk Indonesia | Sumber: JICA
Pada awalnya, kereta tipe JNR 381 akan digunakan pada lintas Jakarta-Cikampek-Bandung untuk layanan super-express. Kereta ini diperkenalkan oleh Jepang sebab memiliki beberapa kelebihan antara lain memiliki sistem pendulum tilting system yang dapat memiringkan bodi kereta pada saat melewati tikungan yang berfungsi untuk meminimalisasi gaya sentrifugal yang dialami oleh kereta sehingga kereta dapat melaju 15-20 km/jam lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kecepatan yang dibatasi (balancing speed). Dengan menggunakan sistem ini, perjalanan antara Cikampek-Padalarang dapat dikurangi hingga 14 menit. Namun, karena perbedaan antara kereta yang ditarik dengan lokomotif dan yang tidak hanya 4 menit serta membutuhkan investasi tambahan sekitar Rp 6,7 Miliar maka JICA mengambil keputusan untuk tidak mengadopsi sistem tersebut.

Kereta Electric Multiple Unit Tipe JNR 381 | Sumber: JICA

" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=300,217&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...gle.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?fit=800,580&ssl=1" class="size-full wp-image-13249" src="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=800,579" alt="Kereta Electric Multiple Unit Tipe JNR 381 | Sumber: JICA" width="800" height="579" srcset="https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...m.google.android.apps_.docs_.jpg?w=1491&ssl=1 1491w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=300,217&ssl=1 300w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w...android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=1024,742&ssl=1 1024w, https://i0.wp.com/redigest.web.id/w....android.apps_.docs_.jpg?resize=768,556&ssl=1 768w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" data-recalc-dims="1" style="-x-ignore: 1">
Kereta Electric Multiple Unit Tipe JNR 381 | Sumber: JICA
Rencananya proyek elektrifikasi ini akan selesai pada tahun 1988-1989 sehingga proyek elektrifikasi dapat dilanjutkan hingga ke seluruh jalur perkeretaapian lintas utama pulau Jawa. Bila melihat garis waktu proyek ini maka dapat disusun sebagai berikut :

Stage 1

  • Jakarta-Cikampek-Cirebon (1988)
  • Cikampek-Kiaracondong (1989)
Stage 2

  • Cirebon-Yogyakarta (1991)
  • Yogyakarta-Solo Balapan (1992)
  • Manggarai-Krawang 25kV AC (paralel dengan jalur eksisting) (1994)
  • Solo Balapan-Surabaya Kota (1995)
Stage 3

  • Surabaya Kota-Probolinggo (1996)
  • Cirebon-Semarang Tawang (2003)
  • Semarang Tawang-Surabaya Pasar Turi (2003)
  • Semarang Tawang-Solo Balapan (2003)
  • Kiaracondong-Kroya (2003)
  • Bogor-Sukabumi (2003)
  • Probolinggo-Jember (2003)
  • Sukabumi-Padalarang (2008)
  • Jember-Banyuwangi (2008)
  • Kertosono-Bangil (2008)

Sumber :

Japan International Cooperation Agency.1983. The Study on Electrification Project of Main Railway Lines in Java in The Republic of Indonesia (Master Plan) Final Report. Jepang; JICA.

Japan International Cooperation Agency. 1986. Report of Feasibility Study on The Electrification of Main Line in Java. Jepang; JICA.

Siemens and Bentley Systems build digital twin for largest petrochemical complex in Indonesia

source : https://www.thegeospatial.in/siemen...or-largest-petrochemical-complex-in-indonesia


The development and implementation of this digital twin will take place in phases, from 2020 – 2025. FKA Global is the systems integration partner and will provide digitalization services, maintenance and further enhancement of the solution post-implementation.

Siemens and Bentley Systems will develop the first petrochemical digital twin in Indonesia for Chandra Asri, the country’s largest integrated petrochemical complex. With over 27 year footprint, the latter is set to double its capacity in the next five years to tap into the robust domestic and regional economic growth.

The development and implementation of this digital twin will take place in phases, from 2020 – 2025. FKA Global is the systems integration partner and will provide digitalization services, maintenance and further enhancement of the solution post-implementation.

The digital twin of Chandra Asri’s integrated petrochemical complex in Cilegon City will show and visualize digitalized data about the plant assets and the engineering data. Therefore analog plant data are transformed into an automated digital twin framework.

This reduces risks of error. The information will henceforth be accessible through one integrated digital platform, ensuring data accuracy, consistency and integrity, as well as ease-of-maintenance
Indonesia categorized as energy-resilient based on 6.44 index scoring
17th Jul 2020 13:18


Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Energy Council (DEN) has classified Indonesia as "resilient" in energy on the basis of the energy resilience index gauged from several indicators.

"Alhamdulillah (thank God), our score (in energy resilience) is categorized as resilient. Our score is 6.44," DEN's Secretary General, Djoko Siswanto, noted in a statement here on Friday.

The assessment of indicators was based on the four key aspects of availability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability, according to Siswanto.

It also took into account the type of energy used by the public, infrastructure, the level of energy utilization, and the environment.

Assessment of the energy resilience index was based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method.

"Some methods are available to measure the energy resilience, one of them being the AHP that uses software expert choice based on inputs from (energy) experts," he expounded.

The index score of 8-10 is indicative of highly resilient, 6-7.99 translates to resilient, while a score of 4-5.99 points to being less resilient. A score of 2-3.99 indicates a vulnerable condition while 0-1.99 means highly vulnerable.

"From time to time, our energy resilience score has continued to improve. In 2016, we received a score of 6.38, 6.40 in 2017, and 6.44 in 2018," he noted.

The government has used the assessment to identify the direction of energy policy and issues hindering national energy supply, as well as help the government to formulate measures to boost Indonesia's energy resilience and achieve the target outlined in the National Energy Policy (KEN). Related news: Problems of food crisis, energy resilience looming over Indonesia

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Translated by: Afut Syafril N, Sri Haryati
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

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