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Indonesia Economy Forum

At least all indicators and assumptions of your current government are conservatives, which is good, because it give you enough space to fiddling around

Current oil price are below your govt assumption
Current exchange rate last time I check is also under the assumption

I second that, it will be like a joke when PDIP now endorse to cut the subsidy, eventhough they rejected it while ago. Not only PDIP: PKS either.

Btw that was headline for the graph :D, i cut it off:

SBY leaves fiscal mess for Jokowi
Satria Sambijantoro and Bagus BT Saragih, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Sat, August 16 2014, 9:26 AM


President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has effectively handed a poisoned chalice to his successor president-elect Joko “Jokowi” Widodo as the former backed off from implementing much-needed fiscal and energy reforms in his final budget.

Spending on fuel subsidies will rise by an eye-watering Rp 44.6 trillion (US$3.82 billion) to Rp 291.1 trillion, a carryover from this year’s spending, according to the 2015 state budget note presented by Yudhoyono to lawmakers on Thursday.

While acknowledging that the fuel subsidies were poorly targeted, as they are disproportionately enjoyed by the rich, Yudhoyono argued that he encountered “not a little political resistance” when he previously cut the subsidy and raised fuel prices.

“The budgeting policy faces the predicament of political acceptance of sensitive and unpopular moves, such as the reallocation of fuel and electricity subsidies to poorer citizens,” Yudhoyono said.

The 2015 state budget “assumes no adjustment in fuel prices, which will be the full responsibility of the new government”, Finance Minister Chatib Basri explained.

Coordinating Economic Minister Chairul Tanjung referred to the state budget as “business as usual” as the current administration would not be pushing for strategic programs.

From the total central government spending of Rp 1,379 trillion in next year’s proposed budget, at least 31.5 percent will be spent on subsidies alone, which includes fuel, electricity and non-energy subsidies, while 11 percent will be allocated to debt payments.

Funds for transfers to regions, which have been frequently criticized for a lack of supervision and being prone to corruption by regional leaders, topped a record high of Rp 631 trillion, or 31 percent of the total state budget of Rp 2,019 trillion.

The budget means that Jokowi will not have sufficient fiscal space for productive, growth-generating spending, hindering his ambition to post 7 percent economic growth.

The fiscal deficit — the gap between revenue and spending — will be 2.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). By law the deficit must not breach 3 percent of GDP.

The proposed 2015 budget assumes annual economic growth of 5.6 percent, inflation at 4.4 percent, a rupiah exchange rate of 11,900 per US dollar and oil costing $105 per barrel with 845,000 barrels lifted per day.

Given the limited room for reform, Jokowi acknowledged that his campaign pledges on development programs might not be wholly accommodated in the budget currently being deliberated by lawmakers.

Jokowi said he planned to talk to Yudhoyono later this month to discuss the budget in order for him to be able to slip in reforms before the House of Representatives passed the budget at the end of September.

Yudhoyono’s administration is set to leave office on Oct. 20 while the term for the current legislators will end on Oct. 1. “The priority is to get my programs on the basic sectors, such as education, health care, fisheries and agriculture, into the 2015 state budget,” Jokowi said on Thursday.

“We will try our best to include the programs in the budget. If we fail to do so, we will revise it immediately,” he said, adding that he would reject any back-room deals with Yudhoyono in exchange for including his reforms in the budget deliberation.

Andi Widjajanto, a member of Jokowi’s transition team, said that revision of the budget could begin on Jan. 2, 2015, the first day the budget comes into effect.

“Jokowi’s pro-people and reform programs could not be accommodated in the 2015 state budget as it was drafted by Yudhoyono’s government and is being deliberated by the current legislators,” he said.

Andi said the transition team’s planned meetings with the current administration would focus on creating “sufficient and realistic” fiscal space in the budget to provide leeway for Jokowi’s agenda.

“We don’t have sufficient time to scrutinize all of the thousands of items in the draft state budget. Thus, we will only focus on dealing with the macro factors to ensure that the budget is fiscally realistic and that we will not be trapped by overly optimistic assumptions,” Andi said.

He added that Jokowi’s team had also been simulating several economic scenarios involving factors such as deficits, economic growth, tax ratios and the rupiah exchange rate.

“The simulations are aimed at preventing Jokowi getting shocks if the real economic situation turns out not to be as projected,” Andi said, adding that the team had also prepared alternative sources to finance Jokowi’s programs should the budget fail to provide for them.
Remote, gas-rich islands on Indonesia's South China Sea frontline
By Andrew R.C. Marshall

RANAI Indonesia Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:05pm EDT


A fishing boat sits on a beach during a rain storm on the east coast of Natuna Besar July 7, 2014.

(Reuters) - The word "sleepy" could have been invented for Ranai, the largest town in Indonesia's remote and sparsely populated Natuna archipelago.

It has few cars and only two sets of traffic lights. The cloud-wreathed mountain looming over it resembles a slumbering volcano. Nearby beaches lie pristine and empty, waiting for tourists.

From Ranai, it takes an imaginative leap to see Natuna - a scattering of 157 mostly uninhabited islands off the northwest coast of Borneo - as a future flashpoint in the escalating dispute over ownership of the South China Sea, one of the world's busiest waterways.

But that's precisely what many people here fear.

They know Natuna is quite a prize. Its fish-rich waters are routinely plundered by foreign trawlers. Lying just inside its 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone is the East Natuna gas field, one of the world's largest untapped reserves.

And any quarrel over Natuna would also upset a delicate strategic balance, undermining Indonesia's role as a self-appointed honest broker in the myriad territorial disputes between its Southeast Asian neighbors and regional giant China.

Jakarta's foreign ministry insists there is no problem with China over the status of Natuna, but the Indonesian military has in recent months struck a more assertive tone.

In April, Indonesian armed forces chief Moeldoko accused China of including parts of Natuna within its so-called "Nine-Dash Line," the vague boundary used on Chinese maps to lay claim to about 90 percent of the South China Sea.


With maritime tensions rising between China and the Philippines and Vietnam, Moeldoko later vowed to send more troops to Natuna "to anticipate any instability in the South China Sea and serve as an early warning system for Indonesia".

The airforce plans to upgrade Ranai's airbase to accommodate fighter jets and attack helicopters.

Officially, China and Indonesia don't contest the sovereignty of the islands: both agree they are part of Indonesia's Riau Province. Nor is Indonesia among the five countries - Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan and Brunei - challenging Beijing's expansive claims in the South China Sea.

This has allowed Jakarta to play a neutral role and seek to mediate in an increasingly bitter and volatile dispute.

But Natuna's bit-part in this regional drama reflects "growing concern within Indonesia about China's actions within the Nine-Dash Line," said Ian Storey, a security expert at the Institute of Southeast Asia Studies (ISEAS) in Singapore.

Rising maritime tensions with China have induced many Southeast Asian countries to seek closer strategic ties with the United States.

Since 2010 Indonesia has unsuccessfully sought clarification through the United Nations of the legal basis for the Nine-Dash Line. Indonesia's foreign minister, Marty Natalegawa, told Reuters in April that Indonesia had "inferred" from China that the line did not cross Indonesian territory.

Locals remain unconvinced. "We're worried they'll take over this territory," Ilyas Sabli, Natuna's regent, or district chief, told Reuters, referring to the Chinese. "That's why it has become our first priority to protect this homeland."


About 80,000 people live on 27 of Natuna's islands, mostly in Ranai and other places on the main island of Natuna Besar.

Ranai airbase was developed after Indonesia's independence in 1949, and the town grew up around it. Today, a new civilian passenger terminal is being constructed in the hope of attracting more investors and tourists.

There was no evidence of an Indonesian military build-up. Two small naval ships lay idle at the end of a nearby pier.

Plans to upgrade the airbase were "not a new thing", but part of a longer-term strategy to improve the airforce's far-flung facilities, base commander Lieutenant Colonel Andri Gandhy told Reuters.

The plans include lengthening Ranai's runway to handle larger aircraft. Work will start in 2015 or 2016, depending on the funding, said Gandhy.

Any military build-up would be hampered by budget restraints and fear of antagonizing China, said Yohanes Sulaiman, a security analyst at the Indonesian National Defense University.

"The Indonesian military really wants to defend the islands, but with what? How can they fight China?" he said.

Neighboring Malaysia has a more convincing blueprint to beef up its military presence in the South China Sea.

In October, Malaysia announced plans to build a navy base in Bintulu on Sarawak, the closest major town to the James Shoal, a submerged reef about 80 km (50 miles) off the coast of Malaysia's Sarawak claimed by Malaysia, China and Taiwan. Chinese warships conducted exercises nearby in 2013 and 2014.

The base will host a new Marine Corps, modeled on, and possibly trained by, its U.S. counterpart. Without mentioning China, Malaysia's defense minister said the aim was to protect Malaysia's oil and gas reserves.

China has never protested against Indonesia's search for oil and gas in Natuna waters, said Storey. The state-owned Pertamina is co-developing the East Natuna gas field with Exxon Mobil Corp, Total SA and PTT Exploration and Production.


As in Vietnam and the Philippines, it is Indonesia's fishing fleet that feels China's growing maritime presence most acutely.

Natuna fish stocks plummeted with the arrival of big-net trawlers from China, Vietnam, Thailand and Taiwan, said Rusli Suhardi, 40, a leader of the local fishermen's cooperative.

"Before 2010, we could catch 100 kg (220 lbs) of fish a day. Now it takes three days to catch that amount," he said.

A nearby bay is littered with the disintegrating wrecks of a dozen or more boats, mostly Vietnamese trawlers confiscated by the Indonesian authorities for fishing illegally. That no Chinese trawlers rot in this marine graveyard is testament to China's growing maritime muscle.

In March 2013, armed Chinese vessels confronted a patrol boat from Indonesia's maritime and fisheries ministry and demanded the release of Chinese fishermen who had just been apprehended in Natuna waters. Fearing for his safety, the captain of the Indonesian boat complied.

Similarly, in 2010, a Chinese maritime enforcement vessel compelled an Indonesian patrol boat to release another illegal Chinese trawler.

Storey, of ISEAS, said Indonesia has downplayed such incidents, not wanting them to overshadow relations with China.

Those relations are historic. Predating Ranai's airbase is the ethnic Chinese community of Penagi, a ramshackle village built on stilts along a nearby pier. One of its oldest residents is Lim Po Eng, 78, a retired laborer, who said Penagi was founded by his grandfather and others fleeing chaos and poverty in China.

"We settled here and began to develop the place," he said. The island was already inhabited by indigenous people, added Lim, "but they lived in the bush."

Every morning, an Indonesian flag is raised over Penagi's pier. Many locals say the Indonesian government cares little about the fate of Natuna, which lies closer to Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur than it does to Jakarta.

But this apparent indifference is bred partly by a desire to keep the status quo, said security analyst Sulaiman.

(Editing by Alex Richardson)

Remote, gas-rich islands on Indonesia's South China Sea frontline| Reuters

A boy fishes on the rocky east coast of Natuna Besar July 7, 2014.


The boat of local fisherman Rusli Suhardi heads towards fishing grounds off the east coast of Natuna Besar July 9, 2014.


Freshly caught fish waiting to be sold are placed on a table on a wharf in Ranai on Natuna Besar July 7, 2014


A boy adjusts his catch while fishing on the east coast of Natuna Besar July 7, 2014.


A mountain dominates the skyline above Ranai, the largest town in Indonesia's remote Natuna archipelago July 10, 2014.


A boy fishes near the shore on the east coast of Natuna Besar July 7, 2014.

A good time to work in Indonesia


The relatively few foreign professionals working in Indonesia have usually been transferred there by multinational employers. Photo: NYT

A combination of Indonesian government policies designed to limit the number of working visas issued to foreigners and a queue of foreign companies wanting to set up shop in the country has created a significant shortfall of senior management talent in Indonesia, say recruiters.

They’re eager to persuade Indonesians studying and working in places like Australia, Singapore and Malaysia to come home.

“We’re very focused on bringing Indonesians back to Indonesia,” acknowledged Michael Page Indonesia director Olly Riches. “It’s a good time to come back. There’s just been a free election, and it’s a growing economy.”

Robert Walters Indonesia director Rob Bryson agrees, adding that the English-speaking skills and overseas work experience of those candidates should give them a salary premium of 10 to 15 per cent.

Among Michael Page clients, fast-moving consumer goods companies in particular are looking for finance and human resources staff, Riches says.

Still, although there’s plenty of staff turnover in big business, and, according to the 2014 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey, up to 20 per cent salary inflation on moving jobs at the professional level, pay in Indonesia simply does not compare to Australian salaries.

Bryson’s tip to both Indonesians and Australians working in Australia for companies with operations in Indonesia: ask for a transfer. “Multinational companies are desperate for talent, and Bahasa Indonesian is not essential for senior management. You stand a good chance of getting a salary similar to Australia, and you might even score an expat package with school and housing allowance and a car and driver.”
Catapult your career

Failing that, the bait the recruiters are holding out to Indonesian candidates is the chance to catapult their career to a new level in very short order.

Riches has a multinational client in Indonesia whose local head is Australian. The company is about to hire a finance director, and is considering an Indonesian who has been living in Australia for 15 years, eight of them working for large Australian companies. The candidate has a professional accounting qualification earned in Australia, but does not have experience with Indonesian corporate reporting. Riches thinks a good salary for such a candidate will be the equivalent of about $80,000.

Meanwhile, Robert Walters’ Bryson says that an Indonesian graduate of an Australian university undergraduate business degree course might receive, on returning home, about $8000 a year plus bonus.

But he or she would have their pick of jobs, and certainly some of the salary differential melts away when you compare costs of living.

Bryson uses a cup of coffee to illustrate this point. “In Jakarta, if you go to Starbucks it’ll cost nearly as much as in Australia. If you go to an Indonesian chain next door, it’ll cost about 20 per cent less. If you go to a street stand it’s about 30¢.”

Indonesia’s determination to keep a firm lid on foreign employee numbers stands in stark contrast to China’s welcoming attitude to foreign expertise.

In a country with a population of about 250 million, Bryson estimates that there are only 50,000 foreigners working there, including tourism workers in Bali.

As an example of the tight control exercised by the government, Riches points to a recent lowering of the permissible age of foreign employees in the oil and gas sector from 60 to 55.
Not many foreign professionals

The relatively few foreign professionals working in Indonesia have usually been transferred there by multinational employers, and that category is unlikely to grow fast. There are limits on foreign employees of from 10 to 20 per cent of head count, depending on the sector.

“We don’t know when it will loosen up,” says Riches. “We don’t think it’s going to get any tighter.”

Bryson adds that the government prohibits foreigners from working in regulatory and compliance roles, and as the head of human resources at any company.

Decisions made by the heads of HR now are critical to the future of Indonesia’s professional workforce. In order to bring candidates back to Indonesia, “companies have to make a decision about training programs,” Riches pointed out. Another inducement might be the opportunity to work in overseas offices.

Further, Indonesia faces a slight drop in economic growth this year, says an International Monetary Fund forecast issued in April. After expanding by 5.8 per cent last year, the economy is likely to see growth of 5.4 per cent in 2014 before returning to 5.8 per cent growth in 2015, it says.

It’s the kind of blip that makes companies focus on productivity gains instead of headlong revenue growth.

“We’re finding companies are becoming more flexible/creative on benefits packages to help attract talent,” says Michael Page’s Olly Riches. “The incentivised element based on performance is becoming a bigger component of a package.”

The Robert Walters 2014 salary survey suggests HR specialists with at least six years’ experience can expect pay rises of about 10 per cent from 2013 to 2014, and considerably more if they are working in banking and finance.

A good time to work in Indonesia
BI to issue new regulation on foreign debt
Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014 | 20:26 WIB


JAKARTA. Indonesia's private foreign debts continue to increase, forcing Bank Indonesia (BI) to issue a new regulation to better manage the debts.

"We will have a new regulation to promote care in managing foreign debts," BI Governor Agus Martowardojo said in Jakarta on Thursday as quoted by kontan.co.id.

He refused to elaborate on the detail of the regulation, but said the regulation would not be in the form of a debt equity ratio (DER).

The Finance Ministry is developing the DER regulation and it plans to create a different debt ratio from one sector to another. The finance sector is expected to see the highest debt ratio because of the sophisticated characteristics of the sector.

According to recent central bank data, rental businesses and services have become the major contributors to foreign debt.

In June 2014 alone, foreign debt in this sector reached US$126.59 billion, increasing slightly by 0.03 percent compared to $126.56 billion in the previous month.

Meanwhile, the foreign debt ratio in the country throughout the second quarter of the year was 33.86 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The figure was bigger than the GDP of 32.33 percent recorded in the first quarter.

In total, the foreign debt ratio in private companies in June this year reached $153.22 billion, a 0.76 percent rise from $152.07 million the previous month. On the other hand, the government's foreign debt decreased by 0.78 percent to $122.19 billion in June 2014.

BI To Issue New Regulation On Foreign Debt - Kontan Online

wkwkwkwk, a funny pics

SEA-US: Global Consortium to Build Cable System Connecting Indonesia, the Philippines, and the United States
Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014 08:55 WIB | 191 Views

MANILA, Philippines, Aug. 29, 2014 (ANTARA/PRNewswire) -- A consortium of seven global telecommunications companies agreed today to cooperate in the construction and operation of a new submarine cable system that directly connects Southeast Asia and the United States with NEC Corporation as the system supplier. The Southeast Asia - United States "SEA-US" consortium consists of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin), Globe Telecom, RAM Telecom International (RTI), Hawaiian Telcom, Teleguam Holdings (GTA), GTI Corporation (a member of the Globe Telecom group of companies) and Telkom USA.

"The SEA-US project is connected seamlessly with Telkom's Domestic Backbone, and the cable will provide unmatched latency from Indonesia to the United States," said Syarif Syarial Ahmad, President Director of Telin. "The project will also support Indonesia's strong economic growth and its government's Master Plan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI). We began pursuing SEA-US in 2013 and are very proud to be a part of this historic project that marks the first gateway from the east part of Indonesia to the world."

In addition, Gil Genio, Chief Operating Officer for International and Business Markets of Globe Telecom, stated, "Our country has become the preferred destination for the outsourcing and offshoring industry, including major call centers, business process outsourcing providers, global financial institutions and a host of other multinationals that require very large bandwidth. We have also seen the explosion of the mobile Internet, enabling a new lifestyle for our mobile customers and businesses. The SEA-US project will enable Globe to meet tomorrow's bandwidth needs, and is part of our effort to provide a great customer experience on their mobile and other devices, as well as add even more diverse options for companies to connect to the U.S."

Russ Matulich, Chief Executive Officer of RTI, continued, "The SEA-US Cable will provide much needed Asia-US connectivity and will be the fastest cable connecting Southeast Asia with the United States. It provides essential route diversity from the North Pacific and taps into to the strong economic growth of more than 1.5 billion businesses and consumers who are internet savvy and data hungry."

"Guam is a strategic location in the Pacific which allows GTA to successfully connect the Asia Pacific region to the United States. GTA's expansive and redundant network enables secure interconnectivity to other cables, increasing Guam's importance to future cable builds," said Robert Haulbrook, CEO and President of GTA.

Eric Yeaman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hawaiian Telcom, said that "Hawaiian Telcom's participation in the SEA-US project strengthens Hawaii's role as a key strategic hub for traffic diversity and redundancy between the US and Asia. Additionally, investing in the SEA-US system will allow Hawaiian Telcom to efficiently meet its internal long-term Trans-Pacific capacity needs, as our customers increasing demand for bandwidth continues to grow."

The SEA-US submarine cable system links the five areas and territories of Manado (Indonesia), Davao (Philippines), Piti (Guam), Oahu (Hawaii, United States) and Los Angeles (California, United States). The system will be approximately 15,000 kilometers in length, avoiding earthquake prone areas in East Asia, and thereby helping to ensure stable connectivity.

When completed in the fourth quarter of 2016 at an approximate cost of US $250 million, the cable system will provide an additional 20Tb/s capacity, connecting Indonesia and the Philippines to the United States with state-of-the-art 100G technology. This capacity will cater to the exponential growth of bandwidth demand between both continents.

"Backed by more than 40 years of experience in constructing over 200,000 kilometers of submarine cable infrastructure, NEC is one of the world's top vendors of submarine cable systems," said Mr. Naoki Yoshida, General Manager at NEC's Submarine Network Division. "The construction of this advanced system enables NEC to capitalize on its experience and contribute to worldwide communications by expanding connectivity and capacity to this increasingly important Trans-Pacific route."

About Telin
PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) is a subsidiary of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, tbk, a state-owned telecommunication and network provider. Telin focuses as an international carrier services and strategic investment in international telecommunication business as well as serves as Telkom's business arms in managing and developing its business lines abroad. With mission The World's Hub for Telecommunication, Information, Media, Edutainment and Services (TIMES), currently Telin owns 8 subsidiaries namely Telin Singapore, Telin Hong-Kong, Telin Timor-Leste with its product called Telkomcel, Telkom Australia, Telin Malaysia, Telkom Macau, Telkom Taiwan, Telkom USA, and a branch in Myanmar. With the synergy of TelkomGroup compiled with reliable networks and infrastructures, enable Telin to provide high quality services that reaches all parts of the world.
For more information, please go to www.telin.co.id.

About Globe Telecom:
Globe Telecom, Inc. is a leading full service telecommunications company in the Philippines, serving the needs of consumers and businesses across an entire suite of products and services including mobile, fixed, broadband, data connections, internet and managed services. Its principals are Ayala Corporation and SingTel who are acknowledged industry leaders in the country and in the region.
For more information, visit www.globe.com.ph. Follow us on Twitter:http://twitter.com/talk2Globe and Facebook: Globe Telecom - Taguig - Telecommunication | Facebook.

About RTI:
RAM Telecom International, Inc. (RTI) develops global telecom infrastructure and large-scale data connectivity in selected markets. RTI offers neutral services to telecommunications carrier, large multi-national enterprises, content providers, and government entities. RTI is headquartered in San Francisco, California.
For more information, please visit us at www.rticable.com.

About Hawaiian Telecom:
Hawaiian Telcom, headquartered in Honolulu, is Hawai'i's leading provider of integrated communications, data center and entertainment solutions for business and residential customers. With roots in Hawai'i beginning in 1883, the Company offers a full range of services including voice, video, Internet, data solutions, managed services, data center services including colocation and virtual private cloud, and other cloud-based services, and wireless supported by the reach and reliability of its network and Hawai'i's only 24/7 state-of-the-art network operations center. With employees statewide sharing a commitment to innovation and a passion for delivering superior service, Hawaiian Telcom provides an Always OnSM customer experience.
For more information, visit www.hawaiiantel.com.

About GTA:
GTA provides complete communications services in Guam. These include local and long-distance telephone service, wireless, DSL internet access, advanced digital television, or IPTV, and carrier-class data circuits. The company also operates a data center in Guam for offering business data storage and managed wide-area networking. Based in Tamuning, Guam, GTA is privately owned and locally managed.

About GTI Corporation:
GTI Corporation is doing business as GTI Telecom in the State of California. GTI is a wholly owned subsidiary of GTI Business Holdings, Inc., who in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Globe Telecom, Inc. GTI was granted a 214 license by the US Federal Communications Commission on February 2010 that authorizes GTI to engage in both wireless resale and facilities-based carrier services in the USA.
For more information, visit www.globemobile.us.

About Telkom USA:
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (USA), Inc. (Telkom USA) was established on 11th December 2013. Located in California and becomes subsidiary with 100% of its shares owned by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin). Telkom USA performs telecommunications products, telecommunications services, Information Technology (IT), Information technology products and information technology services business.

About NEC Corporation:
NEC Corporation is a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies that benefit businesses and people around the world. By providing a combination of products and solutions that cross utilize the company's experience and global resources, NEC's advanced technologies meet the complex and ever-changing needs of its customers. NEC brings more than 100 years of expertise in technological innovation to empower people, businesses and society.
For more information, visit NEC at http://www.nec.com.

SEA-US: Global Consortium to Build Cable System Connecting Indonesia, the Philippines, and the United States - ANTARA News
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Agricultural trade surplus US$20 billion
Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014 19:46 WIB | 628 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Minister of Agriculture Suswono reported that agricultural sector has contributed surplus for the national trade balance amounting to US$17-20 billion derived from subsectors, such as oil palm plantations, cocoa, coffee, and rubber.

The minister explained that the real contribution of the agricultural sector in the provision of food can be seen from the performance of the production of strategic food commodities in the last four years.

Rice production has increased an average of 2.6 percent per year from 64.4 million tons of milled rice (paddy) in 2009 to 71.29 million tons in 2013, he noted.

Corn production has also increased by an average of 1.39 percent per year from 17.63 million tons of dry shells in 2009 to 18.51 million tons in 2013.

Meanwhile, soybean production has increased by 1.39 percent per year per hectare, although the production of soybean has decreased due to competition with corn plantation areas.

According to the minister, the situation has caused the soybean-harvested areas to fall to an average of 6.54 percent per year.

The production of sugarcane, however, has increased by an average of 1.48 percent from 17.22 million tons in 2009 to 19.67 million tons in 2013.

"Beef production has also increased by an average of 7.49 percent per year," Suswono said.

Nevertheless, the minister recognized the persistence of various issues in agriculture, such as land areas and quality degradation, narrowing area of land ownership by farmers, as well as climate change.

He expressed hope that the new government will have the political will to solve the issues facing agricultural sector.



Agricultural trade surplus US$20 billion - ANTARA News
it is just like replacing singapore node with phillipines, same old same old. we should build direct route connection to San Fransisco & Hongkong and be the master hub for ASEAN.

damn that useless bekatul sembiring.

View attachment 45493

wkwkwkwk, a funny pics

SEA-US: Global Consortium to Build Cable System Connecting Indonesia, the Philippines, and the United States
Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014 08:55 WIB | 191 Views

SEA-US: Global Consortium to Build Cable System Connecting Indonesia, the Philippines, and the United States - ANTARA News
Last edited:
it is just like replacing singapore node with phillipines, same old same old. we should build direct route connection to San Fransisco & Hongkong and be the master hub for ASEAN.

damn that useless bekatul sembiring.

from what i know, that's very much different from what you suggest.

Indonesian article

Telkom bangun kabel laut akses langsung Indonesia-AS
Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014 21:32 WIB | 2.681 Views
Pewarta: Royke Sinaga

Dirut PT Telkom, Arief Yahya (ANTARA FOTO/Regina Safri)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Perseroan Terbatas Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk melalui anak usaha PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Internasional (Telin) bergabung bersama konsorsium kabel laut South East Asia-United States (SEA-US) guna mewujudkan akses internet langsung dari Indonesia ke Amerika Serikat.

"Selama ini Hub (titik temu trafik internet) di Asia itu ada di Singapura, Hong Kong, atau Jepang. Telkom ingin Indonesia menjadi Hub internet juga untuk kawasan Asia karena punya potensi dari sisi trafik dan pertumbuhan pengguna," kata Direktur Utama Telkom Arief Yahya di sela penandatangan konsorsium kabel laut SEA-US di Jakarta, Kamis.

Konsorsium SEA-US ini terdiri atas tujuh perusahaan telekomunikasi global, yaitu PT Telin, Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Inc. (Telkom USA) yang merupakan anak perusahaan Telin, Globe Telecom, GTI Telecom, RAM Telecom International (RTI), Teleguam Holdings (GTA), dan Hawaiian Telcom.

Proyek dengan nilai investasi sebesar 250 juta dolar AS ini akan menyediakan tambahan kapasitas sebesar 20Tb/detik, menghubungkan Indonesia dan Filipina ke AS menggunakan teknologi 100G yang mampu menampung permintaan bandwidth antara kedua benua tersebut.

"Sistem komunikasi kabel laut ini dipastikan mempunyai konektivitas yang stabil dan menjadi satu-satunya sistem kabel laut yang menghubungkan Asia Tenggara dan AS dengan rute yang menghindari wilayah rawan gempa di Asia Timur," ujarnya.

Infrastruktur ini mempunyai panjang sekitar 15.000 km yang membentang dari Indonesia ke AS.

Kabel laut SEA-US menghubungkan lima area dan teritori, yaitu Manado (Indonesia), Davao (Philippines), Piti (Guam), Oahu (Hawaii, United States), dan Los Angeles (California, United States).

"Proyek SEA-US merupakan kabel laut pertama yang menghubungkan Indonesia bagian timur ke AS, yang tersambung dengan infrastruktur milik Telkom sehingga mampu menyediakan latency yang paling rendah dari Indonesia ke AS dibandingkan dengan sistem kabel laut international lain yang ada saat ini," ujar Arif.

Ia berharap saat beroperasi pada tahun 2016 sistem kabel laut SEA-US ini melalui koneksi kabel laut Indonesia Global Gateway (Manado-Dumai) akan terintegrasi dengan sistem kabel laut yang telah dimiliki anak usaha Telkom, Telin, yaitu SEA-ME-WE 5, Asia America Gateway (AAG), South East Asia Japan Cable System (SJC). Selanjutnya, Batam Singapore Cable System (BSCS), Dumai Malaka Cable System (DMSC), Thailand-Indonesia-Singapore (TIS), dan sistem kabel domestik lainnya sehingga akan menciptakan konfigurasi network yang komprehensif dalam menghubungkan Asia, Eropa, USA dan Indonesia.

Menurut catatan, pada semester pertama 2014 Telkom mencatat pendapatan Rp43,54 triliun dengan keuntungan Rp7,411 triliun.

Sedangkan performa saham Telkom pada semester pertama 2014 menyentuh angka Rp2.785 per lembar saham. Saat ini harga saham Telkom sudah mengalami kenaikan sebesar 48 persen dibandingkan harga saham pada akhir tahun 2012.
Editor: Ruslan Burhani

Telkom bangun kabel laut akses langsung Indonesia-AS - ANTARA News
View attachment 45493

wkwkwkwk, a funny pics

SEA-US: Global Consortium to Build Cable System Connecting Indonesia, the Philippines, and the United States
Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014 08:55 WIB | 191 Views

MANILA, Philippines, Aug. 29, 2014 (ANTARA/PRNewswire) -- A consortium of seven global telecommunications companies agreed today to cooperate in the construction and operation of a new submarine cable system that directly connects Southeast Asia and the United States with NEC Corporation as the system supplier. The Southeast Asia - United States "SEA-US" consortium consists of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin), Globe Telecom, RAM Telecom International (RTI), Hawaiian Telcom, Teleguam Holdings (GTA), GTI Corporation (a member of the Globe Telecom group of companies) and Telkom USA.

"The SEA-US project is connected seamlessly with Telkom's Domestic Backbone, and the cable will provide unmatched latency from Indonesia to the United States," said Syarif Syarial Ahmad, President Director of Telin. "The project will also support Indonesia's strong economic growth and its government's Master Plan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI). We began pursuing SEA-US in 2013 and are very proud to be a part of this historic project that marks the first gateway from the east part of Indonesia to the world."

In addition, Gil Genio, Chief Operating Officer for International and Business Markets of Globe Telecom, stated, "Our country has become the preferred destination for the outsourcing and offshoring industry, including major call centers, business process outsourcing providers, global financial institutions and a host of other multinationals that require very large bandwidth. We have also seen the explosion of the mobile Internet, enabling a new lifestyle for our mobile customers and businesses. The SEA-US project will enable Globe to meet tomorrow's bandwidth needs, and is part of our effort to provide a great customer experience on their mobile and other devices, as well as add even more diverse options for companies to connect to the U.S."

Russ Matulich, Chief Executive Officer of RTI, continued, "The SEA-US Cable will provide much needed Asia-US connectivity and will be the fastest cable connecting Southeast Asia with the United States. It provides essential route diversity from the North Pacific and taps into to the strong economic growth of more than 1.5 billion businesses and consumers who are internet savvy and data hungry."

"Guam is a strategic location in the Pacific which allows GTA to successfully connect the Asia Pacific region to the United States. GTA's expansive and redundant network enables secure interconnectivity to other cables, increasing Guam's importance to future cable builds," said Robert Haulbrook, CEO and President of GTA.

Eric Yeaman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hawaiian Telcom, said that "Hawaiian Telcom's participation in the SEA-US project strengthens Hawaii's role as a key strategic hub for traffic diversity and redundancy between the US and Asia. Additionally, investing in the SEA-US system will allow Hawaiian Telcom to efficiently meet its internal long-term Trans-Pacific capacity needs, as our customers increasing demand for bandwidth continues to grow."

The SEA-US submarine cable system links the five areas and territories of Manado (Indonesia), Davao (Philippines), Piti (Guam), Oahu (Hawaii, United States) and Los Angeles (California, United States). The system will be approximately 15,000 kilometers in length, avoiding earthquake prone areas in East Asia, and thereby helping to ensure stable connectivity.

When completed in the fourth quarter of 2016 at an approximate cost of US $250 million, the cable system will provide an additional 20Tb/s capacity, connecting Indonesia and the Philippines to the United States with state-of-the-art 100G technology. This capacity will cater to the exponential growth of bandwidth demand between both continents.

"Backed by more than 40 years of experience in constructing over 200,000 kilometers of submarine cable infrastructure, NEC is one of the world's top vendors of submarine cable systems," said Mr. Naoki Yoshida, General Manager at NEC's Submarine Network Division. "The construction of this advanced system enables NEC to capitalize on its experience and contribute to worldwide communications by expanding connectivity and capacity to this increasingly important Trans-Pacific route."

Hey is that the guy from Aerosmith? Lol
what's the economic growth rate of Indonesia at present?
5.2 to 5.4 percent
Hi, I read on ADB & WB web, current Indonesia growth is actually between 5.7-5.8% and are predicted will be growing to 6% region next year
At least all indicators and assumptions of your current government are conservatives, which is good, because it give you enough space to fiddling around

Current oil price are below your govt assumption
Current exchange rate last time I check is also under the assumption

any reason for the choice of ID "Dante" ? sorry for the digression
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