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Menperin pacu ekspor industri otomotif
Selasa, 8 Januari 2019 21:23 WIB

Pewarta: Sella Panduarsa Gareta


Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto (ANTARA News/ Biro Humas Kementerian Perindustrian)

Jakarta, 8/1 (Antara) - Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto memacu ekspor dari industri otomotif karena memiliki kapasitas lebih.

“Saat ini, industri otomotif kita punya kapasitas 2 juta unit per tahun, sementara untuk kebutuhan domestik 1,1 juta unit, dan ekspor 300 ribu unit, maka sisanya bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menambah ekspor,” kata Menperin di Jakarta, Selasa.

Terkait hal itu, Kementerian Perindustrian telah membahas dengan Kementerian Keuangan untuk memperbaiki struktur Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah (PPnBM).

“Kalau nanti perjanjian kerja sama dengan Australia sudah ditandatangani, pasar ekspor di sana sebesar 1,2 juta unit bisa kita dorong,” ucapnya.

Diketahui, industri otomotif merupakan sektor andalan yang berkontribusi cukup besar terhadap perekonomian nasional.

Hal ini tercermin dari sumbangsihnya kepada Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) yang mencapai 10,16 persen pada tahun 2017 serta mampu menyerap tenaga kerja langsung sekitar 350 ribu orang dan tenaga kerja tidak langsung sebanyak 1,2 juta orang.

Menurut Airlangga, pesatnya pertumbuhan industri otomotif juga diperkuat dengan peningkatan ekspor unit kendaraan utuh (CBU) sebanyak 231 ribu unit pada 2017 dari 194 ribu unit pada 2016.

Sementara ekspor komponen otomotif meningkat 13 kali menjadi 81 juta komponen pada 2017 dari 6,2 juta komponen pada 2016.

Editor: M Razi Rahman

Indonesia's aircraft maintenance company eyes Russian market
Rabu, 9 Januari 2019 21:36 WIB - 7 Views

Reporter: Antara


PT Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) AeroAsia. (ANTARA PHOTO/Andika Wahyu)

Tangerang, Banten, (ANTARA News) - State-owned aircraft maintenance company PT Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) AeroAsia has eyed the potential market in Russia.

"Our customers keep increasing. Hence, we are now eyeing customers from Russia," GMF AeroAsia President Director Iwan Joeniarto stated after the signing of cooperation with PT Indopelita Aircraft Service here on Wednesday.

Joeniarto elaborated that Russia is a potential market because the country did not focus its industry on aircraft maintenance. "As they do not focus on aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul industry, they will surely send them abroad (for maintenance)."

He noted that cost allocation for workers in East Europe and West Europe is very high.

"Some of them do not carry out aircraft maintenance in their country due to high labor cost. They focus on high technology and industry with advanced technology," he added.

In addition to Russia, India and South Korea have also seen fast market development.

"We will see an overload," Joeniarto remarked, adding that the company has worked in cooperation with some aircraft maintenance firms to improve its capacity and capability, including with the Merpati Maintenance Facility (MRO) and PT Indopelita Aircraft Service.

Reporting by Juwita Trisna Rahayu
Editor: Sri Haryati

Furniture products expected to enter US market
Jumat, 11 Januari 2019 19:21 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Antara


Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto (ANTARA News/ Biro Humas Kementerian Perindustrian)

Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - Products of the furniture industry are expected to compete in the US market with increased capacity.

"The government urges export-oriented industries, such as furniture, to be exported to the US," Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto said after the inauguration of the Polytechnic of Furniture and Wood Processing Industry in Kendal Industrial Area, Central Java, on Thursday.

Through a written statement, the minister explained that the government is targeting an increase in national furniture exports to reach US$5 billion in the next two years.

The furniture industry is one of the strategic supporting sectors for the national economy because it is labor intensive and export oriented.

Regarding the positive performance of the furniture industry, Hartarto noted that in the January-October 2018 period, the national furniture product trade balance was a surplus of $99.1 million, with exports reaching up to $1.4 billion.

This number has increased by 4.83 percent from the same period in 2017.

Despite the positive growth, the performance of furniture exports is still relatively small compared to the potential of raw materials possessed, considering that Indonesia is one of the 10 countries that has the largest forest area in the world with approximately 46.46 percent.

Therefore, the government seeks to optimize the potential of the national furniture industry through several policies, including production technical guidance programs, timber legality assurance system (SVLK) facilitation, as well as the promotion and development of market access.

In addition, the government also prepares competent workers in the furniture industry with education and training in a polytechnic, which was inaugurated in the Kendal Industrial Area.

With a target of increasing national exports by $5 billion, Hartarto estimated that the demand for furniture workers, especially in Central Java, would increase by 101,346 people in the next two years.
Reporting by Yashinta Difa Pramudyani
Editing by Suharto
Editor: Suharto

USD $4Billion World Biggest Car Battery Factory started groundbreaking. Morowali, Sulawesi island is rich of nickel laterite ore, the vital substance for lithium ion car battery. It will be one of world biggest lithium battery for electric car. Morowali, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.
Trade minister sees Africa as potential market for Indonesian products
Selasa, 15 Januari 2019 17:17 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Trade Minister ,Enggartiasto Lukita was in the Indonesian Embassy building in Washington DC,, the United States on Monday . (Antara/M Razi Rahman)

Washington DC, (ANTARA News) - Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita has called on Indonesian exporters to explore African markets, which have high potential for Indonesian products.

"African countries have high potential," Lukita said here on Monday.

According to the minister, the condition of several African countries is similar to that of Indonesia in the 1970s and the 1980s when it intensified development programs.

The ministry is exploring trade agreements with African nations such as Mozambique and Tunisia.

Indonesia has the potential to export steel and motorcycles which are in high demand in Africa, he noted.

Arlinda, the director general of national export development of the Trade Ministry, confirmed that Indonesia is currently negotiating trade agreements with several African countries.

This year, trade agreements with Mozambique, Tunisia, and Morocco are expected to be signed.

Tunisia and Morocco could become strategic partners because they have access to European markets.

Geographically, Tunisia is close to Italy and France, while Morocco is not far from Spain and Portugal.

Indonesia could export tuna to Tunisia and Morocco, according to Arlinda.

Meanwhile, Lukita is leading an Indonesian trade mission delegation to the United States (US) from Jan 14 to 19, 2019.

"This working visit to the US is one of the strategies carried out to achieve non-oil and gas exports, which are targeted to increase 7.5 percent as compared to last year, or $175.9 billion," Lukita remarked in a statement on Monday (Jan 14).

The working visit is one of the first steps to improve the performance of national exports.

The minister revealed that efforts to improve export performance must be done as early as possible amid worries about a global economic slowdown.

A total of 15 entrepreneurs participated in the trade mission this time. The participants were engaged in various fields, such as palm oil, aluminum and steel, seafood, soybeans and wheat, cotton, car tires, gold and jewelry, and beef.

The Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto earlier encouraged that the products produced by the furniture industry could be exported to the United States.

Reporting by Razi Rahman, Farddah Assegaf
Editing by Suharto

Editor: Suharto

Export of gold jewellery to the US has potential to increase
Rabu, 16 Januari 2019 07:32 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Gold jewelry (Reuters)

Washington DC, (ANTARA News) - Indonesian entrepreneur who is engaged in jewellery business, Michael Susanto Yahya, expressed his optimism about an increase in gold jewellery exports to the US in the coming years.

"I believe the growth of our gold exports to the US this year could be 50 percent higher than the previous year`s," Yahya said in Washington DC, on Tuesday.

Yahya, who also serves as the general manager of Market Export of PT Untung Bersama Sejahtera (UBS), stated that the product which is most salable in the US is gold necklace.

Gold necklaces, according to him, are in great demand by the Americans, not only women but also men. Even many rappers wear it as accessories to support their performance.

However, Indonesia must be able to compete with other jewellery exporters such as Jordan, Dominican Republic and South Africa.

To do so, Indonesia has several advantages including competitive prices and better shipping services.

Yahya revealed that the export of gold and various gold jewelry to the US could reach around US$200 million per year.

PT UBS, where he serves as one of the general managers, is a private company engaged in the gold jewelry industry since 1981 with initial name of CV Untung in Surabaya.

Since changing its name into PT UBS in 1991, the company has grown rapidly and can now export gold to the US, the Middle East, Hong Kong, Singapore and the European Union.

UBS gold which has a number of jewelry brands can also be found in dozens of gold shops in Indonesia.

As quoted by the Xinhua news agency, gold futures on the COMEX New York Mercantile Exchange division were slightly higher at the end of trading Monday (Tuesday morning WIB), as a result of weaker US dollar and a decline in equities.

The most active gold contract for February delivery increased by 1.80 dollars, or 0.14 percent, to settle at 1,291.30 dollars per ounce.

Gold and the US dollar usually move in opposite directions. When the US dollar goes down, gold futures usually rise, because gold valued in US dollars is cheaper for investors holding other currencies.

Reporting by M. Razi Rahman, Yashinta Difa Pramudyani
Editing by Suharto

Editor: Suharto

TVA office expected to increase Taiwanese investment in Indonesia
Kamis, 17 Januari 2019 23:19 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Deputy of Indonesia's Coordinating Investment Board (BKPM) Wisnu Wijaya Soedibjo (1st left), Head of Taipei Economy and Trade Office (TETO) John Chen (2nd left), and General Secretary of Taiwan Visitors Association (TVA) Chao-Yen Wu (3rd left), among others, cut the ribbon to mark TVA's office inauguration in Jakarta, on Thursday, Jan 17, 2019. (ANTARA/Yashinta Difa)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has expressed hope that the presence of Taiwan Visitors Association (TVA) representative office in Jakarta will be able to enhance investment cooperation between the two sides.

Taiwan is ranked 18th in terms of foreign investment in Indonesia, with a total value of US$142 million in the January-September 2018 period.

"With the presence of the TVA representative office, we will witness Taiwanese investment to finish in the top 10 (in Indonesia) in the future," BKPM Deputy Head for Investment Cooperation Wisnu Wijaya Soedibjo said during the inauguration of the TVA representative office in Jakarta on Thursday, Jan 17.

West Java is the largest among the five destinations of Taiwanese investment in Indonesia, with a value of $394 million, accounting for 35 percent of the total Taiwanese investment in Indonesia. This is followed by Banten, East Java, Central Sulawesi, and Central Java.

The Taiwanese investment is mostly placed in rubber and plastic, textile, chemical and pharmaceutical, metal, electronic appliance, and medical instrument industries.

Hopefully, the presence of the TVA office will forge bilateral ties between the two sides.

"With the increasingly closer relations, we believe Taiwanese investment will increasingly become larger, marked with mutual visits by Indonesian and Taiwanese tourists and business people," he remarked.

Reporting by Yashinta Difa Pramudyani
Editing by Suharto
Editor: Azizah Fitriyanti

US firms view Indonesia as potential regional hub
Jumat, 18 Januari 2019 14:20 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita after a Business Meeting Forum in New York on Thursday. (17/1/2019). ANTARA/M Razi Rahman

New York, (ANTARA News) - US companies perceive Indonesia as a potential regional hub for conducting their business and trade, Indonesia`s Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita stated.

"With inflation under control and the increased level of ease of doing business, they (the US companies) have seen Indonesia`s potential as a regional hub," Lukita noted after the Indonesia-US business meeting forum here on Thursday.

Moreover, he remarked that with the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations among ASEAN members and six partner countries -- China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, and New Zealand -- the US companies did not want to miss out on the opportunity.

Earlier in the day, the minister met with some representatives of US companies that have expressed keen interest to increase their market shares in Indonesia.

The meeting also doubled up as a business-matching forum between Indonesian and US businessmen.

"At the meeting, we elaborated on the ease of investment (in Indonesia) and our open market," he stated.

Meanwhile, the ministry`s Director General for National Export Development Arlinda noted that both countries have shared the same commitment to increasing bilateral trade.

"Indonesia and the United States have the same commitment to enhance bilateral trade," Arlinda remarked.

Indonesia has enjoyed US$9.7 billion of surplus in bilateral trade, with total trade of $25.92 billion in 2017.

Trade value during the past five years has shown a positive trend of 0.39 percent.

In 2017, the United States was the second-largest destination country for Indonesian non-oil/gas exports after China, with $17.1 billion of exports during the period.

Indonesia`s main export products to the United States comprised shrimp, natural rubber, footwear, tires, and women`s garments.

Reporting by M Razi Rahman, Sri Haryati
Editor: Sri Haryati


@Nilgiri nice vid about old Batavia (Jakarta) in 1941, economy is looking good at the time , just a year before Japan Empire Invading Netherland Indies and bring destruction to many infrastructure and killing millions people. Btw, Batavia is looking modern and got European feels most building shown here still intact till now except for de Harmonie and Amsterdam gate

@Nilgiri nice vid about old Batavia (Jakarta) in 1941, economy is looking good at the time , just a year before Japan Empire Invading Netherland Indies and bring destruction to many infrastructure and killing millions people. Btw, Batavia is looking modern and got European feels most building shown here still intact till now except for de Harmonie and Amsterdam gate

Nice, reminds me of lot of Michael Rogge Videos (his channel is quite good for this kind of stuff too).

I have heard the name Batavia frequently and also Djakarta in various history books, stories, journals, newsreels etc.
Nice, reminds me of lot of Michael Rogge Videos (his channel is quite good for this kind of stuff too).

I have heard the name Batavia frequently and also Djakarta in various history books, stories, journals, newsreels etc.

Isn't Batavia halfway between Buffalo and Rochester off the NYS Thruway? :D
Isn't Batavia halfway between Buffalo and Rochester off the NYS Thruway? :D

Yeah because North America is not known to copy names ever :P.

Cairo, Athens, Delhi, Rome, Paris, London, Berlin.....yoink! :D
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