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Indo-Tibetan Border Police Destroys Maosit Camp in Chhattisgarh

Cobra Arbok

Aug 5, 2018
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Indo-Tibetan Border Police destroy Maoist camp in Chhattisgarh
The 27th Battalion of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police targeted the camp in Rajnandgaon district, close to the Maharashtra border.


Published: 28th June 2019 12:53 PM | Last Updated: 28th June 2019 12:53 PM | A+A A-


NEW DELHI: Security forces on Friday destroyed a Maoist camp after a gun battle in Chhattisgarh, officials said.

The 27th Battalion of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) targeted the camp in Rajnandgaon district, close to the Maharashtra border.

A brief battle broke out at around 4 a.m. when the ITBP and Chhattisgarh Police reached the jungles of Kohkatoli near the Rajnandgaon-Kanker-Gadchiroli border.

ITBP official Vivek Pandey told IANS: "It is a major success for us as we could demolish a Naxalite camp before they could have settled and carried out any attack. During the encounter, there has been no report of any injury to our security forces."


He said there were chances that some Maoists may have suffered bullet injuries.

The rebels, believed to be 20 to 26, escaped from the site. Seized from the spot were a 303 rifle, two 12 bore rifles, an air gun, a wireless set and other items.

According to an ITBP statement, it is believed that local Maoist commander Sukh Lal was leading the group in the jungle when the encounter broke out.

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Indo Tibetan Border Police ITBP Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh Maoist camp Maoist Chhattisgarh Maoist

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@Nilgiri @jaiind @Śakra @pothead @God Parshuram @nahtanbob @Tejas Spokesman @Mirza Jatt @jamahir @Indx-techs @Republic @Zapper
The Maoist issue is political and not military.
The Maoist issue is political and not military.

How you decide that a certain issue is a military or political one ???
Any board, panel, parliament, assembly declare it or ordinance is issued ???
Whether any laid down classification table is issued for putting the issue on it to decide ???
Any guidelines issued by UN in this regard ???
How you decide that a certain issue is a military or political one ???
Any board, panel, parliament, assembly declare it or ordinance is issued ???
Whether any laid down classification table is issued for putting the issue on it to decide ???
Any guidelines issued by UN in this regard ???

In the South American country of Columbia, the Leftist FARC guerrillas had been fighting the American-backed government for decades. Some years ago, the government opened discussions with FARC and the FARC fighters stopped militancy. There was a ceasefire. The president got a Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution.

In India, the Supreme Court should have talks with the Maoists.

Maoists kill below people -
1. Dalits
2. Tribals.
3. Businessmen
4. Rape and murder women
5. Murder children
6. Use children to murder parents
7. Politicians
8. Police

I have simply no idea how anyone can sympathise with Naxals!!

I think in your list the targets of the Maoists have been politicians and the police. Maybe some businessmen.

As I said above, the Supreme Court should have talks with the Maoists.
There are many such vested interest groups and terrorist groups who are enjoying the Lala policies of India for a long long time. Now they must they must understand that realities have changed . Better then understand that fast better it will be for them.
I think in your list the targets of the Maoists have been politicians and the police. Maybe some businessmen.

As I said above, the Supreme Court should have talks with the Maoists.

If you truly that, then you have absolutely zero clue,
If you only knew the barbaric means Naxals use to control Tribals, it is no means any less atrocious than what ISIS did to yezdis.

Only that in India, Naxals are romanticized.

The only reason any govt is not going all out against naxals is the compromised eco system that sustains a media campaign for it - the vested interests from abroad cultivate these urban supporters all with the dangerous view to destroy or keep India in check.

On one hand you keep positioning for socialism.
India & Indian constitution is by nature Socialist. Care to explain why you support a group of people that would blow up roads, hospitals, schools and bridges?
You don't want these millions to be able to access what YOU AS A SOCIALIST want to distribute to people free of cost?

Btw, the upper cadre of Naxals are filthy rich, with properties running into hundreds of crores - LOL, personally seen scenarios where contractors would sit across with local naxal commanders and the MLA and beg them to let him to work while passing on suit cases.

Oh, these are all on top of the incredible atrocities these b@stards commit.
Do you even have an inkling of how women naxals are treated?
India & Indian constitution is by nature Socialist.

Yes, the Indian Constitution generally is Socialist even if the background society is not.

Care to explain why you support a group of people that would blow up roads, hospitals, schools and bridges?
You don't want these millions to be able to access what YOU AS A SOCIALIST want to distribute to people free of cost?

Do you know of cases where the Maoists have blown up schools, hospitals and bridges ??

Yes, I do agree that they don't seem to have a proper plan of action about how long they intend to fight or why are they fighting at all ??

Do you even have an inkling of how women naxals are treated?

As far as I know there have been marriages among the male and female Naxals. Quite a few of them.
Do you know of cases where the Maoists have blown up schools, hospitals and bridges ??

There are hundreds of such cases.
Every time they say that security forces are using this school or bridge.
But they never opened any school to educate tribals.
Having said that, I am not saying that tribals don't have any problem or not being exploited.
Jamahir, your comments show that you don't have any first hand knowledge of this problem. You only have read the communist literature and propaganda on social media.
Always remember, Sanghis, Mullas and Communists; they all survive on lies and propaganda only.
In the South American country of Columbia, the Leftist FARC guerrillas had been fighting the American-backed government for decades. Some years ago, the government opened discussions with FARC and the FARC fighters stopped militancy. There was a ceasefire. The president got a Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution.

In India, the Supreme Court should have talks with the Maoists.

I think in your list the targets of the Maoists have been politicians and the police. Maybe some businessmen.

As I said above, the Supreme Court should have talks with the Maoists.

1.You have not answered my queries.
2.Suppose an armed group start rebellion in a communist regime, will you suggest that government to start dialogue with rebels ??
Any example of communists being in power and making dialogue with rebels ??

Maoists were finished some 5 years ago how they have camps
The same way terrorist are roaming again after conclusion of operation Rad ul Fasad and army action in FATA.
1.You have not answered my queries.
2.Suppose an armed group start rebellion in a communist regime, will you suggest that government to start dialogue with rebels ??
Any example of communists being in power and making dialogue with rebels ??

The same way terrorist are roaming again after conclusion of operation Rad ul Fasad and army action in FATA.
no body claimed they finished here . :lol: like balakot we killed 300 terrorists or surgical stike we killed 204 :rofl:
The Maoist issue is political and not military.
Sorry mate. I have to disagree with you here. While there is nothing wrong with believing in communism, these people have taken up arms against the Gov. of India with the aim of taking it over. In addition, they have engaged in acts of political terrorism against civillians as well as military targets. They should be treated no differently than any other terrorist/rebel group.

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