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India's Muslim Soldiers


Aug 14, 2013
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India’s Muslim Soldiers | The Diplomat

Muslims are underrepresented in India’s army. But this should not be allowed to skew recruitment.

India has made significant progress since its inception in 1945. The struggle for independence took its toll in the form of partition, with a religious animosity that continues to this day. Of India’s ballooning population, currently 1.237 billion, 12 percent are practitioners of Islam, meaning that India is home to 10 percent of the world’s Muslims, who form the largest minority in India. Muslims are looked upon with scorn and suspicion by certain other segments of the country. Discrimination in employment, social events, and public places is still quite widespread and commonplace.
In 2005, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh commissioned the Sachar Committee to prepare a report on the socioeconomic and educational situation of India’s Muslims. The report revealed significant prejudice against Muslims in the employment sector. Muslims made up only 2.5 percent of the bureaucracy, even though they constituted almost 12 percent of the population.
Another area where Muslims are underrepresented is the Indian Army. Then Chief of the Army Staff, Gen. J. J. Singh denied there was a headcount of actively enlisted Muslim soldiers, maintaining that would be a gross violation of the secular nature of the army. The high command was further incensed by the suggestion it increase Muslim representation by introducing quotas. Consequently, there is no official census showing the number of Muslim soldiers enlisted in the Indian Army.
There is, however, an unofficial number, and it is revealing. According to CNN IBN’s Minority Report, of India’s one million soldiers only 3 percent are Muslims, or roughly 29,000 soldiers in all. And if the troops serving in the Jammu & Kashmir Light Infantry (JAK LI), are subtracted (50 percent of whom are Muslim troops), that percentage is much lower. With only 29,000 fit for the army out of 150 million Muslims in the country, the ambiguous silence of the government tends to validate the suspicion of discrimination.
But before jumping to any conclusions, it is prudent to consider several facts. The Indian Army conducts recruitment drives, called rallies. Recruitment criteria, although differing from place to place, include a large pro rata quota for regional populations irrespective of religion. The recruiting officers are summoned from all over the country and randomly assigned to different locations, thus eliminating any regional animosity. However, there are no such rules for the officer cadre. And in fact Muslim officers have graduated from the country ‘s three army academies and have gone on to become high ranking officers. The Indian Army has had eight Muslim major generals so far, while the Air Force was once commanded by a Muslim air chief marshal. The Indian Military Academy has had one Muslim commandant, while the National Defense Academy has had two.
True, the representation of Muslim soldiers and officers may seem comparatively lower than those of other religions. Historically, it is believed that pre-independence Muslim recruitment was primarily done from Punjab, North West Frontier and Balochistan, all of which are part of Pakistan today. Thus, with partition, all regiments belonging to those regions went over to Pakistan..
Just as Muslims are under-represented in the army, so are the Bengalis, Biharis, Oriyas, South Indians or Gujaratis. And just as Sikhs are over-represented, so are the Jats, Dogras, Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gurkhas, Marathas and others. The Indian army’s recruitment pattern was set 160 years ago by India’s 1857 uprising. Shocked by the revolt, the British army adopted a recruitment strategy that punished those groups that rebelled against them and rewarded the ones that stayed trustworthy. Because Muslims of Awadh, Bihar and West Bengal led the uprising, the British army stopped hiring soldiers from these areas. Also blacklisted from these places were high-caste Hindus whose regiments in Bengal were also mutineers. The Indian Army follows a regimental system based on region and caste, as seen in many Commonwealth nation armies of today. So there is a Sikh Regiment, the Maratha Light Infantry, Kumaon Rifles, the Gorkhas, and many more. These regiments usually comprise soldiers belonging to a particular caste or region, and were introduced by the British based on their “Martial Races” theory. This is why there is no pure Muslim regiment in the force, save the Jammu & Kashmir Light Infantry, which does comprise 50 percent Muslim troops. A similar argument can be made for people from the state of Andhra Pradesh or West Bengal, which likewise do not have regiments based on their geographical location.
The Indian Army is one of the only public bodies in India that has not been skewed by politics or religion, which is partly to thank for the strong reputation it commands today. Recruitment should remain on the basis of merit only. Petty notions of religious inequality should not be allowed to tarnish this.
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India’s Muslim Soldiers | The Diplomat

Muslims are underrepresented in India’s army. But this should not be allowed to skew recruitment.

India has made significant progress since its inception in 1945.

This is when I stopped reading this article.

Later when I clicked on the link to the article I see a picture of Para Military force soldiers on an article relating to the Indian Army !

This is when I stopped reading this article.

Later when I clicked on the link to the article I see a picture of Para Military force soldiers on an article relating to the Indian Army !


Ignore the trifle and catch the essentials ...

That's what I follow ...

You will seldom come across completely correct or totally wrong articles ...

If you stopped reading after first line ...you should not have even bothered to post your reply.

If you want to respond ..least you can do is to read the article completely and see what author is trying to say .

may be it has no worth at all ...but you should come to that conclusion after reading article and not after reading first line or seeing accompanying photo which does not go with article .

I do not agree with article too .
But i posted it for sake of discussion ...

all comments are welcomed .

But to be appropriate you should have read full article and then should have commented .

otherwise there won't be no difference between you and author ..as we can say that both have expressed opinions without giving due attention to details .
Ignore the trifle and catch the essentials ...

That's what I follow ...

You will seldom come across completely correct or totally wrong articles ...

If you stopped reading after first line ...you should not have even bothered to post your reply.

If you want to respond ..least you can do is to read the article completely and see what author is trying to say .

may be it has no worth at all ...but you should come to that conclusion after reading article and not after reading first line or seeing accompanying photo which does not go with article .

I do not agree with article too .
But i posted it for sake of discussion ...

all comments are welcomed .

But to be appropriate you should have read full article and then should have commented .

otherwise there won't be no difference between you and author ..as we can say that both have expressed opinions without giving due attention to details .

May I have the privilege of deciding what I'd like to do and airing my views please ?
The most true part of the entire article...

Muslims are looked upon with scorn and suspicion by other segments of the country. Discrimination in employment, social events, and public places is still quite widespread and commonplace.
Why should we bring religion and politics in our military? Spare them.
Muslims are looked upon with scorn and suspicion by other segments of the country. Discrimination in employment, social events, and public places is still quite widespread and commonplace

The most true part of the entire article...

The reality of India and why there needs to be partition
I was in SSB(Staff Selection Board) Interview, The batch was of 80 NDA pass candidates.

No one was Muslim.

How can u find Muslim in armed forces when they don't show up for Armed forces recruitment...

Though you can find them cleaning some Car or skinning some animal..
Utter BS article....

1.) The Indian Military is secular (Really secular and not the UPA secular)

2.) The pic in the article shows Indian cops, not military personal

3.) I stopped reading after a couple of words.... because of the article stating that India was formed in 1945 :hitwall: :lol:
no one can force Muslims to join armed forces .. nor any one can deny if they wish for !
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