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India's lost Buddhist university to rise from ashes

There is Nothing to damn about, have You taken patents for this Project of Yours that no One should revive Universities of Historical Importance??:disagree:

Sir ji i was joking dont get serious.

Thank you. But kindly protect it from Bamiyan destroying Taliban like organizations.

Bamyan was in afghanistan..

But the worst part is their 'idea' of rebuilding Taxila, it just repulses me.

Pakistan sees themselves as the invaders who 'ruled india for 1000years' and they want to rebuild Taxila !

Don't they know that their imagined 'forefathers' were the ones which destroyed it along with Buddhism in the ENTIRE SUBCONTINENT. :angry:

Thank u for crapping on a wonderful discussion tht was going on!
Wat imagened Fathers?
Get a bloody life and a bloody education before commenting crap.. here watch this
Gandhara University Peshawar Pakistan: Home Page
Gandhara (historical region, Pakistan) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Read wats written!
Dont tell me gandhara was in south india!
Thank u for crapping on a wonderful discussion tht was going on!
Wat imagened Fathers?
I apologize, I became too emotional.

But it was the likes of Muhammad bin Qasim and Mahmud of Ghazni who actively persecuted Buddhists.

Judging from the fact that you guys have named your missile after Ghazni, I inferred that you identify with him hence the 'imagined fathers' rant

Read wats written!
Dont tell me gandhara was in south india!

Yes large parts of present day Pakistan and Afghanistan were Buddhist, Im not denying that.
Good news. This would certaionly act as a bond between asian countries.

As for Taxila university, it will be another good news if it is built again. However considering Pakistan's policies, it seems a distant dream.

Here is one famous persoanlity from taxila which we know.

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Gandhara and 'Taxila' are ancient than Buddhism , Ashoka and Kanishka .
Besides , south India remained for centuries , a hotbed of Buddhism . By reviving Takshashila and Nalanda ONLY for projecting lost Buddhist heritage will be short-sighted :tongue:

They are as much a symbol of Buddhism as they are of the constantly evolving Indian civilization :pop:
I apologize, I became too emotional.

But it was the likes of Muhammad bin Qasim and Mahmud of Ghazni who actively persecuted Buddhists.

U should be.....?tht was a crappy rant!

Buddhism is much older then bin qasim who never came to this region!
Or ghazni whose ancestors himself might be buddhist

Judging from the fact that you guys have named your missile after Ghazni, I inferred that you identify with him hence the 'imagined fathers' rant

Ghazni is a city in afghanistan none of our missiles name is ghazni.

Maybe pushtuns or syeds relate to them but not all people of Pakistan..
Rajputs,jats and others are proud of their own identity!
Including me ... yes im proud of my ancestory tht was nor mughal and no pushtun...
My great great great great Granpa converted to islam on the hand of a sufi!
Heck we even saw pics of Ram and seeta in our village when we were growing up... and we still follow our traditions and culture.
And proud of it.
@Rajpur Warrior

Your posts mean well, but there are factual inaccuracies

Buddhism is much older then bin qasim who never came to this region!
Or ghazni whose ancestors himself might be buddhist

I don't want to argue, too much emotion, but you may refer to India and Her Neighbors in Will Durrant's : The Story of Civilization, pretty exhaustive stuff.

You may even refer to Wikipedia

none of our missiles name is ghazni.

Ghaznavi Missile
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