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India's grand university plans falter


Apr 11, 2011
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Asia Times Online :: India's grand university plans falter

India's grand university plans falter
By Raja Murthy

MUMBAI - A grand pan-Asian plan to revive India's historic Nalanda University has run into troubles, with allegations of favoritism and a lack of transparency putting pressure on the project chief.

In its heyday between the fifth and 12th century AD, the university hosted over 10,000 resident students and 2,000 teachers - particularly from China, Korea, Japan and even Greece.

India is rebuilding it as the Nalanda International University, 10 kilometers near the stately ruins of the original site in the eastern Indian state of Bihar. It's a joint effort also involving China, Thailand, Japan, Korea, Singapore and some Southeast Asian countries.

While the Indian government is funding the project, other countries have not specified their roles apart from hosting annual meetings of the Interim Governing Board of Nalanda. The next conference is in Beijing this October.
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