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India's first defence satellite GSAT-7 launched successfully

This is not India's first Defense satellite.

India has launched Risat-1 and Risat-2 in Past.

Title needs to be changed.

India has launched Israeli spy satellites in past.

This is first dedicated defense satellite with prime user being the Navy. Armed forces have been secondary users of many of ISROs communication and remote sensing sats. The first sat where armed forces put their money in was Technology experimental satellite or TES for taking 1m resolution images and was launched in 2001.
Congrats ISRO, DRDO and all others involved in this. :tup: :cheers: :tup:

BTW, when things such as this happen, I feel good as my taxes are being used nations building apart from feeding the politician rot in the country.
French or Russian or any one is here to do business. don't hype the relationship. ISRO chooses Arianespace because of cost advantages. SpaceX could have launched the sat if it had been given the contract. Only thing special about Arianespace is we have been doing business with them for a long time and so we know each other better.

Relations should be hyped and strengthened at every appropriate occasion.

When did SpaceX conveyed that to GOI ??
Doesn' any of you guys are bothered about it's perigee of 249 km ??
I guess its the first defence satellite Indian Govt is public about.

yes that true, this is first acknowledged SAT for military purposes but certainly not the first. Probably its like sending a message to "certain" concerned parties.
yes that true, this is first acknowledged SAT for military purposes but certainly not the first. Probably its like sending a message to "certain" concerned parties.

We already have 2 satellites risat 1 and 2 with synthetic aperture radar with resolution of 1m and 2-10 m respectively.
But this one is not a spy satellite but would be used for military communication and network centric warfare

Only disappointment------its based on 1-2k serial bus so its like only 2300 kg,,,,,,we should have moved into 1-4k bus with 4000 plus kg long ago but still its commendable

This is first dedicated defense satellite with prime user being the Navy. Armed forces have been secondary users of many of ISROs communication and remote sensing sats. The first sat where armed forces put their money in was Technology experimental satellite or TES for taking 1m resolution images and was launched in 2001.

We already have 2 satellites risat 1 and 2 with synthetic aperture radar with resolution of 1m and 2-10 m respectively.
But this one is not a spy satellite but would be used for military communication and network centric warfare

Only disappointment------its based on 1-2k serial bus so its like only 2300 kg,,,,,,we should have moved into 1-4k bus with 4000 plus kg long ago but still its commendable
This is not India's first Defense satellite.

India has launched Risat-1 and Risat-2 in Past.

Title needs to be changed.

India has launched Israeli spy satellites in past.

Well the RISAT 1 and 2 were different, they are spy satellites equipped with SAR this GSAT-7 is a dedicated military communications sat.

Also the RISAT 1 and 2 are not technically military sats but rather belong to the civilian agencies- NRTO/RAW. AND as has been noted the GoI/intelligence agencies don't exactly boast about these assets.

GSAT-7A should be launched next year and this will be shared between the IN,IAF and IA until the IAF and IN get their own dedicated sats sometime later this decade.

A nice achievement this.
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