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India's COVID death toll passes 100,000 with no end in sight


Mar 16, 2012
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Faced with collapsing economy, Modi pushes ahead with full reopening

BENGALURU/NEW DELHI (Reuters) -- India's death toll from the novel coronavirus rose past 100,000 on Saturday, only the third country in the world to reach that bleak milestone, after the United States and Brazil, and its epidemic shows no sign of abating.

Total deaths rose to 100,842, the health ministry said, while the tally of infections climbed to 6.47 million after a daily increase in cases of 79,476. India now has the highest rate of daily increase in infections in the world.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government, faced with a collapsing economy after imposing a tough lockdown to try to stem the spread of the virus in late March, is pushing ahead with a full opening of the country.

Cinemas were allowed to re-open at half capacity this week and authorities can decide to re-open schools from the middle of this month.

Heading into winter and the holiday season, including the Hindu festival of Diwali next month, the world's second most populous country could see a jump in cases, health experts said.

"We have seen some recent slowdown of the virus curve but this may be a local peak, there may be another coming," said Bhramar Mukherjee, a professor of biostatistics and epidemiology at the University of Michigan.

She said data showed a little over 7% of the population of 1.3 billion had been exposed to the virus, meaning India was still far from any sort of herd immunity.

The number of cases could rise to 12.2 million by the end of the year but the rate of spread would depend on how effective measures such as social distancing were, she said.

"So it will continue like a slow burning coil, that is my hope, and we have to play the long game to stop it from being a wildfire."

The United States, Brazil and India together account for nearly 45% of all COVID-19 deaths globally.

Death rates in India, however, have been significantly lower than in those other two countries, raising questions about the accuracy of its data.

India has, on average, less than one death from the disease for every 10,000 people while the United States and Brazil have seen six deaths per 10,000.

U.S. President Donald Trump, defending his administration's handling of the pandemic in this week's presidential debate, said countries such as India were under-reporting deaths.

Shashank Tripathi, of the Centre for Infectious Disease Research at the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru, acknowledged there could be problems with the data though India's young population might help explain the lower death rate.

"In India, even without a pandemic, all deaths are not properly registered," Tripathi said.

"I'm not very confident that the mortality rates reflect the right numbers, though the younger demographic has given us some advantage."

Representatives of the health ministry and the Indian Council of Medical Research did not immediately respond to calls or emails for comment.

Health experts said there could be greater immunity in India because of the high incidence of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. Nearly 1,200 people in India die of TB every day, roughly the same as deaths from COVID-19.

Kamakshi Bhate, professor emeritus of community medicine at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, said she didn't expect India's death toll to surge dramatically even as the virus spreads into dense population clusters and across the countryside.

"People were expecting that entire slums would get wiped out but it didn't happen that way. We have our own resistance," she said.

Remember how RSS infested Hindustan was rejoicing corona deaths in Pakistan? Remember when RSS members were taunting Pakistan? Karma is a bitch and it has struck RSS Hindustan in the heart.

Yes I remember, RSS hindus are vile creatures. Upper caste hindus are devoid of humanity in general because of caste system.
there is a risk that india may hide genocide of kashmiris and Muslims with deaths in corona virus so no international pressure occurs and they may overstate deaths in future for such cause
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return)
Indians might be coping better than Americans and the people in Europe.
India population is like 1.3 billion. That is more than Europe and the USA combined!

India Covid-19 cases: 6.5 million likely much higher so say 10 million
Europe C-19 cases: 5.2 million
USA C-19 cases: 7.6 million
10 million vs 12.8 million not as bad as Europe and the USA.


India: 101,000
Europe: 224,000
USA: 213,000
101,000 vs 437,000 India much better than Europe and the USA.

Why? Sure as heck not health care. Indians are healthier and younger compared to Americans who are obese and old and people in Europe who are just really old.
Indians might be coping better than Americans and the people in Europe.
India population is like 1.3 billion. That is more than Europe and the USA combined!

India Covid-19 cases: 6.5 million likely much higher so say 10 million
Europe C-19 cases: 5.2 million
USA C-19 cases: 7.6 million
10 million vs 12.8 million not as bad as Europe and the USA.


India: 101,000
Europe: 224,000
USA: 213,000
101,000 vs 437,000 India much better than Europe and the USA.

Why? Sure as heck not health care. Indians are healthier and younger compared to Americans who are obese and old and people in Europe who are just really old.

India is just the 2nd worst nation on the list. That is hardly an achievement. Things will get worse. Much worse.
Indians might be coping better than Americans and the people in Europe.
India population is like 1.3 billion. That is more than Europe and the USA combined!

India Covid-19 cases: 6.5 million likely much higher so say 10 million
Europe C-19 cases: 5.2 million
USA C-19 cases: 7.6 million
10 million vs 12.8 million not as bad as Europe and the USA.


India: 101,000
Europe: 224,000
USA: 213,000
101,000 vs 437,000 India much better than Europe and the USA.

Why? Sure as heck not health care. Indians are healthier and younger compared to Americans who are obese and old and people in Europe who are just really old.

Go on pat yourself on the back. Well done.

I mean it's only a 100,000 dead Indians from Covid-19 not 100 million. Phenomenal achievement.

India can afford to lose a lot more Indians than mere 100,000. Life is just that cheap in India.
India is just the 2nd worst nation on the list. That is hardly an achievement. Things will get worse. Much worse.

Yes, you are surely correct. Covid-19 will spread much more in India.
But currently India is way down the list. Cases per 1 million population official is 4709...rank 81. Even if we double it because of shitty testing we get 9418....rank 41.

Deaths per 1 million pop is 73....rank 78
Pakistan...deaths per 1 million pop is 29....rank 115
Sure India is not doing as well as Pakistan but not many countries are.
Lots of other Muslim nations are worse than India and much much worse than Pakistan...Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar

Have a good day.
Go on pat yourself on the back. Well done.

I mean it's only a 100,000 dead Indians from Covid-19 not 100 million. Phenomenal achievement.

India can afford to lose a lot more Indians than mere 100,000. Life is just that cheap in India.

Why would I pat myself on the back? It is just statistics, mathematics.
More people usually means more deaths from a disease. To compare we must adjust for population.
Saudi Arabia 139 deaths per 1 million pop....rank 57. Is life cheaper in SA than India?
Netherlands 376 deaths/1 M...rank 20....life cheap in the Netherlands?
UK 622 deaths/1 M....rank 11....nasty naughty place
India will get through this fine it seems, they have too many people that have no value to their country
India is a complete disaster. When you have right wing religious extremists running your country, this is what happens. Modi is not interested in managing COVID. The guy is a right wing fascist.
Even Indian doctors agree now with what Trump and knowledgeable pdf-ers have been saying - severe underreporting is masking India's true infection count and death toll. I have explained at least two mechanisms by which the underreported deaths are arising - one of them is by not declaring a death as Covid (despite the correct symptoms being present) due to a lack of a formal test having been done (even though they will incinerate that body with full protective measures AS THOUGH IT WAS CONFIRMED THAT it is Covid positive.)

In normal functional nations, PRESUMED Covid counts in the national statistics and on the death certificate. India hides Covid deaths that others count by denying such cases.

Secondly, if a Covid positive case dies with comorbidities, the cause of death is counted in national statistics as due to the comorbidities, not the Covid. Yes, you read that right.

Any person still thinking India is "dodging bullets thanks to its youthful population" has their head buried deeply in some BJP propaganda somewhere.
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