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India's aircraft carrier design may have major defects.

This picture explains every thing.

It's not the Indian supa carrier does not need bulbous bow, but the Indian supa dock is too small to afford the construction of the carrier to be with bulbous bow, otherwise the bow would hit the wall of the dock.
dumb pajeets why come to Pakistan forum anyway? a kowtowing ship in calm sea :rofl:

india = incompetence
India = cheat and lie

I miss old days when pajeets don’t have Chinese made smartphone and internet is free of Indian open defecation

Internet is polluted with these rodents. That whole fake country is full of low IQ trolls.
Why do you bother arguing with these fools on this forum? I think it's better to leave this place... Nothing of value here.

For a guy who claimed this forum are for fools with nothing of value, but somehow staying here for over 10 plus years posting almost 4000 posts in that time line. Why are Indians keep coming back then? :coffee:
No matter how you people try this is a,majestic peice if engineering.
only 7 or 8 countries in the world can even afford or think of building a 400000 tonne carrier
it looks magnificent

yes.A huge ship like an aircraft carrier pitching in such good sea candition means the center of flotation doesn't concide with bary center to a great extent.very bad design and manufacturers defection
imaging an aircraft attempt to land on such a ship
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This picture explains every thing.

It's not the Indian supa carrier does not need bulbous bow, but the Indian supa dock is too small to afford the construction of the carrier to be with bulbous bow, otherwise the bow would hit the wall of the dock.
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According to my limited knowledge of warships:
1. There is indeed a technology to linear optimization the bow of ships, but only a few countries have this technology. With India's ability, it is impossible to master this technology in 20 years.
2. There are many reasons for such a large longitudinal swing of a ship, but the wiggle of the INS Vikrant should not be caused by a single reason.
3. The fighter needs enough deck wind when taking off from the aircraft carrier, so the aircraft carrier must move forward at full speed. When the aircraft carrier is stationary or sailing slowly, the fighter cannot take off.
4. The technology of manufacturing bulbous bow is very simple, Indian shipyards should have this technology. The problem with the INS Vikrant should be that Indians cancelled the bow sonar, but did not install fin stabilizers and other equipment.
5. The center of gravity of INS Vikrant obviously does not coincide with the floating center, which is not only the lack of bulbous bow and fin stabilizer, but also other problems have not been found. I suggest Indians check electromagnetic compatibility. And when Indians made the ship bow, did they modify the Italian process in order to reduce the cost and difficulty?
According to my limited knowledge of warships:
1. There is indeed a technology to linear optimization the bow of ships, but only a few countries have this technology. With India's ability, it is impossible to master this technology in 20 years.
2. There are many reasons for such a large longitudinal swing of a ship, but the wiggle of the INS Vikrant should not be caused by a single reason.
3. The fighter needs enough deck wind when taking off from the aircraft carrier, so the aircraft carrier must move forward at full speed. When the aircraft carrier is stationary or sailing slowly, the fighter cannot take off.
4. The technology of manufacturing bulbous bow is very simple, Indian shipyards should have this technology. The problem with the INS Vikrant should be that Indians cancelled the bow sonar, but did not install fin stabilizers and other equipment.
5. The center of gravity of INS Vikrant obviously does not coincide with the floating center, which is not only the lack of bulbous bow and fin stabilizer, but also other problems have not been found. I suggest Indians check electromagnetic compatibility. And when Indians made the ship bow, did they modify the Italian process in order to reduce the cost and difficulty?
Another very interesting thing is its deck design.

The supa carrier has two take off points: point A and B. Apparently, both points are located in the landing area, which will damage the flexibility of planes take-off vs. landing.

But it is understandable due to this is a small carrier. But, but, how can Point B be overlapped with the arresting cables? Not sure about the exact locations of the arresting cables, but Point B is definitely in this area.

Another very interesting thing is its deck design.

The supa carrier has two take off points: point A and B. Apparently, both points are located in the landing area, which will damage the flexibility of planes take-off vs. landing.

But it is understandable due to this is a small carrier. But, but, how can Point B be overlapped with the arresting cables? Not sure about the exact locations of the arresting cables, but Point B is definitely in this area.

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Is that carrier not equipped with jet blast deflectors? I don’t see any.
It just goes to show how unprofessional the Indian military is. That’s why they are so easy to beat for the PLA. Notice how all Indian soldiers ran away and abandoned their fellow soldiers. I highly doubt they even know how to operate the weapons they buy. Just by the statements their top generals make you can tell the Indian military is run by absolute idiots. If their elites are that stupid, just imagine how brainless the rest of them are.
No matter how you people try this is a,majestic peice if engineering.
only 7 or 8 countries in the world can even afford or think of building a 400000 tonne carrier
it looks magnificent

What a lovely engineering..... it's really proud to see that my nation has built this moving highway on the sea..... beautiful....

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