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Indians scared from An-12 aircraft coming from Pakistan


Nov 27, 2017
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When you run rumors of Indian Air Force jets crossing the LoC and flying over Karachi, Then why you are you so scared. The plane was flying from Karachi to Delhi? Then what's the big deal here? Bhakts going "Modi Modi" over nothing. We don't attack like the way you think. phat ghei hei kiya Darpook qoom. dar the ho tu harkat kyon karte ho pakistan sei
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baniya ki fut gaye teesrey bar iss saal

IAF and its fucking Traffic controllers, lol
When you run rumors of Indian Air Force jets crossing the LoC and flying over Karachi, Then why you so much scared. The plane was flying from Karachi to Delhi? Then what's the big deal here? Bhakts going "Modi Modi" over nothing. We don't attack like that the way you think. phat ghei hei kiya Darpook qoom. dar the ho tu harkat kyon karte ho pakistan sei
Indians are afraid of PIGEONS from Pakistan
baniya ki fut gaye teesrey bar iss saal

IAF and its fucking Traffic controllers, lol

Pakistanis either lack the understanding of the English language or have a culture that avoids any kind of accuracy.

Words like 'scared', 'panicky', etc are used by almost all Pakistanis to describe normal situations. I suppose its this culture why they are unable to build their country or succeed in Western countries. The educational and financial outcomes of Pakistanis tend to be phenomenally underwhelming - both in their own country and in Western countries - when compared to their neighbours.
Mr. coconut :
You should write your English using Grammarly for free:
"Words like 'scared,' 'panicky', etc. are used by almost all Pakistanis to describe typical situations. I suppose its this culture why they are unable to build their country or succeed in Western countries. The educational and financial outcomes of Pakistanis tend to be phenomenally underwhelming - both in their own and in Western countries - compared to their neighbors."
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Pakistanis either lack the understanding of the English language or have a culture that avoids any kind of accuracy.

Words like 'scared', 'panicky', etc are used by almost all Pakistanis to describe normal situations. I suppose its this culture why they are unable to build their country or succeed in Western countries. The educational and financial outcomes of Pakistanis tend to be phenomenally underwhelming - both in their own country and in Western countries - when compared to their neighbours.

Just few days ago India was claiming IAF had entered Karachi airspace and scared and caused panic in entire pakistan because they thought another balakot strike is about to happen.

Indians live in a glass house because every time they open their mouth against someone, those words hit them back like a 10 ton truck!
Pakistanis either lack the understanding of the English language or have a culture that avoids any kind of accuracy.

Words like 'scared', 'panicky', etc are used by almost all Pakistanis to describe normal situations. I suppose its this culture why they are unable to build their country or succeed in Western countries. The educational and financial outcomes of Pakistanis tend to be phenomenally underwhelming - both in their own country and in Western countries - when compared to their neighbours.

well said .
Stupid RSS fools. WION news LOL An Indian conspiracy factory.
Scared? Of you Pakistanis? Lol you entire country panicked and a blackout was enforced even when Indian jets were inside their borders and we are scared? Lol is their any limit to the stupidity of you pakistani trolls.
Only a person who is panky would shoot down his own chopper and than laugh and call another being "panky"...
Indian airforce is joke at level of iranian airforce ..but worse ..they shot down a civilian airolan you guys shoot down your own chopper with friend & gor identifier...i dont know that should i laugh or cry

Any how pakistanis gave too much credit to IAF.. We know better now..who knew they would just sit down & do nothing even after getting a bloody nose(LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY)..seems IAF has no shame and despite modi ordering them they refuse to do anything out of fear..talk about disobedience
Pakistanis either lack the understanding of the English language or have a culture that avoids any kind of accuracy.

Words like 'scared', 'panicky', etc are used by almost all Pakistanis to describe normal situations. I suppose its this culture why they are unable to build their country or succeed in Western countries. The educational and financial outcomes of Pakistanis tend to be phenomenally underwhelming - both in their own country and in Western countries - when compared to their neighbours.
So what explains why Indian media, military, government and scientists are a laughing stock in the western world?

Routinely, we read in British media about all sorts of pseudoscience and melodrama emanating from Delhi:

1. Covid epidemic in India is STILL not due to community spread (even though every country everywhere recognised community spread already)


2. Spy pigeons, at regular intervals.


Do you want me to post the links about gaumutra and the Indian ministry that Modi wanted to fund in order to search for a covid cure in the waters of Ganga?

Let's likewise refrain from the sheer idiocy that arose after Feb 26 2019 from your military professionals regarding phantom f16s, AMRAAM fragments and surgical strikes and whatever else India obsessed over for months.

Ultimately, Pakistan can only judge India on what India brings to the table and frankly, India brings Bollywood baqwaas and nothing else. Sometimes I think your leadership is one step away from conducting a sacrifice to the weather gods on the steps of some pyramid somewhere.
Only a person who is panky would shoot down his own chopper and than laugh and call another being "panky"...
Indian airforce is joke at level of iranian airforce ..but worse ..they shot down a civilian airolan you guys shoot down your own chopper with friend & gor identifier...i dont know that should i laugh or cry

Any how pakistanis gave too much credit to IAF.. We know better now..who knew they would just sit down & do nothing even after getting a bloody nose(LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY)..seems IAF has no shame and despite modi ordering them they refuse to do anything out of fear..talk about disobedience

And then you people proudly claim that it was you who blew up your pns gaji. And I have also heard that pn civilian recruit pilots bombed their own ships in the same war:D
And then you people proudly claim that it was you who blew up your pns gaji. And I have also heard that pn civilian recruit pilots bombed their own ships in the same war:D
And are you saying this wasnt being panky ?
Talk about 50 years ago tech and today tech

An-12 is a transport aircraft. Ironically it was used by the Indian Air Force as a bomber against Pakistan in 1971
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