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Indians pretending to be online AFGHANS


Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom
A brother before the Pakistan v Afghanistan match put up some profiles of examples of Afghans hating Pakistanis. Although I'm not saying there aren't such profiles, but the numbers are skewed i.e. many of them are set up by cowardly Indian nationalists to sow discontent.

I took a few that were put up and look what I found out;

First let's look at this little puddi called 'Meera' i.e. Kumar from Mumabi.

'She' had several profile photos up. After doing a reverse image search on Google, it revealed the photos were of a poor dead girl in the UK. After writing on their profile, he quickly changed the photo, now to the following.


Again I reverse image searched and found out the girl in the picture is actually Pakistani, here is her profile;

Her name is Maheen Usman.

Another one put up was this;

A 'true solider and patriot of Afghanistan'. Who in actual fact is the Dehli local RSS rapist Sumit.

Again a reverse image search reveals that this is a photo of paramilitary head of police Asif Tokhi, from Paktika, who died in a clash with the Taliban last year. He is not alive, nor was he a solider in the ANA.

Here is Afghan media reporting his death;


Paktika security official killed by roadside bomb

Brothers and sisters this cowardly trash we face from the East pretends to be Afghan, Sindhi, Baloch, Pashtun, Iranian, Arab etc to cause friction among us. Please do not take things at face value. They've been at it for as long as the internet has been around, and with social media they have taken it to another level.
Expose them and inform others.
I have had enough experience with Indians for a while now. Indians pretend to be every nationality online but themselves. They pretend to be Vietnamese, Polish, German, and every other nationality you can think of and then pretend to congratulate India in any YouTube videos concerning India. It seems like they want approval from other nationalities when in actuality, nobody gives a sh1t about India. Such low self-esteem.
A brother before the Pakistan v Afghanistan match put up some profiles of examples of Afghans hating Pakistanis. Although I'm not saying there aren't such profiles, but the numbers are skewed i.e. many of them are set up by cowardly Indian nationalists to sow discontent.

I took a few that were put up and look what I found out;

First let's look at this little puddi called 'Meera' i.e. Kumar from Mumabi.

'She' had several profile photos up. After doing a reverse image search on Google, it revealed the photos were of a poor dead girl in the UK. After writing on their profile, he quickly changed the photo, now to the following.

View attachment 788918

Again I reverse image searched and found out the girl in the picture is actually Pakistani, here is her profile;

Her name is Maheen Usman.

Another one put up was this;

A 'true solider and patriot of Afghanistan'. Who in actual fact is the Dehli local RSS rapist Sumit.

Again a reverse image search reveals that this is a photo of paramilitary head of police Asif Tokhi, from Paktika, who died in a clash with the Taliban last year. He is not alive, nor was he a solider in the ANA.

Here is Afghan media reporting his death;

View attachment 788919
Paktika security official killed by roadside bomb

Brothers and sisters this cowardly trash we face from the East pretends to be Afghan, Sindhi, Baloch, Pashtun, Iranian, Arab etc to cause friction among us. Please do not take things at face value. They've been at it for as long as the internet has been around, and with social media they have taken it to another level.
Expose them and inform others.

In that case we should refrain from offending other nationalities as there are many indian trolls pretending to be them. Just stick to being abusive and offensive to indians.
God sake some Indians have no shame. Spoke to a senior member on PDF - and he informed me that from 1 IP address they had 14 IDs registered on this site. The obsession is absolutely incredible. To go to all the trouble in creating fake IDs to troll - it’s just incredible - incredibly Indian……
indians hiding behind other nationality is part of their inferiority complex and white skin obsession. of course small dick and invaders banging your women to glory and conversion, would frustrate Indian rss types.
Sanghis think they are superior to everybody else, but yet they hide their nationalities and pretend to come from other countries, shows how great their motistan is. they are nothing but too shameful to admit they are an indian.
There are several Indians even on this forum with Pakistani flags and names pushing their agendas. They are littered on Youtube comment sections as well. They are everywhere on twitter specially. These fake profiles have been used to instigate hatred in Pakistanis vs Afghans and Afghans vs Pakistanis. I have been saying this all along. I work with several Afghans, we are like brothers and all is well. Definitely they are a bit sentimental and upset about what happens back home. But they don't hold any feelings against Pakistanis. Organically theres a lot of brotherhood between us, hatred and instigation is all inorganic, manufactured, engineered shit from india!
My experience on Twitter & YouTube is that the majority of the Pak hate posters are Indian and many of them are using pretend ID's. The next largest group of Pak haters are Afghans. The hatred level of Indian posters against anything remotely related to Pak and Islam is on a level you wont see against anything else anywhere in the world.

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