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indians most racist people in the world

I believe the Nigerian dude was being sarcastic and pointing out a stereotype of the Indians.

This kind of sh!t happens everywhere & it is human nature to generalize. For instance you go out on the streets of London, you meet 200 people on the way who will smile & greet you and then you find an arrogant b@stard calling you p@ki (Mods!! Pardon me for using the slang. It is just for the context) and you are instantly filled with disappointment & rage forgetting those 200 lovely people who smiled on your way.
Earlier Salim asked what the point of creating this, discussing this, mentioning this...

I guess perhaps the simple answer is that perhaps those 200 people should also work towards educating all those arrogant folks and straightening up once in a while.
Oh and welcome aboard.

I believe the Nigerian dude was being sarcastic and pointing out a stereotype of the Indians. It was not admission about selling cocaine.
sarcastic??? hmmm... selling cocaine at half price to make friends... that quite a sarcasm... :rolleyes:

Even if he did, it still does not justify people singling out a random person as a drugs peddler. Although a little exercise of caution, handled with a bit of commonsense and politeness can go a long way in not making anyone feel bad.
no it doesn't... but he was picked up by the police for selling drugs... where's the racism in that??? unless you are willing to take his word that he wasn't... or should the government now open up yet another reservations for Nigerians aswell... :rolleyes:

Oh and crime rates are not high within black communities because of the genes that make the color of the skin black, its because since the slave labor days, blacks are still poor and poor people don't have the right education, the right environment and the right upbringing which leads to crimes.
woah woah... hold it there... did I say it was because of genes??? I just said that in a lot of black communities the crime is high... its an observation... nowhere did I say it was because of their genes... woah Asim, now who's the one having racist thoughts here??? :biggrin:

Are you saying its okay to profile all poor people as potential criminals?
Did I say that??? and besides profiling cannot be stopped... it is a natural thing played by the brain... when you see someone, the brain automatically profiles certain individuals... and this is proven from an actual scientific study... try watching Discovery or Nat Geo sometimes...
Earlier Salim asked what the point of creating this, discussing this, mentioning this...

I have to agree with Ray Sir that nothing can be achieved out of these threads except for throwing mud at eachother's way. These are the so called norms of every society. It takes centuries not just decades for expats/outsiders to be accepted in a foreign society. It is how we are. You can get the answer by asking a simple question to yourself. 'Would any Pakistani father gladly accept his daughter marrying a black African muslim?'

I guess perhaps the simple answer is that perhaps those 200 people should also work towards educating all those arrogant folks and straightening up once in a while.

Lets be honest.. nobody is going to do so & they have no business doing it. All that you can expect is sympathies of those 200 people(only if they observe it).
Hmm .. the author has got it wrong .. It's prolly not racism but regionalism ..
And it is prevalent to an extent .. Mainly when politicians in cities try to get votes by pointing out the "influx of the others" and how "opportunities are denied" to the locals..

There's a whole mini globalization going on inside India .. and the mini commies do hate it.. :D
I guess perhaps the simple answer is that perhaps those 200 people should also work towards educating all those arrogant folks and straightening up once in a while.
It is not that only one particular group is arrogant. Every group is biased in their backyard. Yes, even the oppressed blacks/arabs would be racist against the whites where they have the majority.

It's part of accepting globalization. Live with it. Nice juicy racial orgy! :D
Sorry dear, I was busy replying other thread, didn't see this earlier.
I've banned him!

Neo who you had banned ???

The RAPTOR but why ???
He had just started the topic thn it was very learned member who had derailed it by going off topic and using some bad words.
RAPTOR dint do anything bad so he must be given chance.

Originally Posted by Dizasta76 http://www.pakistaniforces.com/forums/showthread.php?p=24202#post24202
Okay maybe i'm making a mistake and jumping to conclusion, but is this forum run by Ahsan Farooqi or not? Also who is Sid, is it sidharth or Siddiqui? I ask these questions before i carry on!

Too late, this door is closed!
And guess who's on the wrong side of it? :wink: :lol:

Neo what about Disasta 76 ?? He was confused so he was asking me to prove im a Pakistani. is he banned ???? He should be given a chance i think he lost his temper Akhit mare province se ha na .

BTW who is he is he Yahya ?:)
'Would any Pakistani father gladly accept his daughter marrying a black African muslim?'

And why not? Not African but a lot of Bedouin Arabs (who are just as black and with similar features), are married to Pakistani women in Arabia.

Fathers would tend to look at securing their daughter's future with a capable worthy guy.

That's hardly a common issue of racism.

Lets be honest.. nobody is going to do so & they have no business doing it. All that you can expect is sympathies of those 200 people(only if they observe it).
Well then they can keep enjoying sharing the blame and people will call them out on it too and criticize them for the faint hope that perhaps one day those 200 Indians would muster up the courage to tell that arrogant Indian to "Cut the racism, pal".

It is not that only one particular group is arrogant. Every group is biased in their backyard. Yes, even the oppressed blacks/arabs would be racist against the whites where they have the majority.

It's part of accepting globalization. Live with it. Nice juicy racial orgy! :D

It doesn't make it right at least not after a certain point.

As I said observing sensible caution from a race is okay, as long as the burden of caution is taken upon you, yourself and not a random person of a profiled group or race.

The majority's paranoia doesn't justify the injustice.
It doesn't make it right at least not after a certain point.

As I said observing sensible caution from a race is okay, as long as the burden of caution is taken upon you, yourself and not a random person of a profiled group or race.

The majority's paranoia doesn't justify the injustice.
Exactly. But you can't do anything about it. And no neither can 200 Indians.

Point is people, human beings, have prejudices. This can be race based, religion based, sex based or whatever. These aren't going to go away. It is basic human nature.

But what you can do is learn to live with it. In an increasingly globalized world, you'll have to. You have no other option.
Edit: Most of the stuff moved to the complaints thread

People move into different localities for a variety of reasons and it need not be for arrogance or racial reasons. Some places have better conveniences and so they move. Obviously, such localities would have a higher strata of society. In the western world, the whites normally have better paid jobs. And then there are what the whites themselves call "po' white trash". Elvis Prestley was dubbed so once. Now, why did he move into Graceland? Well, if you are earning well, you sure want better facilities! Can you say he left the "po' white trash area" because he was arrogant?
A hundred years ago people thought Blacks weren't good for anything but slave labor in the US. If it wasn't for white Abraham Lincoln and the white masses that supported him, blacks wouldn't have ascended to the point they are today.

The majority is the one that brings changes into a society. Sure there are a few movers n shakers that act as a catalyst but without horizontal acceptance society won't change no matter how powerful the vertical force may be.

Society has changed in the past as the world and it's communities changed. Just as today's change for communities is the globalization, and thus more changes are needed.

Wrongs have to be corrected, you cannot give up on them.

Sure, face the ills of society with all the power at your command.

But not through devilish cussedness with irrelevant comments and unsubstantiated racial slurs.
A hundred years ago people thought Blacks weren't good for anything but slave labor in the US. If it wasn't for white Abraham Lincoln and the white masses that supported him, blacks wouldn't have ascended to the point they are today.

Here is a little known fact. The Civil War was really all about State's rights and the economics therof. The freedom of slavery was a side issue. The North did not have too many slaves - it was industrialized. The South had huge plantations. Lincoln himself had slaves.

Is racism worldwide? of course. When I was a teenager, I dated a Catholic girl ( a little hottie too!). Mom would not hear of it. We were of course "proper" Protestants and heaven forbid I hang around someone who worshipped a staue of Mary!!
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