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Indian Terror in Srilanka and Balochistan


Sep 12, 2008
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India-backed terror in Balochistan
Imran Jamali

Indians have created hue and cry over the November 26 dastardly incident in Mumbai last year and put the blame on Pakistan. The situation has reached a point where India is threatening to go for ?surgical strikes’ inside Pakistan. But no raises the issue of India’s involvement in Pakistan’s internal turmoil, insurgency in Balochistan, FATA and Swat. Ironically enough India has officially claimed its interference in these areas and the Indian defense experts have advised New Delhi to keep engaging Pakistan military in the internal problems in order to weaken its capability, and foment hatred against it. The list of Indian-sponsored terrorism is long.

The terrorist activities in Balochistan have been rampant for the last many years, which have so far caused hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries, damaged to property worth millions of rupees and roads, railway lines, grid stations, gas pipelines, government and private buildings, including schools, colleges, hospitals and other departments. In district Kohlu law of jungle prevailed mainly at the behest of waders and nawabs.

In a report issued by the government, alone in 2004 terrorists killed four FC men, three civilians, injured 15 FC men and 3 civilians. Two FC men were abducted while many PTCL towers and electric pylons damaged. About 22 rockets were fired on railway stations and trains. During 2005, four persons were abducted for ransom. Illegal occupation of agriculture land of Langhari, Loharani, Ghazini tribes in district Sibi deprived Ayaz son of Mir Qasim Khan Ghazini his agricultural land in Kahran and forced him to shift to DG Khan. Coal mines in Mach were illegally occupied by terrorists for extortion. Dilband Iron Core, Bolan Mining Company was destroyed in November 2005, rendering hundreds of laborers unemployed. In mid nineties, electricity and mettle road from Kahan to Sibi was sanctioned but work could not be completed due to KB Marri’s opposition. Out of 47 schools only one was functional at Kahan. Rural health centers, basic health units are in personal use of tribesmen.

The terrorists hindered the process of seismic surveys and roads construction at Gwadar-Turbat-Rato Dero and Fazal Che-Kaiwand-Talli. They hindered Mega Development Projects (attack on Chinese at Gwadar on May 3, 2004 killing 3 Chinese, injuring 5 Chinese and 2 Pakistanis, attack on Chinese on October 15, 2005 near Talar Camp, injuring driver of the vehicle. In the anti-settlers efforts, 27 explosions, bomb blasts occurred, 11 processions and rallies were held, 30 meetings were attacked, 9 incidents of distribution of pamphlets, 3 abductions and damage to property were held. In anti-coal mining activities, Chamalang Coalmines had been a major irritant and remained closed due to coercion. During 2005 coalmines in Quetta, Harnai Mach and Sibi areas were occupied and owners were forced to pay bhatta. In August 2004, 6 persons (including 5 Army men) were brutally murdered. Police officials were abducted and threatened. In April 2005, terrorists slapped SHO Hub for not releasing arrested BNP(M) workers. In October 2005, they attempted forcible closure of shops in Wadh, owned by Naseer Mengal (Federal Minister, PML).

Reportedly shopkeepers did not support BNP (M) during the Local Government Elections. In an exchange of fire between the two, one person was killed and three were injured. In collaboration with Rehman dacoit they coordinated BLA’s activities. Rehman dacoit was closely associated with Atta Irani who facilitated smuggling of arms and ammunition for BLA.

Reportedly Indian intelligence agency RAW’s notorious agent, Chhota Rajan, was present in Balochistan, who hired and trained a number of BLA men, supplied arms, ammunition, mines, grenades, guns and RDX besides Pakistani and US currency in millions.

Pakistan Observer - Newspaper online edition - Article
This is what Indians are really good at, They are shooting two Targets with One ARROW.

1.) Destabilizing Pakistan and creating conditions like in 1971.

2.) Trying to put a Crack in Pak-China Friendship.
RAW trying to destabilize Balochistan

ISLAMABAD: A leading newspaper of Sri Lanka ‘The Daily Mirror’ in its editorial has highly criticized the role Indian Intelligence Agency (RAW) is playing in the regional countries to destabilize them. The editorial has specially referred to Pakistan. It says “among its (RAW’s) most ambitious operations that are currently underway is the move to separate Baluchistan province from Pakistan by supporting Baluchistan Liberation Army.” The newspaper writes that “It certainly is a monumental task for the informed Sri Lankan or for that matter anyone in the neighbourhood of India to keep a straight face when talking about the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in India. Formed in 1968, the predatory operations carried out by this external intelligence agency of India in the neighboring countries, is perhaps the best example as to how a geographically advantageous nations bully their little neighbours.
A careful study of the RAW would spell out that its modus operandi include multinationals, nongovernmental organizations and even cultural centres. Among its most ambitious operations that are currently underway is the move to separate Baluchistan province from Pakistan by supporting Baluchistan Liberation Army.” Having raised, nursed and fortified the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam it later went through phases where it adopted ‘rock the baby, pinch the baby’ approach towards the LTTE.—Agencies

Welcome to Daily Regional Times Online Newspaper
Here's the editorial from Sri Lanka's Daily Mirror.

RAW RAW rocks the boat

It certainly is a monumental task for the informed Sri Lankan or for that matter anyone in the neighbourhood of India to keep a straight face when talking about the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in India.
Formed in 1968, the predatory operations carried out by this external intelligence agency of India in the neighbouring countries, is perhaps the best example as to how a geographically advantageous nations bully their little neighbours.

A careful study of the RAW would spell out that its modus operandi include multi-nationals, non-governmental organizations and even cultural centres. Among its most ambitious operations that are currently underway is the move to separate Balochistan province from Pakistan by supporting Balochistan Liberation Army.

The RAW in Sri Lanka has a pretty colourful record.

Having raised, nursed and fortified the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam it later went through phases where it adopted ‘rock the baby, pinch the baby’ approach towards the LTTE. While many thought the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi would have hardened the approach of the RAW towards the LTTE it really did not happen that way. While New Delhi was shattered by the death of Nehru’s grandson the less emotional RAW moved on with rest of operation.In 2007 ripples were created in the spy agency when one of its Colombo based officers Ravi Nair of 1975 batch was found allegedly carrying on an affair with a woman working for a Chinese spy agency.

The ‘crime’ was considered only second to what was committed by the RAW Joint Secretary Rabinder Singh in 2004 when he escaped with copies of several highly confidential documents and is believed to have passed them on to the CIA. This was after Singh’s superiors confronted him with evidence that he had spent time with a Delhi based female US embassy officer at a resort down New Delhi- Jaipur highway.

The incident really rocked the RAW and forced it to go for several reforms which included strong counter-check measures on its officers.

Despite these measures within three years a second scandal broke out, this time in Colombo.

Following the embarrassment caused by Ravi Nair in Colombo, the RAW recalled the officer made it a point to post a lady officer to Colombo, probably thinking that’s the best way to discourage Chinese spies.

The reports that the RAW is out to create mischief in the backdrop of recent military victories by Sri Lankan troops surfaced days after media reports that Pottu Amman who was pulled up by Prabhakaran over recent debacles, had slipped off to India.

That the RAW was planning to host a selected group of fleeing LTTE seniors in India with a view to checkmate Sri Lanka in the future was the speculation among many war analysts around this time. Many held that it would only be a surprise if it doesn’t resort to such a counter- strategy given its record which included among others dozens and dozens of moves to weaken both SLFP and UNP led governments in Sri Lanka.

Then came the ‘Times of India’ leak that a team of the RAW operatives and spy planes have been sent to spy across the Palk straits and yesterday the local dailies here went to town about the spy plane spotted in the skies above Mullaitivu and the Navy attempts to shoot it down. All this is little too much evidence for a cynic to dismiss that the whole thing is just a grand ‘conspiracy theory’, a rumour spread by the anti- Indian lobby in Colombo.

Sri Lanka is certainly in no mood to trust the Research and Analysis Wing of India.

Sri Lanka Breaking News-Daily Mirror Online
the raw is even involved in destablizing sri lanka
india really has no friends
its future is not looking bright at all
I hope now everyone understands my comments in another topic where I said, that we should kill all separatist groups and the death of Bugti was right.

RAW can be read the other way round: WAR

And I think, they should get the war :sniper:
It fulfills a popular demand from indian members of the forum to show them neutral and international sources for involvement of RAW in Balochistan. Great.......
neutral??? The Lankans might have written this as was to visit Lanka (now in lanka) to ask the government to stop the killing of tamil civilians.
neutral??? The Lankans might have written this as was to visit Lanka (now in lanka) to ask the government to stop the killing of tamil civilians.

The whole world isn't neutral, only the Indian press :rolleyes:

Here something from your Newspapers

NEW DELHI: Indian media has raised doubts about police credibility over the killing of two Pakistani militants in New Delhi on Monday. As the police claim to have foiled an attack on India’s capital, newspapers wonder if the whole episode might have been staged.

The controversy is an unwelcome distraction from India's efforts to bring to book the Pakistanis it blames for November's attack on Mumbai.

Police on Sunday said they killed two militants after a car chase in Noida city on the outskirts of New Delhi on the eve of Republic Day. AK-47 rifles, grenades and a Pakistani passport were recovered, according to officials.

But the story sounded to some newspapers too good to be true. The militants not only conveniently carried Pakistani identification, they also asked for directions outside Delhi with an AK-47 poking out of a bag, and then confessed before dying.

The incident came amid heightened tension with Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks late last year. A brutal attack on the capital could have the potential to push the two nuclear-armed neighbours closer to the brink.

'(The doubts) hurt India's credibility more now than ever before, especially as India is now under international focus and trying to tell the world to act against terrorism after attacks on Mumbai,' retired Major-General Ashok Mehta told Reuters.

Indians even have a phrase for these kind of suspicions – 'fake encounters' – when police are accused of killing suspected criminals in cold blood and passing the incidents off as gunbattles to reap either fame or cash rewards.

'Doubts have always persisted about fake encounters and killings in India, but everything looks suspicious in this case,' Mehta, a security analyst, said.

Surprisingly, India's foreign ministry and home ministry have both been silent on the case.

One newspaper expressed doubts about the timing of Sunday's incident.

'We would have been a wee bit surprised had the police not produced some 'terrorists' – slain or alive – in the run-up to the Republic Day,' the Mail Today said.

'For the past many years encounters and arrests have been regular as the official ceremony on these occasions.'

The Times of India raised several suspicions, from conflicting police versions to the fact two previous encounters had taken place in the same isolated spot in less than 10 months.

The militants not only advertised their intentions with a gun-laden bag, they also asked for directions from a tea-seller – who just happened to be a police informer, the paper said.

Uttar Pradesh police said they were still investigating.

'People are free to interpret and react to the situation in their own ways,' senior Uttar Pradesh police officer Rajiv Krishna said, when asked about reports of a fake encounter.

Indian security experts say there is no doubt that Indian police are dealing every week with militant cells.

The Indian government and many experts say there is ample evidence that Pakistan is communicating with many of these cells. Western allies such as the United States are convinced of the evidence that Pakistani militants were involved in Mumbai.

But while the threat is real, doubts about the police will not go away.

'The problem is credibility of the police and the fact that nobody believes the police these days,' Julio Ribeiro, former Mumbai police commissioner, told Reuters.

India's human rights commission is investigating a previous gunbattle in New Delhi last year against two suspected Islamist militants after media alleged it could have been faked.

In Sunday's incident, the police came from one of India's most lawless and corrupt states, Uttar Pradesh.

'These encounters are very murky,' said Ajai Sahni, executive director at the Institute for Conflict Management.

'The fact that it happened in UP raises more doubts, but that doesn't mean it was a fake encounter.'
Yes, Indian media is more credible, I mean the Newspapers! If they raise a doubt about anything, they might have proof! You too should accept indian print media is neutral in most cases, especially Hindu
As a srilankan ,I know very well about Indian behavior about neighbors.They are responsible to plant & grow the most brutal inhuman terrorist organization ,named LTTE (Liberation of Tamil Tigers ellam) which is being destroyed by little but brave sri lankan Army.So , i would like to warn all the Pakistanis, Beware of THEM, THEY(u know who) WILL TRY TO DO IT AGAIN.
May Sri lankan Pakistan friendship last long:cheers:
Yes, Indian media is more credible, I mean the Newspapers! If they raise a doubt about anything, they might have proof! You too should accept indian print media is neutral in most cases, especially Hindu


Indian media isn't neutral at all. Look at the events after the Mumbay False Flag Action, your media has lost its credibility. But I won't blame you, you are unfortunately brain-washed and cannot understand the opinion of the FREE world.
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