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Indian T-Shirt Company Mocks Human Shield Victim - Sold Out!

And we civilized the barbaric and backward Hindus. This is what they were doing before the religion of Islam came to India and made them realize how a human is expected to behave, India Hindu past. Yet instead of thanking us, these peeps are denying the civilisation and culture we brought them. We elevated them from gutter to dignity and they repay us denying having ever being influenced by cultured and civilised Muslims. See your past and then read what you became, and now what you are becoming.
Why surprised if it's sold out?
hindus hate us they will sure buy it.
i will buy also if it has breaking hindu idols and sacrificing cow mata pictures or killing indian soldiers.
Wow, now pseudo liberals will check how many are followed by Modi among those ordered this.
It's the astonishing example of barbarism,slavery..We will keep it to advertise brutal kartoot in Mughal era.

Then why keep it in such a preserved ornamental state? ... a symbol of oppression isn't usually adored.
yeah thats why they ruled you for 800 years

I really find this obsession with foeign invaders in Pakistanis to be very funny. I mean the Mughals, Chengis Khan, Lodhis, Turks are all from Persia/ Central Asia who took women and killed men and converted local buddhists and Hindus who are now our western neighbours :)

The original Hindus and Buddhists who somehow managed to resist, to this day are following our 10000 years old Hinduism and Buddhism. Lol.

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