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Indian scientists find Novel #Coronavirus possibly designed

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Oh my god. Indian scientists have just found HIV (AIDS) virus-like insertions in the 2019-nCov virus that are not found in any other coronavirus. They hint at the possibility that this Chinese virus was designed ["not fortuitous']. Scary if true.

Detail in the link below :


The one on the left looks like a map of india :coffee:
This was expected and not surprising. What's surprising is THIS utter garbage of an article from a 'scientist' . Mutual hate aside, i admire Indian educational institutions but this is just a pathetic attempt at headline grabbing from a scientist. How's this for a fact? We're reaching to a stage where the most common bacterial infections which were previously treatable with first generation antibiotics are now resistant to even the 4th generation antibiotics which SHOULD be making headlines yet nobody cares. Doctors and patients alike in the subcontinent are responsible for this trend due to irrational prescribing practices on the doctors part and noncompliance on the patient's part.

This just another fake news attempt by India. The original link to the research was deleted as this news was posted.

I am not saying that Corona cannot be an engineered virus at all but what this hole info is saying is the same info that China post on their website when they decided to share the info.

If you want to see how dangerous Corona is first check a similar virus to Corona is already roaming in USA that is called influenza and it has killed more people than Corona. Corona is more similar to influenza than HIV.

The best scientist in developing such bio tech weapon are old soviet scientist who are working for different govt. Indians who are taking claim for discovering this has already been taken by Russians they have already told HIV drugs are working good against Coronavirus and China is using them.

This tweet is 5 days old so India has discovered cow dung here nothing else.

India walay bhi twitter par khabar parthay hain aur surgical Kar detay hain. Wanabe nation.

Corona has HIV like insertions? Yes it has and drugs used to treat HIV are effective on it.

Here this was said by Russians 3 days ago.

There is a much bigger game being played here. If you want to here conspiracy theories here translate this news and enjoy a fun time of conspiracy theories.

India is discovering shit today USA dispatched China HIV treatment drung and an unknown vaccine 5 days back. So they knew before India that HIV geans were in Coronavirus. No one told India or they heard the news today and claimed it their break through. Lol

Indian discovery my shit. India just copy pasted the report WHO released and claimed its own.

This is not peer reviewed so stop spreading it like fact!

bioRxiv is intended for the rapid sharing of new research and not for commentary that simply contests or rebuts research published in journals.

bioRxiv (pronounced "bio-archive") is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences.

As preprints, papers hosted on bioRxiv are not peer-reviewed, but undergo basic screening and checked against plagiarism.

Meaning this paper has not been scrutinized/ reviewed by an expert! So, you shouldnt get overly excited and spreading it like a virus!

Will indians understand that biorxiv is not a peer reviewed journal every tom dick and harry can submit their discoveries there ...it only checks for plagiarism and simple basics..not peer reviewed means no one has analysed what is presented nor gone through the data/ possibilities and thus, it is NOT ACCEPTED by the scientific community UNTIL it will be published by a peer reviewed journal!

indians trying to force it down other people's throat need to wake up!
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