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Indian schoolgirl attempts suicide after being paraded naked by teacher


Feb 27, 2011
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United Kingdom
The scale of cruelty and corporal punishment in Indian schools was highlighted yesterday by the attempted suicide of 13 year girl who was paraded naked by a teacher for 'stealing' £15.


The girl was forced to remove her clothes by a female teacher at a school in north-west Delhi after being accused of stealing money and a mobile phone from a classmate. She returned home after school and jumped off the balcony of her four-storey block of flats. Her relatives said she had been distraught by her public humiliation.

Her case emerged amid a series of reports of brutal attacks on children by teachers throughout India. A four year old boy was forced to drink his own urine by his nursery teacher in Andhra Pradesh to punish him for wetting himself. A five year old boy in the same state was beaten up by a grammar school principal, while a seven year old Dalit girl was thrashed by her mathematics teacher for failing to solve a problem. A teacher was arrested in Madhya Pradesh for partially scalping an eight year old girl .

Colin Gonsolves, director of India's Human Rights Law Network, said while corporal punishment in schools is illegal it remains widespread.

"In practice we are still beating our children in our schools It doesn't just include beating the child, we have witnessed cases of sexual abuse, mental harassment and long term psychological traumas in many children. As far as the schooling system is concerned we are still living in dark ages and acting as an uncivilised and backward society," he said.

The problem continues, he said, because many parents and police officers do not consider it wrong for a teacher to beat a child. "they think its been done for the betterment of the child." he said.
"We need to launch massive campaigns in schools to educate children about their rights," he added.

source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...paraded-naked-by-teacher-for-stealing-15.html
This shouuld not have happened, especially in New Delhi of all the places.

I hope the news is not true.
This shouuld not have happened, especially in New Delhi of all the places.

I hope the news is not true.

Its not about India but child abuse by teacher happen in Pakistan as well especially in government schools and mostly victims are students from middle /poor class. Most of these teachers are not trained professionally and even some illiterate parent ask teachers to beat the kids if they don't take interest in study which give freedom to teacher to take his frustration out on poor kids
So much for Indian democracy. Now Indians can stop bragging about human rights and freedom their country is enjoying versus the Communist regime in China.

IMO it has more to do with cultural and civic senses then democracy.
Do they report... what was the cast of the victim?
Its not about India but child abuse by teacher happen in Pakistan as well especially in government schools and mostly victims are students from middle /poor class. Most of these teachers are not trained professionally and even some illiterate parent ask teachers to beat the kids if they don't take interest in study which give freedom to teacher to take his frustration out on poor kids

What the teacher did is more than punishment. The Teacher stripped her naked thereby stripping her dignity, inflicting unbearable shame.

This only supposed to happen in a nightmare.
What the teacher did is more than punishment. The Teacher stripped her naked thereby stripping her dignity, inflicting unbearable shame.

This only supposed to happen in a nightmare.

thats why i have used word "child abuse" instead of "punishment"

Showing this ugly face of india is banned here on pdf-
Let them live in the dream of shinning india-

and this is even worse

Indian girl shot dead after objecting to man urinating outside her home
A teenage girl has been shot dead after objecting to a man urinating outside the door of her family home in Delhi.

Her mother was also shot in the row and is critically ill in hospital.

Indian girl shot dead after objecting to man urinating outside her home - Telegraph
Big shame.... Read my previous posts.... i have mentioned new delhi no.1 in child abuse in india and i gave the reason why.... However india not the only country in world where child abuse high.... i can give many countries name with evidence but i wont as am not here to have a argument. New delhi has to change.... New delhi turning a rape capital of world and might over take african nation.... A women not safe at night in new delhi.... The frequency of new delhi to noida is totaly negative. Even to my body i can feel which i cant stand long.... New delhi people alot aggressive specialy while driving.... New delhi famous for Road rage....
Fcuk delhi and its joining areas its a shame our capital is the most unsafe city bloody hell its a city where sone one may put a gun to your head for a mere parking spot
i can give 1000s of links on road rage and rape in new delhi but for now just one link as am not here to spread negative frequency.... peace is must. New delhi has to change....
btw countries like pakistan, china and america too famous for negative things. right now am watching american, pakistani and chinese having a go (in way enjoying negative news as always).... child abuse, rape, murder present in every nation.... We should work together towards making world free of crimes.... Not enjoying and taking cheap shots....
Articles about Road Rage - Economic Times
Fcuk delhi and its joining areas its a shame our capital is the most unsafe city bloody hell its a city where sone one may put a gun to your head for a mere parking spot

why crime rate is higher in Delhi?
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