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Indian RAW's Kulbhushan S Jadhav sentenced to death for espionage & sabotage against Pakistan

Indians crying about Yadav should search google for Maqbool Bhat

no access to lawyers or high commission
no family visits rights before death
body not returned to family after death and buried in prison.

we will do the same to Yadav

Raam Raam satya hogya ye to ..
Prisoners of war are also released by Pakistan. Pakistan just released your Chuhan few months ago. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...-crossed-loc-in-2016/articleshow/56701876.cms

On death penalty to spies,
Article 68 of Geneva conversion authorises the Occupying Power under certain conditions to inflict the death penalty on protected persons found guilty of espionage.

Besides spying, Kubushan is guilty of terrorism and there is no Geneva convention for terrorists. India didn't give any councillor access to Pakistan for Ajmal Qasab. Was there fair? So should this be.

But here he was kidnapped from Iran .

Pak to act on consular access after probing Kasab nationality
Islamabad, January 1, 2009 | UPDATED 22:13 IST

Pakistan on Thursday said it would act on the issue of consular access to Ajmal Amir Iman 'Kasab', the lone terrorist captured during the Mumbai attacks, after completing its own investigation into his admission that he was a Pakistani citizen.

"We are currently carrying out our own internal investigations to ascertain whether Ajmal Kasab is from Pakistan. We will deal with this issue after our investigations are complete," Foreign Office spokesman Mohammad Sadiq told reporters in Islamabad.

Kasab recently sent a letter to the Pakistan government seeking legal aid. Officials had earlier said authorities were examining his letter. Pakistan has also said it has not been provided evidence by India regarding the involvement of elements within this country in the Mumbai attacks.

Kasab's father admitted in an interview to the Dawn newspaper last month that the attacker whose pictures were flashed around the world by the media was his son.

Islamabad, Thu Jan 08 2009, 13:00 hrs

Pakistan may not seek consular access to Ajmal Amir Iman 'Kasab', the lone terrorist captured during the Mumbai attacks, despite acknowledging that he is its national as he has damaged the country's image "like no other," a media report said on Thursday.

"We are not yet sure when to ask for consular access. We may not ask for it. He is involved in a heinous crime," an unnamed senior official told 'Dawn' newspaper.

The terrorist had damaged Pakistan "like no other," the official said when asked about the issue of Islamabad seeking consular access to Kasab following Wednesday's admission by the government that he is a Pakistani national.

After being in constant denial mode, Pakistani officials, including Information Minister Sherry Rehman and Foreign

Office spokesman Mohammad Sadiq, on Wednesday finally admitted that Kasab is a Pakistani national.

Kasab has written a letter to the Pakistan government asking that he be provided consular access and legal aid. Pakistani authorities had earlier said they were examining Kasab's request.
Kasab was caught firing in CST his CCT footage is available firing using his AK , we have the rcording of his black berry , we habe Abu jundal who was present in the control room in KArachi , UK has shared the internet searches but the technical team during that time originated from the IPs used during the Mumbai attacks and for Afzal Guru , I personally dont like final statement by Supreme court :( ........

And What Makes You Think ISI Has Nothing On Yadev?????He Was Caught In a Troubled Area With A Fake Name and Passport.And This Is Just Tip of The Iceberg

BTW He Can Still File An Appeal In Military Appellate Tribunal Though I Hardly Doubt His Chances Of Survival Are Any Better
Good , No Bargaining Chip left now for ISI
Actually liking where its going though we already knew thats going to happen sooner or later. You served your country well sir hoping for your public execution though, in my opinion he is already dead & killed by pakistan.
Why so?

If he is indeed our naval intelligence officer, he served the country with his head held high. It is a shame that we couldn't extract him out through backdoor dealings.

I really hope the GOI can take care of his family when he has sacrificed his life.
Nothing suspect about the timing! :lol:
so you people agree with indian terrorism in pakistan
good job

now also agree with this

Is Geneva convention not applied here in this case ?

There is no right of councellor access to spies under geneva convention..

He has a right for a trial... and has been given one... he also has been given right to appeal... not required under geneva convention
If they have then why are they shying to make it public ???
And What Makes You Think ISI Has Nothing On Yadev?????He Was Caught In a Troubled Area With A Fake Name and Passport.And This Is Just Tip of The Iceberg

BTW He Can Still File An Appeal In Military Appellate Tribunal Though I Hardly Doubt His Chances Of Survival Are Any Better
One thing that I want ; hang him on wahgaah border. ..and , let the party begin ! ..

Pakistan Adm is well aware that they want to show that they are incharge with the events linked inside Afghanistan.

We are seeing as soon as Air Corridor agreement was signed between Republic of India and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan , how the Pakistan Military fired rockets towards Afghanistan and now this hanging episode .
If they have then why are they shying to make it public ???
Actually it's India's fault when RAW found 7 members from basit's team are found to be a spy team and deported to pak. They should be hanged till death.
Anyways future will give more chances
Hang him now. Don't delay like the last spy they released.
If they have then why are they shying to make it public ???

ISI Works With It's Own Objectives In Mind.It Won't Just Make Sensitive Details Public On Someones Demands

Actually it's India's fault when RAW found 7 members from basit's team are found to be a spy team and deported to pak. They should be hanged till death.
Anyways future will give more chances

Yeah Diplomacy Does Not Work That Way Otherwise The Indian Diplomats Caught Spying Would Also Have Been Hanged and Not Deported Back To India

Read carefully this is your own source which has thrown light on how there's always a contradiction in the statements made by your politicians

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Hence proved that the decision to get done with KJ was done in a haste. The timing gives away the fact that Habib gone missing is related to KJ for both India and Pakistan.

All The Intel On Yadav Was With ISI Not FO And Certainly Not With An Old Idiot Like Sartaj Aziz.

And Normally Pakistani Public Takes His Statement With A Pinch Of Salt.More Often Than Not FO Has Had To Issue "Clarifications"

And Indian Politicians Also Say A Lot of Things Do You Also Just Take Them On Face Value?????
There is no right of councellor access to spies under geneva convention..

He has a right for a trial... and has been given one... he also has been given right to appeal... not required under geneva convention

Since the drafting of the Geneva Conventions, the International Committee of the Red Cross has played a special role in safeguarding the rights of prisoners of war. For decades, governments have allowed officials from the organization to report on the treatment of detainees, to insure that standards set by international treaties are being maintained. The Red Cross, however, was unable to get access to the C.I.A.’s prisoners for five years. Finally, last year, Red Cross officials were allowed to interview fifteen detainees, after they had been transferred to Guantánamo. One of the prisoners was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.


An Indian court has pardoned Pakistani-American Lashkar-e-Taiba operative David Coleman Headley on the condition that he will reveal “every fact” regarding the conspiracy behind the brazen 2008 Mumbai attacks.

This has led to expectations that Headley’s deposition from the US via video link will throw up fresh revelations about the role of LeT leaders and Inter-Services Intelligence operatives in planning and executing the strike that killed 166 people.

But four years ago, Headley made many startling revelations when he was interrogated in the US by a team of sleuths from India’s National Investigation Agency.

Admins are continuously deleting the comments.
Hence, I decided to opt out this ill controlled thread.

I will wait for Indian OFFICIAL action.

Good bye to PDF

Wake up mate, Kulbushan was "official Indian action" and you've witnessed its treatment. Kulbushan admitted he was Indian Navy's serving officer and will retire in 2022. But good.. wait for "indian official actions" now ;)
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he was not single man army, other guys are still out there and doing his shit, we need to be more aggressive to counter Indian RAW dirty works.
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