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indian rapist baba Nithyananda fled country ,FIR Against Self Proclaimed

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i think increase in rape cases in india are due to teachings of these gurus of india
All these babas are sex hungry

Nithyananda fled India on expired passport? Controversial godman traceless, authorities clueless
An accused in a rape case in Karnataka and named in a case of kidnapping and torture of children in Gujarat, Nithyananda is suspected to have fled India. His passport, however, had expired.

Nolan Pinto
November 22, 2019
UPDATED: November 22, 2019 17:18 IST
Godman Nithyananda has fled the country: Gujarat police
rape culture in Indian religion and it is national sports. Indian culture was all about sexual impropriety, with all sorts of sexual acts explained in great detail in Shastras (the sacred scriptures of Hinduism consisting of four categories of text, the sruti, smriti, purana, and tantra.). However, as Indians got exposed to different cultures their perceptions of bodily freedom changed. Today Indians are not half as promiscuous as the people mentioned in the Shastras. you see as the society evolved Indian felt shameful of the acts of their ancient people so Indians started changing the stories and made them more appropriate to contemporary times. However, a closer and deeper study would reveal that India was a land of sexual perversions and all must accept this.
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Savarker (founder of New India) concluded that foreign invaders could easily attack India Historically because Indians didn't attack them back and rape their women. That was biggest mistake. Indians should have raped their women.
Following true leader of modern India, raping is pride. Remember Katua rape case of kashmir, rapist was on leave but he returned from UP to kashmir just for rape.
Rape took place in Temple. Local Hindu community protested against arrest of rapists. Indians searched name of girl who was raped on Indian **** sites.
Indian Society is dead. We should see the light and accept it. Bollywood is Not India.
Almost every guy is. So when Christian popes or Hindu babas say : we will not marry for the love of God; they are actually saying: but we will try to have sx in other ways, may be through rape, or whatever we will get.
If you dig little bit in, the number of children born(and killed) within Churchs and Hindu Temples due to these babas and popes will shock you.
Just see the news regarding the sxual relations between men and women in Temples and churches and you will know what happens when humans go against human nature. So that's the reason why Islam prohibits mix gathering.
They actually have a religious practice where mostly Dalit girls are/were pushed into sex slavery in temples. The custom is/was called Devadasi Pratha...

Devadasi System In 2019 Gives Way To Sex Slavery

The Devadasi System: Temple Prostitution in India
i think increase in rape cases in india are due to teachings of these gurus of india

Nithyananda fled India on expired passport? Controversial godman traceless, authorities clueless
An accused in a rape case in Karnataka and named in a case of kidnapping and torture of children in Gujarat, Nithyananda is suspected to have fled India. His passport, however, had expired.

Nolan Pinto
November 22, 2019
UPDATED: November 22, 2019 17:18 IST
Godman Nithyananda has fled the country: Gujarat police
Probably fake passport then
LOL. How strange then that the "Kidnapped and Raped" girl has released a video and has given statements to the Media. :lol:


'Don't allow our parents to 'kidnap' us', say Nithyananda's disciples

The sisters set conditions to return to India

Twists and turns in the ashram of self-styled godman Nithyananda in Ahmedabad continued on Friday with his two key disciples uploading a video on their social media account and giving out conditions to return to India.

In the video, the sisters said that they are ready to return to India if they are allowed under court protection. Nityanandita, one of the sisters, even alleged that her father had tried to force her to file a rape case against “Swami Nityananda”.

Janardana Sarma, father of Lopa Mudra and Nityanandita, had filed habeas corpus writ in the Gujarat High Court. Hearing in the case is to be held on November 26.

Among the conditions put up by the sisters are that two disciples of Nityananda who have been arrested should be released. They have also demanded that they should not be “kidnapped” by their parents. The sisters have also said that they should not be ordered as to whom they should stay with.

They actually have a religious practice where mostly Dalit girls are/were pushed into sex slavery in temples. The custom is/was called Devadasi Pratha...

Devadasi System In 2019 Gives Way To Sex Slavery

The Devadasi System: Temple Prostitution in India

LOL. Typical LIES by muslims to hide their own history of sexual exploitation and slave trade.

Devadasi's were NUNS of the Hindu order who lived in the temple and dedicated their whole lives in the service of god.

They were given patronage by the Hindu rulers of the time and they lived their lives in the temple and learnt arts like singing and dancing to be performed before the deity.

AFTER THE ISLAMIC INVASION when the Hindu rulers were replaced and Temples DESTROYED, they were FORCED to beg and turn to prostitution to SURVIVE under islamic rule.

One of India's greatest singer MS Subbulakshmi was a DEVDASI , one of the few orders who SURVIVED the islamic invasion and continued with their original order.

LOL. How strange then that the "Kidnapped and Raped" girl has released a video and has given statements to the Media. :lol:


'Don't allow our parents to 'kidnap' us', say Nithyananda's disciples

The sisters set conditions to return to India

Twists and turns in the ashram of self-styled godman Nithyananda in Ahmedabad continued on Friday with his two key disciples uploading a video on their social media account and giving out conditions to return to India.

In the video, the sisters said that they are ready to return to India if they are allowed under court protection. Nityanandita, one of the sisters, even alleged that her father had tried to force her to file a rape case against “Swami Nityananda”.

Janardana Sarma, father of Lopa Mudra and Nityanandita, had filed habeas corpus writ in the Gujarat High Court. Hearing in the case is to be held on November 26.

Among the conditions put up by the sisters are that two disciples of Nityananda who have been arrested should be released. They have also demanded that they should not be “kidnapped” by their parents. The sisters have also said that they should not be ordered as to whom they should stay with.

LOL. Typical LIES by muslims to hide their own history of sexual exploitation and slave trade.

Devadasi's were NUNS of the Hindu order who lived in the temple and dedicated their whole lives in the service of god.

They were given patronage by the Hindu rulers of the time and they lived their lives in the temple and learnt arts like singing and dancing to be performed before the deity.

AFTER THE ISLAMIC INVASION when the Hindu rulers were replaced and Temples DESTROYED, they were FORCED to beg and turn to prostitution to SURVIVE under islamic rule.

One of India's greatest singer MS Subbulakshmi was a DEVDASI , one of the few orders who SURVIVED the islamic invasion and continued with their original order.

It's been many years now, since Müslim rule removed from India. Is the status of devdasi is restored or you guys are waiting for another mahabharata?
The truth is, this line of devdasi was invented by those babas, who were living in Temples in Sanyas. And rest of the story is pretty clear. They simply can't respect women, otherwise women will not be as available as like this.
Just answer me one question: would you like your daughter to serve as devdasi?
after repeated rape these hindu gurus have made these women sex addict so they will never return back to their home as these gurus have transformed them to prostitutes
LOL. How strange then that the "Kidnapped and Raped" girl has released a video and has given statements to the Media. :lol:


'Don't allow our parents to 'kidnap' us', say Nithyananda's disciples

The sisters set conditions to return to India

Twists and turns in the ashram of self-styled godman Nithyananda in Ahmedabad continued on Friday with his two key disciples uploading a video on their social media account and giving out conditions to return to India.

In the video, the sisters said that they are ready to return to India if they are allowed under court protection. Nityanandita, one of the sisters, even alleged that her father had tried to force her to file a rape case against “Swami Nityananda”.

Janardana Sarma, father of Lopa Mudra and Nityanandita, had filed habeas corpus writ in the Gujarat High Court. Hearing in the case is to be held on November 26.

Among the conditions put up by the sisters are that two disciples of Nityananda who have been arrested should be released. They have also demanded that they should not be “kidnapped” by their parents. The sisters have also said that they should not be ordered as to whom they should stay with.

LOL. Typical LIES by muslims to hide their own history of sexual exploitation and slave trade.

Devadasi's were NUNS of the Hindu order who lived in the temple and dedicated their whole lives in the service of god.

They were given patronage by the Hindu rulers of the time and they lived their lives in the temple and learnt arts like singing and dancing to be performed before the deity.

AFTER THE ISLAMIC INVASION when the Hindu rulers were replaced and Temples DESTROYED, they were FORCED to beg and turn to prostitution to SURVIVE under islamic rule.

One of India's greatest singer MS Subbulakshmi was a DEVDASI , one of the few orders who SURVIVED the islamic invasion and continued with their original order.

It's been many years now, since Müslim rule removed from India. Is the status of devdasi is restored or you guys are waiting for another mahabharata?
The truth is, this line of devdasi was invented by those babas, who were living in Temples in Sanyas. And rest of the story is pretty clear. They simply can't respect women, otherwise women will not be as available as like this.
Just answer me one question: would you like your daughter to serve as devdasi?

Temple lands are still under government control since we had the TRIPLE MISFORTUNE of Islamic invasion, christian invasion and Communist invasion (Non military). The last one was just as damaging to Hindu civilization as the earlier two Military invasion.

1. Devdasi system (the corrupted and perverted form) is currently outlawed in India since 1947.

2. Though Prostitution is LEGAL in India and every women as the RIGHT to earn her living through it.

3. Sanyasis DO NOT LIVE IN TEMPLE. They are people who have renounced Society and live OUTSIDE society. In Jungles and in Mountains. And some in holy cities like Varanasi etc.

4. If my GROWN daughter feels the need to be a Devdasi or even a prostitute, I have no legal right to stop her. Only advice her.

Similarly if any grown women in Indian decides to be a NUN of any order , NO MAN can decide otherwise for her. INCLUDING HER PARENTS.

5. Now how about if your daughter decides to be a devdasi ? would you support her ?

after repeated rape these hindu gurus have made these women sex addict so they will never return back to their home as these guru have made them prostitutes

Spoken like a true pakistani muslim. :agree:

No doubt you do namaz 5 times a day.
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