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Indian Police Forces receive AK-15 assault rifles

Black Tornado

Jul 26, 2021
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Партия новых автоматов АК-15 была поставлена в Индию в середине августа - "Калашников"
23.08.2021 12:00:10
Кубинка (Московская область). 23 августа. ИНТЕРФАКС - Концерн "Калашников" в середине августа поставил партию автоматов АК-15 в Индию для подразделений специального назначения, сообщили "Интерфаксу" в пресс-службе концерна.
"В середине августа отгружена партия АК-15 в Индию, которая будет использоваться специальными подразделениями ряда индийских штатов", - сообщили в пресс-службе.
Накануне гендиректор "Рособоронэкспорта" Александр Михеев сообщил "Интерфаксу" о подписании контракта с Индией на поставку 70 тыс. автоматов АК-103.
Ранее индийские СМИ сообщили, что Индия подписала с Россией контракт на незамедлительную поставку 70 тыс. готовых к использованию автоматов Калашникова. В публикации говорилось о поставках автоматов "двухсотой серии".
В марте 2018 года военные официально подтвердили информацию о принятии на вооружение новых автоматов разработки концерна "Калашников" - АК-12 и АК-15 и завода имени В.Дегтярёва - АЕК-971, АЕК-973 (6П67, 6П68).
АК-12 (калибр 5,45 мм), АК-15 (7,62 мм), АЕК-971 (5,45 мм), АЕК-973 (7,62 мм) проходили испытания для включения в боевую экипировку "Ратник".
1тр ав

A batch of new AK-15 assault rifles was delivered to India in mid-August - Kalashnikov.
23.08.2021 12:00:10
Kubinka (Moscow region). August 23. INTERFAX - Kalashnikov Group delivered a batch of AK-15 assault rifles to India for special forces units in mid-August, the press service of the concern told Interfax.
"In mid-August, the AK-15 batch was shipped to India, which will be used by special units of a number of Indian states," the press service reported.
The day before, Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheev informed Interfax about the signing of a contract with India for the supply of 70 thousand AK-103 assault rifles.
Earlier, Indian media reported that India had signed a contract with Russia for the immediate supply of 70,000 ready-to-use Kalashnikov assault rifles. The publication talked about the supply of "two hundredth series" machines.
In March 2018, the military officially confirmed the information on the adoption of new Kalashnikov Group development machines - AK-12 and AK-15 and the V. Degtyaryov plant - AEK-971, AEK-973 (6P67, 6P68).
AK-12 (caliber 5.45 mm), AK-15 (7.62 mm), AEK-971 (5.45 mm), AEK-973 (7.62 mm) were tested for inclusion in military equipment "Warrior".
1tr av

@salute @Suriya @koolzberg @Chhatrapati @UDAYCAMPUS @INS_Vikramaditya
For police, always give them the old army rifles
Importing new stuff for police isn't a good thing unless you're facing a major threat
It says Special Task Forces of Indian Police (Maybe done again to please Russians)
Yeah I know but I am sure the indian domestic rifles would serve them fine like the ones they currently use in Indian army

They're not fighting the Chinese or something, they don't need these imported stuff
Yeah I know but I am sure the indian domestic rifles would serve them fine like the ones they currently use in Indian army

They're not fighting the Chinese or something, they don't need these imported stuff
This is the Indian TAR (OFT made AK)

Hell we are even Making CZ BREN in India, makes 0 sense to import AKs from Russia unless GoI wants to compensate for the recent “sour” bilateral relations.
Партия новых автоматов АК-15 была поставлена в Индию в середине августа - "Калашников"
23.08.2021 12:00:10
Кубинка (Московская область). 23 августа. ИНТЕРФАКС - Концерн "Калашников" в середине августа поставил партию автоматов АК-15 в Индию для подразделений специального назначения, сообщили "Интерфаксу" в пресс-службе концерна.
"В середине августа отгружена партия АК-15 в Индию, которая будет использоваться специальными подразделениями ряда индийских штатов", - сообщили в пресс-службе.
Накануне гендиректор "Рособоронэкспорта" Александр Михеев сообщил "Интерфаксу" о подписании контракта с Индией на поставку 70 тыс. автоматов АК-103.
Ранее индийские СМИ сообщили, что Индия подписала с Россией контракт на незамедлительную поставку 70 тыс. готовых к использованию автоматов Калашникова. В публикации говорилось о поставках автоматов "двухсотой серии".
В марте 2018 года военные официально подтвердили информацию о принятии на вооружение новых автоматов разработки концерна "Калашников" - АК-12 и АК-15 и завода имени В.Дегтярёва - АЕК-971, АЕК-973 (6П67, 6П68).
АК-12 (калибр 5,45 мм), АК-15 (7,62 мм), АЕК-971 (5,45 мм), АЕК-973 (7,62 мм) проходили испытания для включения в боевую экипировку "Ратник".
1тр ав

A batch of new AK-15 assault rifles was delivered to India in mid-August - Kalashnikov.
23.08.2021 12:00:10
Kubinka (Moscow region). August 23. INTERFAX - Kalashnikov Group delivered a batch of AK-15 assault rifles to India for special forces units in mid-August, the press service of the concern told Interfax.
"In mid-August, the AK-15 batch was shipped to India, which will be used by special units of a number of Indian states," the press service reported.
The day before, Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheev informed Interfax about the signing of a contract with India for the supply of 70 thousand AK-103 assault rifles.
Earlier, Indian media reported that India had signed a contract with Russia for the immediate supply of 70,000 ready-to-use Kalashnikov assault rifles. The publication talked about the supply of "two hundredth series" machines.
In March 2018, the military officially confirmed the information on the adoption of new Kalashnikov Group development machines - AK-12 and AK-15 and the V. Degtyaryov plant - AEK-971, AEK-973 (6P67, 6P68).
AK-12 (caliber 5.45 mm), AK-15 (7.62 mm), AEK-971 (5.45 mm), AEK-973 (7.62 mm) were tested for inclusion in military equipment "Warrior".
1tr av

@salute @Suriya @koolzberg @Chhatrapati @UDAYCAMPUS @INS_Vikramaditya
For police, always give them the old army rifles
Importing new stuff for police isn't a good thing unless you're facing a major threat
There are rumors floating around that IA intends to cancel the AK-203 contract for 650k rifles that are to be produced by a JV between Kalashnikov concern and OFB. It looks like MoD is placing orders by bits and pieces thru other entities, be it paramilitary or state police forces to throw something to the Russians

Also, these AK-15 rifles are for state police SWAT teams or anti-naxal units. Given the operations and conditions they operate in, it is best to procure a newer rifle over passing down INSAS. Again, several private companies and OFB are producing some decent rifles either indigenously developed or thru JV but this seems to be more of a strategic move....very similar to how IA and IAF don't wanna procure the KA-226 anymore and instead chose HAL's LUH
There are rumors floating around that IA intends to cancel the AK-203 contract for 650k rifles that are to be produced by a JV between Kalashnikov concern and OFB. It looks like MoD is placing orders by bits and pieces thru other entities, be it paramilitary or state police forces to throw something to the Russians

Also, these AK-15 rifles are for state police SWAT teams or anti-naxal units. Given the operations and conditions they operate in, it is best to procure a newer rifle over passing down INSAS. Again, several private companies and OFB are producing some decent rifles either indigenously developed or thru JV but this seems to be more of a strategic move....very similar to how IA and IAF don't wanna procure the KA-226 anymore and instead chose HAL's LUH
but what about the decent JVPC gun ??will it be inducted??
and are u sure LUH will be chosen instead of ka 226??please inform me.
but what about the decent JVPC gun ??will it be inducted??
and are u sure LUH will be chosen instead of ka 226??please inform me.
JVPC has been inducted by several state police forces and some paramilitary as well but I'm sure IA wouldn't induct it given their GSQR and also JVPC doesn't meet most of IA's operational requirements

Regarding LUH & Ka-226, the current proposal is to induct both to fill in the numbers and replace all Cheetahs and Chetaks in our inventory. The only argument for Ka-226 is it's twin engine...there are literally no other benefits over that

IAF is very interested in LUH, we'd have to see if IA is in line or they'd want a combination of both helos. It'd all come down to lobbying and kickbacks
JVPC has been inducted by several state police forces and some paramilitary as well but I'm sure IA wouldn't induct it given their GSQR and also JVPC doesn't meet most of IA's operational requirements

Regarding LUH & Ka-226, the current proposal is to induct both to fill in the numbers and replace all Cheetahs and Chetaks in our inventory. The only argument for Ka-226 is it's twin engine...there are literally no other benefits over that

IAF is very interested in LUH, we'd have to see if IA is in line or they'd want a combination of both helos. It'd all come down to lobbying and kickbacks
Thank u a lot.many more indigenious weapons are waiting for us.i am eager for rudram 3 and astra mark 2.
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