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Indian police arrested 17 Bangladeshis for living illegally in Uttar Pradesh


Jul 30, 2015
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Indians should go easy with Bangladeshis living in India. Don't put them in jail. They are poor people earning a living in India to feed their family. :(

17 Bangladeshis held in India for ‘illegal entry’

Star Online Graphics
11:56 AM, July 29, 2019 / LAST MODIFIED: 01:02 PM, July 29, 2019


Star Online Report

Seventeen Bangladeshi nationals have been arrested from an Indian village in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura district for entering and staying in India without valid documents, a senior police official said today.

The arrestees were held from Akbarpur village on Saturday during an ongoing drive against illegal immigrants and anti-social elements by Indian police, our New Delhi correspondent report quoting Mathura’s Deputy Superintendent of Police Jagdish Kaliraman.

Among the arrestees, five are men, four women and eight children, said the DySP, adding that they were held after they failed to produce any identification document or travel paper authorising entry into India.

They were produced before a local court which remanded them in judicial custody, he said.

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Indians should go easy with Bangladeshis living in India. Don't put them in jail. They are poor people earning a living in India to feed their family. :(
But Bangladeshi members got me banned for saying that there are Bangladeshis in India.

You are wrong. There are no Bangladeshis in India. Poor Indians are immigrating to Bangladesh in search of work.
But Bangladeshi members got me banned for saying that there are Bangladeshis in India.

You are wrong. There are no Bangladeshis in India. Poor Indians are immigrating to Bangladesh in search of work.

Our people feel India is second home for them irrespective of religion.

Not all Bangladeshis disagree. You can read Bangladeshi's comments who are sensible and can accept the reality.

আদিত্য কবির (Aditya Kabir), ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এ/তে আন্তর্জাতিক সম্পর্ক নিয়ে পড়াশোনা করেছেন (1993)
2ঘ আগে উত্তর দেওয়া হয়েছে

প্রথমত, গল্পটি আষাঢ়ে নয়।

ভারতবর্ষের কোনায় কোনায় আমার সাথে দরিদ্র মুসলিম বাংলাদেশিদের পরিচয় হয়েছে যারা সম্পূর্ণ অবৈধভাবে ভারতে গেছে এবং সেখানেই থাকছে। আমার সরকার এই বাস্তবতা স্বীকার করেনা। তাই আমিও আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে এটি স্বীকার করতে অস্বস্তি বোধ করি। কিন্তু ঘটনাটি সত্যি। যদিও ৩ কোটি অবৈধ অভিবাসীর গল্পটা শুনলে অবাক লাগে এই ভেবে যে, বাংলাদেশের আসল জনসংখ্যা তবে কত?

দ্বিতীয়ত, আষাঢ়ে হোক বা না হোক এই গল্পটি ভারতবর্ষের বর্তমান শাসক দলের জন্যে একটি জরুরি গল্প। দেশের অর্থনীতি-রাজনীতি-সমাজনীতির সর্বনাশ করার পরেও তারা রেকর্ড ভাঙা বিজয় অর্জন করেছে পাকিস্তান আর বাংলাদেশের জুজু দেখিয়ে। এমন সোনার ডিম পাড়া গল্পটি তারা ছাড়বে কেন বলুন। হিটলারের জুজু ছিলো ইহুদীরা, পাকিস্তানের জুজু ভারত, আইসিসের জুজু আমেরিকা… মিথ্যার শাসন চালিয়ে রাখা যায় কেবল জুজুর জোরে আর মারের জোরে। তবে “৩ কোটি” বাংলাদেশি ১০০ কোটি ভারতীয়র কর্মসংস্থান কেড়ে নিচ্ছে শুনলে অবাক লাগে। হয়তো বাংলাদেশের একজন মানুষের কর্মক্ষমতা আসলে কত?

এই গল্প চলবে বহুদিন।

আমার দুশ্চিন্তা গল্পটি নিয়ে নয়, বরং ভারতবর্ষের ভবিষ্যৎ নিয়ে। পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস জুড়ে যতগুলো মিথ্যার শাসন শুরু হয়েছে জুজু দেখিয়ে, তার প্রত্যেকটাই একসময়ে মারের শাসনে উত্তীর্ণ হয়েছে। একই গল্প আর কতদিন বিক্রি করা যায় বলুন।

যখন বাংলাদেশি অনুপ্রবেশের গল্পটা বাসী হয়ে যাবে, তখনই শুরু হবে আসল খেলা।

যদি আমরা ভারতবর্ষের মানুষ নাৎসি কি আইসিসের মতো শাসনের আওতায় ব্যপক মারের মধ্যে থাকুক এমনটা না চাই, তবে আমাদের প্রার্থনা করা উচিত যেন এই গল্পটা আরো অনেকদিন জনপ্রিয় থাকে।


Google Translate:

Aditya Kabir, has studied International Relations at Dhaka University (1993)

First of all, the story is not false.

In every corners of India, I have been introduced to poor Muslim Bangladeshis who have gone to India illegally and live there. My government does not accept this fact. So I also feel uncomfortable to officially admit it. But the fact is. Although it is strange to hear the story of 3 million illegal immigrants, how much is the actual population of Bangladesh?

Secondly, whether or not false, this story is an important story for the present ruling party in India. Despite the destruction of the country's economy, politics and socialism, they have achieved a record-breaking victory by showing poker in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Tell them why they will leave the story that lays such a golden egg. Hitler's poker was Jews, Pakistan's poker India, Isis's poker America ... The rule of lies can only be sustained by the poker louder and louder. However, it is surprising to hear that "1 crore" Bangladeshi is taking away the employment of 5 crore Indians. Maybe the performance of a human being in Bangladesh?

This story will go on for many days.

My concern is not with the story, but about the future of India. Throughout the history of the world, the falsehoods that have begun to show poker have all been passed down to one time. Tell the same story and how long it can be sold.

When the story of Bangladeshi intrusion gets settled, the real game will begin.

If we do not want the people of India to be in the throes of a Nazi or ISIS regime, we should pray that this story is more popular.

In every part of India there are Bangladeshis. Our people feel India is second home for them irrespective of religion.

Not all Bangladeshis disagrees. You can read Bangladeshi's comments who are sensible and can accept the reality.

আদিত্য কবির (Aditya Kabir), ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এ/তে আন্তর্জাতিক সম্পর্ক নিয়ে পড়াশোনা করেছেন (1993)
2ঘ আগে উত্তর দেওয়া হয়েছে

প্রথমত, গল্পটি আষাঢ়ে নয়।

ভারতবর্ষের কোনায় কোনায় আমার সাথে দরিদ্র মুসলিম বাংলাদেশিদের পরিচয় হয়েছে যারা সম্পূর্ণ অবৈধভাবে ভারতে গেছে এবং সেখানেই থাকছে। আমার সরকার এই বাস্তবতা স্বীকার করেনা। তাই আমিও আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে এটি স্বীকার করতে অস্বস্তি বোধ করি। কিন্তু ঘটনাটি সত্যি। যদিও ৩ কোটি অবৈধ অভিবাসীর গল্পটা শুনলে অবাক লাগে এই ভেবে যে, বাংলাদেশের আসল জনসংখ্যা তবে কত?

দ্বিতীয়ত, আষাঢ়ে হোক বা না হোক এই গল্পটি ভারতবর্ষের বর্তমান শাসক দলের জন্যে একটি জরুরি গল্প। দেশের অর্থনীতি-রাজনীতি-সমাজনীতির সর্বনাশ করার পরেও তারা রেকর্ড ভাঙা বিজয় অর্জন করেছে পাকিস্তান আর বাংলাদেশের জুজু দেখিয়ে। এমন সোনার ডিম পাড়া গল্পটি তারা ছাড়বে কেন বলুন। হিটলারের জুজু ছিলো ইহুদীরা, পাকিস্তানের জুজু ভারত, আইসিসের জুজু আমেরিকা… মিথ্যার শাসন চালিয়ে রাখা যায় কেবল জুজুর জোরে আর মারের জোরে। তবে “৩ কোটি” বাংলাদেশি ১০০ কোটি ভারতীয়র কর্মসংস্থান কেড়ে নিচ্ছে শুনলে অবাক লাগে। হয়তো বাংলাদেশের একজন মানুষের কর্মক্ষমতা আসলে কত?

এই গল্প চলবে বহুদিন।

আমার দুশ্চিন্তা গল্পটি নিয়ে নয়, বরং ভারতবর্ষের ভবিষ্যৎ নিয়ে। পৃথিবীর ইতিহাস জুড়ে যতগুলো মিথ্যার শাসন শুরু হয়েছে জুজু দেখিয়ে, তার প্রত্যেকটাই একসময়ে মারের শাসনে উত্তীর্ণ হয়েছে। একই গল্প আর কতদিন বিক্রি করা যায় বলুন।

যখন বাংলাদেশি অনুপ্রবেশের গল্পটা বাসী হয়ে যাবে, তখনই শুরু হবে আসল খেলা।

যদি আমরা ভারতবর্ষের মানুষ নাৎসি কি আইসিসের মতো শাসনের আওতায় ব্যপক মারের মধ্যে থাকুক এমনটা না চাই, তবে আমাদের প্রার্থনা করা উচিত যেন এই গল্পটা আরো অনেকদিন জনপ্রিয় থাকে।


Google Translate:

Aditya Kabir, has studied International Relations at Dhaka University (1993)

First of all, the story is not false.

In every corners of India, I have been introduced to poor Muslim Bangladeshis who have gone to India illegally and live there. My government does not accept this fact. So I also feel uncomfortable to officially admit it. But the fact is. Although it is strange to hear the story of 3 million illegal immigrants, how much is the actual population of Bangladesh?

Secondly, whether or not false, this story is an important story for the present ruling party in India. Despite the destruction of the country's economy, politics and socialism, they have achieved a record-breaking victory by showing poker in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Tell them why they will leave the story that lays such a golden egg. Hitler's poker was Jews, Pakistan's poker India, Isis's poker America ... The rule of lies can only be sustained by the poker louder and louder. However, it is surprising to hear that "1 crore" Bangladeshi is taking away the employment of 5 crore Indians. Maybe the performance of a human being in Bangladesh?

This story will go on for many days.

My concern is not with the story, but about the future of India. Throughout the history of the world, the falsehoods that have begun to show poker have all been passed down to one time. Tell the same story and how long it can be sold.

When the story of Bangladeshi intrusion gets settled, the real game will begin.

If we do not want the people of India to be in the throes of a Nazi or ISIS regime, we should pray that this story is more popular.

there only 2 honest Bangladeshis in the world. good you accept it
These are bihari people most likely fled to India long time ago. It will be very hard to send them back.
Indians should go easy with Bangladeshis living in India. Don't put them in jail. They are poor people earning a living in India to feed their family. :(

17 Bangladeshis held in India for ‘illegal entry’

Star Online Graphics
11:56 AM, July 29, 2019 / LAST MODIFIED: 01:02 PM, July 29, 2019


Star Online Report

Seventeen Bangladeshi nationals have been arrested from an Indian village in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura district for entering and staying in India without valid documents, a senior police official said today.

The arrestees were held from Akbarpur village on Saturday during an ongoing drive against illegal immigrants and anti-social elements by Indian police, our New Delhi correspondent report quoting Mathura’s Deputy Superintendent of Police Jagdish Kaliraman.

Among the arrestees, five are men, four women and eight children, said the DySP, adding that they were held after they failed to produce any identification document or travel paper authorising entry into India.

They were produced before a local court which remanded them in judicial custody, he said.


Since India is your second home, any plan of moving over there for good? :undecided:
Since India is your second home, any plan of moving over there for good? :undecided:
He is already In India. He admitted before his sister and mom lives in Mumbai. I think if he live in bd he will miss the action of watching.
He is already In India. He admitted before his sister and mom lives in Mumbai. I think if he live in bd he will miss the action of watching.

So he is an Indian posting from Bd.

there only 2 honest Bangladeshis in the world. good you accept it

Please absorb 2 more since you have already absorbed in millions.
So he is an Indian posting from Bd.

Please absorb 2 more since you have already absorbed in millions.
Yes he is hindu from Kolkata.

India should take hasina first as refugee lol along with other BAL 1971 type mofos.
Yes he is hindu from Kolkata.

India should take hasina first as refugee lol along with other BAL 1971 type mofos.

First BD ppl have to make their intention known and actually fight to remove them from power.

95% scam result is apparently not enough, maybe NRC consequence will be....given rohingya result already.

But your people have to do something on your end.....so far its smooth sailing for SHW and BAL....they look to have enough comfy support....any resistance just takes it on the chin and sits back down meekly. What do?

These are bihari people most likely fled to India long time ago. It will be very hard to send them back.

It's actually very easy....30 were sent back to BD just few days back. Its good to make some contacts with which BGB ppl will help during the NRC repatriation....and organise them in the right areas...and pilkhana the rest if needed.
First BD ppl have to make their intention known and actually fight to remove them from power.

95% scam result is apparently not enough, maybe NRC consequence will be....given rohingya result already.

But your people have to do something on your end.....so far its smooth sailing for SHW and BAL....they look to have enough comfy support....any resistance just takes it on the chin and sits back down meekly. What do?

It's actually very easy....30 were sent back to BD just few days back. Its good to make some contacts with which BGB ppl will help during the NRC repatriation....and organise them in the right areas...and pilkhana the rest if needed.
There is a reason why hasina's daddy was killed like dog along with his grand kids and half of Bd people still celebrate that including me. But yes you are right half of BD people are BAL supporter. I dont think NRC will trigger hasina to remove power either. The only institution that can eliminate BAL is armed forces but i dont know if that will happen. We have to wait and see. What i am trying to say i dont see people movement removing Hasina from power since there is no opposition unless some thing like arab spring occur in near future.
Uttar Pradesh is a dirt poor region equivalent to Sub Saharan Africa. And the news wanted to say that they have gone to Uttar Pradesh even in villages for better living? Culture and language of Uttar Pradesh is different as well. I won’t be surprise if they are Dalit Hindus or Bihari or perhaps Rohingya if they are indeed from Bangladesh.

No where in this article it is said they have been confirmed as Bangladesh where it is only said they could not provide any id.
Uttar Pradesh is a dirt poor region equivalent to Sub Saharan Africa. And the news wanted to say that they have gone to Uttar Pradesh even in villages for better living? Culture and language of Uttar Pradesh is different as well. I won’t be surprise if they are Dalit Hindus or Bihari or perhaps Rohingya if they are indeed from Bangladesh.

No where in this article it is said they have been confirmed as Bangladesh where it is only said they could not provide any id.
Western UP is much prosperous than Bangladesh.

And convince your poor to stay in Bangladesh the land of opportunity. And take back 8 crores living in India.
Western UP is much prosperous than Bangladesh.

And convince your poor to stay in Bangladesh the land of opportunity. And take back 8 crores living in India.

Go somewhere else to tell all these fantasy story. A state where per capita gdp is 890 usd which is less than half of Bangladesh no Bangladeshi or sensible person will go there. Check if they are Rohingya fled from Refugee camp of Uttar Pradesh or Kashmir or they are Bihari. I saw the pictures at Times of India fit well with both group.

Yes we have 8 cr illegals in India but they are not illegal Bangladeshi but illegitimate child of Bangladeshis. I guess you are one of product as well.
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