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Indian nuclear submarines: a case of nuclear proliferation


Feb 12, 2010
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Is it a duality or anything else? While accusing India for 'acquiring' nuclear technology from Russia, US, France and Canada at the end he proposed Pakistan should do the same!!!! But like the heading he could not find a single case where India proliferated or stole nukes from any country or to any country!! but still have to blame India. :taz:

He writes about 'double standard of the world which loves India and 'supplied' all the nuclear technologies to India while neglecting Pakistan. But why the world did this?

Does he knows anything about direct transfer of nuke designs, centrifuges, uranium enrichment and test of nukes for a country by another country also happened in this world?

Indian nuclear submarines: a case of nuclear proliferation

"With the unprecedented American, Russian and other western nations’ nuclear support provided to India to augment its sea based capability would certainly affect the Indian Ocean and the countries connected to it. Pakistan also needs to acquire the sea based capability to thwart Indian hegemonic designs and also to facilitate the second strike capability of Pakistan. The Akula Class subs being provided to India by Russia will specifically be used against Pakistan as it would carry amongst other the Klub and Sagarika missiles with ranges from 300 to 1,500 NMs to target Pakistani cities and various military and economic targets. While the Russians, a super power responsible to prevent the proliferation rather has added to it in the Indian Ocean while the other super power, the United States looks the other way. The dubious quietness on the development of Indian nuclear submarine Arihant by the west as such speaks of its double standards on nuclear proliferation regime wherein they are forcing the non-NPT members to sign the treaty."
HAHAHAHA, Man Sour grapes..... Leave them alone, let them live in such situations

OK forget about one-sideness of the article. My question is when you accuse a person for doing something illegal how do you propose others to do the same? :confused:
OK forget about one-sideness of the article. My question is when you accuse a person for doing something illegal how do you propose others to do the same? :confused:

You are making me think, it affects My mental Stability dude, Ask this to the Author.lol:whistle:
OK forget about one-sideness of the article. My question is when you accuse a person for doing something illegal how do you propose others to do the same? :confused:

well in fairness to Pakistan, they are forced to take counter measures against our build-up. don't get me wrong, I fully support modernization efforts of India since we have to counter china's capability. but the un-intended consequence of that is Pakistan's perceived need to counter our advances as well. unfortunately it is a vicious cycle.
i can only hope none of us (india, china, pak) actually have to employ these things against each other.
I just love this phrase:

Hegemonic Designs.......and the way this is overused across Pakistani media.....
well in fairness to Pakistan, they are forced to take counter measures against our build-up. don't get me wrong, I fully support modernization efforts of India since we have to counter china's capability. but the un-intended consequence of that is Pakistan's perceived need to counter our advances as well. unfortunately it is a vicious cycle.
i can only hope none of us (india, china, pak) actually have to employ these things against each other.

I fully agree that Pakistan has the right to get nuclear submarines but what led the author that this should be based on accusing India for so called proliferation when he failed to provide a single source that India is spreading nukes? It could be like India got nuke sub, Pakistan should also go for it, thats it. But he choose something inappropriate. He also accused US of duplicity but at the same time Pakistan got free weapons worth billions of dollars from US!!! What about the proliferation records of other countries those have nukes with respect to India? USA, China, Pakistan,Russia? Better?
lol was just talking to taimi sir here the other day he said with stress no need for nuclear sub for pakistan and that its nothing to worry about and then everyday you go hear these pakistani news analysts jumping up and down ....
either you need or you dont need why jump up and down ...
when pakistans doctrine is first use why the hell do you want a second strike force ????
lol was just talking to taimi sir here the other day he said with stress no need for nuclear sub for pakistan and that its nothing to worry about and then everyday you go hear these pakistani news analysts jumping up and down ....
either you need or you dont need why jump up and down ...

Analysts of this nature jump on everything, and want a bullet for bullet, a missile for missile and a nuke sub for sub.

But those who have sane minds and thing logically, the counter step is not in the same way, rather they find they best way out which is effective and efficient, but just like these so called blind defence analysts, it seems you have the same vies too, that for a nuke sub there should be a nuke sub.

If defence top brass go on the advises of such analysts, then those defence forces are doomed. That was what killed USSR, as they went for the same strategy and in numbers too.

So think about the pros and cons of the system and then the pros and cons of the defence forces and their doctrines and then come with something.

With my discussion with you, i gave you logical reasons as to why we don't need such system at this time period and what can be done as a counter to this Indian nuke acquisition.
this isn't nuclear proliferation i think. india is leasing, not buying, akulas. it is building its own nuclear submarines. that is not illegal. and in any case, a nuclear submarine is not actually a nuclear weapon. the nuclear part is the propulsion device, not the mode of attack which may be nuclear or conventional.

this is totally different from the case of israel which was straight up given nuclear warheads by france and the US.
this isn't nuclear proliferation i think. india is leasing, not buying, akulas. it is building its own nuclear submarines. that is not illegal. and in any case, a nuclear submarine is not actually a nuclear weapon. the nuclear part is the propulsion device, not the mode of attack which may be nuclear or conventional.

this is totally different from the case of israel which was straight up given nuclear warheads by france and the US.

Isn't it funny how the British subs are equipped with American ICBMs?

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