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Indian Navy is dangerously unfit for combat


Aug 14, 2013
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The Indian Navy is dangerously unfit for combat, despite having been allocated more than 15 per cent of the defence budget for years. As this newspaper has reported, six new Scorpene submarines being built at Mazagon Dock in Mumbai will start entering the fleet in 2016 without the torpedoes.

The Indian Navy is dangerously unfit for combat, despite having been allocated more than 15 per cent of the defence budget for years. As this newspaper has reported, six new Scorpene submarines being built at Mazagon Dock in Mumbai will start entering the fleet in 2016 without the torpedoes that form their essential armament. None of the Navy's 25 capital warships built in the last 17 years has towed array sonar, without which they are dangerously vulnerable to enemy submarines.

Three new Kolkata-class destroyers, the first of which will soon be commissioned, have no protection against anti-ship missiles that can be fired against them from air, surface warships or submarines. That is because the eponymous long-range surface-to-air missile, or LR-SAM, that was to safeguard them has not yet been completed by an Israeli-Indian consortium that has been developing the anti-missile system for a decade. Likewise, the flagship aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya, has been commissioned without the LR-SAM. Several other warships that are defended by the Israeli Barak anti-missile system are at risk because the defence ministry has delayed the procurement of replacement missiles for years. It can be expected that these vessels will be fitted with these systems some day. Yet, until that day, gaping holes in the defences of practically every vessel in the Navy make them sitting ducks in the event of war.

As worrying is the failure to conclude a contract for mine counter-measure vessels (MCMVs). Without adequate numbers of these, enemy mines will be released by fishing vessels and dhows to blockade India's military and commercial ports at the start of a war. The Indian Navy requires at least 24 MCMVs; there are just seven minesweepers today. Delay in buying more could result in sunken vessels, lives lost and insurance rates going sky-high.

Much of the blame for this situation goes to the defence ministry, which blocks the procurement of even desperately needed equipment as soon as anyone complains - even if the complaint is anonymous, or from a company that is losing the contract and clearly wishes to derail the process. In some cases, such complaints have been rejected by the Central Vigilance Commission and by the ministry's own independent monitors committee. Yet, infected by Defence Minister A K Antony's conviction that no contract with even the whiff of controversy should go through, these procurements continue to languish.

Capability gaps also stem from the Navy's hankering for cutting-edge equipment that must be developed even as the warship it is meant for is being built. Sensible navies shy away from "concurrent engineering", as this risky process is called, because any delay in developing the equipment - as in the case of the LR-SAM - means that the warship is ready but the equipment is not. It is too late then to retrofit other equipment and that warship remains operationally vulnerable until development is completed. The ministry's belief that anything goes, even grave operational shortfalls, has poisoned military culture as well. It must be ensured that the lakhs of crores being spent on national defence result in an operational and ready military, not one that will be ready in some distant future.
defencenews.in now stands right next to idrw.org imo in terms of credibility.

Truth often lies in somewhere between two claimed extremes ....

However it is important to see why people are saying ..whatever they are saying .

Such opinions are likely to make rounds when we have news such as these being flashed and coming out in at same time ...

Warships in peril as defence ministry blocks sonar purchase

Scorpene subs to join fleet without torpedoes : Navy regrets MoD Delays
Truth often lies in somewhere between two claimed extremes ....

However it is important to see why people are saying ..whatever they are saying .

Why is pretty clear, they want to make news more sensational, that's why they make the titels or news itself fake. It's bogus to say IN is unfit for combat, based on a torpedo procurement for a sub that is not even inducted today. Just as we heared that Indian forces are less capable now than 10 years ago when UPA took over, which is a purely political statement and complete nonsense.
And the titel of the link you posted is as silly, because they did not blocked the procurement just like that, but because DRDO is developing a similar system and 90% of Indian forumers WANT Indian systems, just like BJP as well, so when the MoD stick to DRDO it's wrong and when they procure foreign stuff they will be criticized for not supporting indigenous developments too.
Personally I think, that the veto actually came again from DRDO which blocked the procurement, we have seen that several times and I criticized the fact that we make us dependent on DRDO like this. So IF we criticize the MoD, then for giving DRDO and Co. such monopoly, because THAT is what hampers Indias defence, the blind focus on indigenous developments and that's why I want BJP to take a much stronger stand against DRDO and Co, to lead them and the Indian defence into the right directions, not just giving them free hand.
Why is pretty clear, they want to make news more sensational, that's why they make the titels or news itself fake. It's bogus to say IN is unfit for combat, based on a torpedo procurement for a sub that is not even inducted today. Just as we heared that Indian forces are less capable now than 10 years ago when UPA took over, which is a purely political statement and complete nonsense.
And the titel of the link you posted is as silly, because they did not blocked the procurement just like that, but because DRDO is developing a similar system and 90% of Indian forumers WANT Indian systems, just like BJP as well, so when the MoD stick to DRDO it's wrong and when they procure foreign stuff they will be criticized for not supporting indigenous developments too.
Personally I think, that the veto actually came again from DRDO which blocked the procurement, we have seen that several times and I criticized the fact that we make us dependent on DRDO like this. So IF we criticize the MoD, then for giving DRDO and Co. such monopoly, because THAT is what hampers Indias defence, the blind focus on indigenous developments and that's why I want BJP to take a much stronger stand against DRDO and Co, to lead them and the Indian defence into the right directions, not just giving them free hand.

whatever may have been intentions of MoD , DRDO vis a vis indegenious projects or so on....

all this has hampered the operational capability of several of our military assets to some extent ..we should not deny that .

I agree that sensationalism in reporting such news should be avoided . But sensationalism plays its own role ...Don't you think so ...it's very important that these issues are brought to the notice of those who are concerned and not hushed up .

In a democratic system as ours media ( however melodramatic and sensationalist it may be ) has played important role in bringing issues in public domain and forcing discussion on the issues which authorities may have liked to push under the carpet .
all this has hampered the operational capability of several of our military assets to some extent ..we should not deny that .

Neither should it made bigger than it is, these are issues, but minor once!

10 years ago IN had

- a dozen old gen SSKs and only 1 of them with land attack capability
- a STOVL carrier with some Sea Harriers
- older Tu 142 and IL 38 MPAs with limited sensor and weapon capabilities
- ship based Klub missiles at max as the main land attack capability, and older gen anti ship missiles
- older generation, corvettes, frigates, destroyers...in limited numbers

Today IN has

- several upgraded Kilo subs with land attack capability
- the Nerpa SSN with land attack capability
- the Arihant SSBN with land attack capability
- the INS Vikramaditya STOBAR carrier with Mig 29Ks
- P8I MPAs
- Brahmos, Klub, Harpoon and Exocet land attack and anti ship missiles
- advanced stealth corvettes, stealth frigates, stealth destroyers
- a credible support fleet to expand IN's operations

And now somebody tell me where IN is less capable or even unfit for combat???

I agree that sensationalism in reporting such news should be avoided . But sensationalism plays its own role ...Don't you think so ...

No, I highly oppose sensational journalism, or bloggers that want to be journalists by providing one sided or fake infos!
Shortcomings of the forces, the government and the opposition MUST be reported, but in an unbiased and propperly sourced manner. Sadly we have defencenews.in, idrw.org, Ajay Shukla and PSG that drives people into conclusions, based on their way of reporting or views.
You can't question there CREDIBILITY unless a real war happens :D

Nope, their way of reporting would remain unreliable, so that is not dependent on peace or war times. Facts remain facts!
On a lighter note PLA Navy warships Zhenghe and Weifang have arrived for a maiden, four day visit to Visakhapatnam !


Is that Indian flag in Chinese navy vessel?
The joke of the month :lol: ..

India is going to introduce tens and tens of warships, submarines in the coming years.
The joke of the month :lol: ..

India is going to introduce tens and tens of warships, submarines in the coming years.
While I am not fully agree with article as our capabilities have been tremendously increased in last few years with Aircraft carrier, Nuclear submarine, P-8I ASW aircrafts etc but Its also has some truth that our aircraft carrier lacks long range sams as we speak though It will be upgraded with the same in next 2-3 years. Regarding scorpene subs, author is idiot enough to include something which is atleast 2 years far from induction and will be tarpedo less for 1 year.
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