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Indian Muslims want 'Ground Zero Mosque' relocated

So thats your goal to Islamize America, thats good that Indian Muslims stand up against your madness. I dont know how people like you even manage to get into the States. You come to a country to live and make your lives better but you now want to change the same country and their beliefs to suit your needs, nice hypocrisy like always. And who told you that Indian Muslims do not sponsor Islamic events and mosque, why everyone comes for your approval before they built a mosque ? Grow Up.

Neither your fake soul nor brain can comprehend the mindset of Muslims. Islamize America or Americanize Islam is the reality. There are strong 10 millions of us scatter around all over USA. Every Muslim community build Masjid to preserve our culture and religious believe.

Unlike other religion like Hinduism, we Muslim take our religion seriously. Christan church offer free food every Sunday to attract devote whereas our Masjid are so crowded that we literally pray on hall way in every Friday without any frustration. That is because we Muslim place our allegiance to all mighty Allah but you faker can not understand it.

Islam has become part of American culture. When I was a kid, we used to drive quiet a distance to find halal meat or Masjid but Alhumduillah now all most every city in tri-state(NY,NJ,CT) has Masjid and halal food. This has become possible because we are committed to make America a better place for us and our up coming generation with or without half baked faker like you.

This proposed Masjid could not have been possible 20 years ago but we have come long way. Didn't need people like you before nor would be need in future. Now get lost punk. :smokin:
Neither your fake soul nor brain can comprehend the mindset of Muslims. Islamize America or Americanize Islam is the reality. There are strong 10 millions of us scatter around all over USA. Every Muslim community build Masjid to preserve our culture and religious believe.

Unlike other religion like Hinduism, we Muslim take our religion seriously. Christan church offer free food every Sunday to attract devote whereas our Masjid are so crowded that we literally pray on hall way in every Friday without any frustration. That is because we Muslim place our allegiance to all mighty Allah but you faker can not understand it.

Islam has become part of American culture. When I was a kid, we used to drive quiet a distance to find halal meat or Masjid but Alhumduillah now all most every city in tri-state(NY,NJ,CT) has Masjid and halal food. This has become possible because we are committed to make America a better place for us and our up coming generation with or without half baked faker like you.

This proposed Masjid could not have been possible 20 years ago but we have come long way. Didn't need people like you before nor would be need in future. Now get lost punk. :smokin:

please care to elaborate to the bolded part.......
Why should Indian muslims Islamize America, for that matter any other muslims. It seems your agenda in US is to Islamize it. Indian muslims are there in US for a better future and will work hard towards that goal. They are not there to involve in religious bigotry that some of you show here openly.:disagree:

Every men world hard to have better future but no men would be consider men if they betray with their root. If Christan or Jewish are proud of their root then what make you think we Muslim are weak with ours.

Your people kiss gora's behind all day to get accepted but we know how they treat your kind.

Indian muslims have the wherewithal to build mosques for themselves if the need ever arises. So, you can live in your wonderland of non-existent ummah and try to ostracize Indian muslims form it. :lol:

We will go ahead with or without Indian Muslims. If they consider us brother then they will help to revive all most dead Ummah. :tup:
Neither your fake soul nor brain can comprehend the mindset of Muslims. Islamize America or Americanize Islam is the reality. There are strong 10 millions of us scatter around all over USA. Every Muslim community build Masjid to preserve our culture and religious believe.

Unlike other religion like Hinduism, we Muslim take our religion seriously. Christan church offer free food every Sunday to attract devote whereas our Masjid are so crowded that we literally pray on hall way in every Friday without any frustration. That is because we Muslim place our allegiance to all mighty Allah but you faker can not understand it.

Islam has become part of American culture. When I was a kid, we used to drive quiet a distance to find halal meat or Masjid but Alhumduillah now all most every city in tri-state(NY,NJ,CT) has Masjid and halal food. This has become possible because we are committed to make America a better place for us and our up coming generation with or without half baked faker like you.

This proposed Masjid could not have been possible 20 years ago but we have come long way. Didn't need people like you before nor would be need in future. Now get lost punk. :smokin:

Making oneself a good and comfortable place is one thing but issuing threats like Islamization of a nation which is not Islamic is something not good. what next will u demand Sharia in US? Then you say why people look upon with suspicion to muslims. Because of few people like you every muslim who is more concerned with his livelihood has to face the consequences.

As far as Indian muslims are concerned they very well know their foes. They dont need to join your crusade to proove how pious muslims they are.
Neither your fake soul nor brain can comprehend the mindset of Muslims. Islamize America or Americanize Islam is the reality. There are strong 10 millions of us scatter around all over USA. Every Muslim community build Masjid to preserve our culture and religious believe.

Unlike other religion like Hinduism, we Muslim take our religion seriously. Christan church offer free food every Sunday to attract devote whereas our Masjid are so crowded that we literally pray on hall way in every Friday without any frustration. That is because we Muslim place our allegiance to all mighty Allah but you faker can not understand it.

Islam has become part of American culture. When I was a kid, we used to drive quiet a distance to find halal meat or Masjid but Alhumduillah now all most every city in tri-state(NY,NJ,CT) has Masjid and halal food. This has become possible because we are committed to make America a better place for us and our up coming generation with or without half baked faker like you.

This proposed Masjid could not have been possible 20 years ago but we have come long way. Didn't need people like you before nor would be need in future. Now get lost punk. :smokin:

You do know that Desiman is a muslim right???
Or did you just issue a fatwa declaring him murtid and kafir?

Guys we have a new mullah amongst us! Please consult Hafiz Al-Zakir ji to ensure whether you are murtid or a fake muslim or a true muslim like himself. He will issue an ubiased and just edict and decide whether you are a pious Muslim or a faker.
You do know that Desiman is a muslim right???
Or did you just issue a fatwa declaring him murtid and kafir?

Guys we have a new mullah amongst us! Please consult Hafiz Al-Zakir ji to ensure whether you are murtid or a fake muslim or a true muslim like himself. He will issue an ubiased and just edict.

I have one more for the stupid fatwa thread.... forumi fatwa:lol:
Unlike other religion like Hinduism, we Muslim take our religion seriously. Christan church offer free food every Sunday to attract devote whereas our Masjid are so crowded that we literally pray on hall way in every Friday without any frustration. That is because we Muslim place our allegiance to all mighty Allah but you faker can not understand it.

Religions, when taken too seriously (and manipulated) cause all the problems. You are where Christianity was in the dark ages. Back then, they took their religion just as seriously and didn't mind killing innocents as long as they got their way. Christianity is alive and well as long as you know where to look in the US, although they won't be quite as "competitive" in this country.

Please refrain from discussing Hinduism as you don't understand its philosophy.

Religions, when taken too seriously (and manipulated) cause all the problems. You are where Christianity was in the dark ages. Back then, they took their religion just as seriously and didn't mind killing innocents as long as they got their way. Christianity is alive and well as long as you know where to look in the US, although they won't be quite as "competitive" in this country.

Please refrain from discussing Hinduism as you don't understand its philosophy.

Taking Islam seriously has nothing to do with killing people but quite the opposite. Taking Islam seriously means you resort to dialogue before sword, posses humbleness, forgiveness, patience, integrity and honestly. Remember Jinnah was a Muslim and he tore apart Ghandi's India without firing a bullet.
Taking Islam seriously has nothing to do with killing people but quite the opposite. Taking Islam seriously means you resort to dialogue before sword, posses humbleness, forgiveness, patience, integrity and honestly. Remember Jinnah was a Muslim and he tore apart Ghandi's India without firing a bullet.
yes that did not cause any bullet firing people simply died and dislocated in the communal riots.

By taking Islam or any religion too seriously he meant imposing it on other people.
Taking Islam seriously has nothing to do with killing people but quite the opposite. Taking Islam seriously means you resort to dialogue before sword, posses humbleness, forgiveness, patience, integrity and honestly. Remember Jinnah was a Muslim and he tore apart Ghandi's India without firing a bullet.

first of all please write Gandhiji correctly.secondly,Islam is a religion of peace but its history has been tarnished by violence,example of partition of India is a wrong example because Jinnah did call for Direct Action Day where thousands were massacred .
please care to elaborate to the bolded part.......

I have seen and know Hindus celebrate Christmas just to get accepted among whitey while we Muslim and Jews doesn't yet we get more respect then Hindus in general. Your people belong to weakest link here.
I have seen and know Hindus celebrate Christmas just to get accepted among whitey while we Muslim and Jews doesn't yet we get more respect then Hindus in general. Your people belong to weakest link here.

we dont have whites in India i still celebrate chritmas with my Christian friends and eid with my muslim friends. So what. Thats called tolerance. Heard of this word.

You get most respect among whites............ Are you kidding me :rofl: Forget whites lets talk about your so more respect among your own kind in middle east :pop:
Leave it Diva, maulana al-zakir is a paragon of delusion and hatred.
He lives in his own perfect little dream world where everything is perfect and pink and pretentious. Perhaps he should wake up, look around and take notice as to how many Muslims and Jews actually celebrate Christmas and not just in western countries. Heck I've seen this in middle eastern countries too.

Of course muslims and jews don't celebrate the religious side of christmas, but the fun side of it, but so do the hindus.

Btw Al-Zakir, i'm still waiting for your reply on my previous post ;)
Taking Islam seriously has nothing to do with killing people but quite the opposite. Taking Islam seriously means you resort to dialogue before sword, posses humbleness, forgiveness, patience, integrity and honestly. Remember Jinnah was a Muslim and he tore apart Ghandi's India without firing a bullet.

Nothing specific to Islam, but the concept of taking one's own religion too seriously makes people do weird things. It is the ego associated with one's level of religiosity which makes them attack people of other faiths.
I have seen and know Hindus celebrate Christmas just to get accepted among whitey while we Muslim and Jews doesn't yet we get more respect then Hindus in general. Your people belong to weakest link here.

So? Muslims participate during Holi in India and Pakistan, and participate in festivities for Diwali as well (at least in India). What judgement do you have for them?

And the respect part of your statement was too ironic and hilarious to respond.

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