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Indian military weakness and I'll preparedness exposed

@Juggernaut_is_here my friend, I fear, I have no choice but to agree with you regarding this person!

He has nothing to say! Just recycling the same jazz over and over again... and most of it rather childish.

Is he the Strategic Level Thinker on your end?

Only originality, if it can be called at all, is his appreciating the baseline difference between your forces and the Chinese.

Copy/Pasting American ThinkTankLand outputs is too common among these 'defence analysts'....

@Juggernaut_is_here what is the actual and total % industrial output of your country in defence production?

taking a look at this video since this gentleman has come up again and again...

rule of thumb, How good is a country's military?

What is the fastest car or the highest capacity motorcycle can that country produce indigenously?...(Not in collaboration...So the TVS sportbikes that are based on the same platform as BMW G310R donot qualify..Fully indigenous,top to bottom like Royal Enfields and Bajaj Pulsar 220s)

and then compare them to the best in the world, like Porsche sports cars or Ducati superbikes

That much behind is India compared to the best in EVERY FIELD, including the military..(what is military other than a bunch of super specialized vehicles?)

Let's not kid ourselves that either India or Pakistan's technological capability is anything beyond 1940s West

In case of China it is more like 1950s West or at best early 1960s West
@Mangus Ortus Novem I managed to go through the whole video...Well he is right that we are hitting another wave of new technologies with AI,Quantum computing...But he was basically rolling off jargons...This is a big problem with Indians, a tendency to roll off jargons in order to sound important...Yes China is moving leaps and bounds ahead of other nations in terms of military capability, but they don't seem to have that "elan", that "esprit de corps", that "ferocity" that Muslim fighters from say Afghanistan have...But I may be wrong since China did partially win the Korean War..To be frank, I donot see China going above and beyond the White Man in ANY TECHNOLOGY whatsoever....Modern Science and Technology is a field of the white man and the white man will always feel supremely comfortable in it in a way even the Japanese won't.....and even when China's economy goes above US, US will still have a substantial edge in military tech just as USSR had a substantial edge in military tech over Western Europe inspite of being a quite a few times smaller than them economically. The Chinese still used to believe in the mystical "Mandate of Heaven" and the ability of the "chi body" to withstand swords, arrows and bullets even as late as 1900....You donot escape that level of ignorance without a thorough Scientific Enlightenment of the Whole Society..Even now the CCP would jail those who question the power of "chi" based martial arts...Critical Thinking at the level of Whites is not present in China. So the best course of action for India would 75 percent foreign procurement and 25 percent domestic ...Look how China used an old floating hotel operated by a basketball star as it's aircraft carrier

I stand by my word

without comprehensive Scientific Enlightenment of the Entire Society China won't be able to beat the West..People have very little understanding how the West ditched alchemy and embraced Chemistry..the transformation from Alchemy to Chemistry captures the metamorphosis of the White Soul.....same with ditching phlogiston theory for oxidization theory

India and Pakistan are militarily at the same level as the entire West at 1945

China is militarily at the same level as the entire West (including USSR) at 1961

India would be stuck at this level unless some rationalist Scientific reformer innoculates the entire country against religious superstitions...
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Once again you earn my esteem, my friend!

Know thy self, indeed!

I have been trying to draw your attention to one fundamental FACT... but you have not seen it yet.

It is too easy to TELL but what would be a better gift than let it be discovered?

Perhaps that might be form of Highest Humanism? Perhaps it might not be?

Regardless, the fundamental issue here is the Giant Hole in the Subconcious... a few Markers I tried to place in our discourse... and a total lack of Understanding due to inability to THINK let alone SEE.

Human Blueprint.
Crack this Code...

I shall try to make it difficult for you to discover it on your own... I, sincerely, hope that you do. It would make me happy!

Industerialism is the key. Industrialism. Industrialism. Industrialism.

Had it not been the HOLE in the Subconcious we wouldn't be dealing with what we are now... and the TwoNations could have worked together and we might have gain/climbed a few steps in the Humanity's Ladder.

Start a thread in Member's sections... on your Whiteman Theory... and allow me to push you to your limits... so that you might come out of your little fever...

Understand the value of Number!

Now coming to industrial capacity... here is a curve ball for you to limitus test your accid level...

Your country being 7 times the size of mine... and yet you cann't do anything... immaterial how we got all our toys.. in war it doesn't matter...

What is your calcualtion if everything is evened out?

No body is better than I. I am better than no one. And you, my friend, are more human than I am.

HighFunctionAutism is a curse!

You a fellow Autist? Lolz yes I carry an Autism card

Three points I would like to tackle

1) Sorry the last few weeks I was on the bench at work so was just goofing around like a middle school teenager..posts before that of mine tend to be carefully curated and rarely take a partisan approach. Gun to the head, I am more interested in understanding the various trials, tribulations, sufferings experienced by South Asian population (including the Rohingyas)...But I will return to my carefully curated posting mode

2) You wrote:"Understand the value of Number!"-------->couldnot agree more..Once while reading the conclusion of a paper on motorcycle racing engines,the author remarked: "Unless you put a number on your problem, you are not even at the beginning of science!"

3) You have been always been very cryptic regarding the Human BluePrint ---------------------->Am I to believe you want to develop a roadmap for the ideal human life that brings the highest fulfillment? It hzas been hard for me to intuit out your vision regarding these two words ...or you want to develop a model that charts out the highest good for individual,family,society,country,empire,human civilization itself in a Russian doll manner?

4) You commented about my country's relative laggard performance in industrialization----> well for that the answer is very simple.
The world economy has slowly come to a place where if you are at an IQ below 125 (I am at 122) you are basically a at the mercy of the economy,society,history,politics..Same with industrial capability of a country..You have to constantly climb up the value chain else you will come crashing down...If you cannot produce something that the world really wants, you would be limited to producing the basic industrial goods for domestic consumption...and even then some enterprising man may undercut the domestic production of basic goods by importing from a cheaper destination..The world economy has developed to such a point that men below 125 IQ have very little to offer and countries that cannot be export power will be pushed towards services,tourism and entertainment sector...India still has not realized that having one pathbreaking engineer is more important than a million insipid engineering graduates.....even with the very best effort, India can produce at most 20 million to 40 million meaningful well paying jobs in the organized,audited sectors by 2060...That's not enough..as that rough comes down to 400,000 to 800,000 per annum
and no way more than 1.5 million per annum ...So even in the future at best 15 percent of the jobs India creates per year will be well paying, tax contributing jobs ..........I said this once and will say this again....The world can accomodate only 2 billion people with decent Western level lifestyle..1 billion has been taken up by the whites..rest 1 billion will be shoehorned in by the Chinese...nothing other than chronic sufffering and misery awaits the rest

5) regarding White Man Theory---->well that theory will take us to uncomfortable waters and would instantly be shot down by PDF and understandably so...A young PDF er should not encounter Truths so discomforting...I am still of the opnion, unwavering determination and faith can make up for around 10 points in IQ deficit ----But as I return to my carefully curated posting phase, we can have the Human BluePrint series as a running dialogue

6) There cannot be hypothetical evening out of industrial capacity...Both India and Pakistan have majorly missed the Industrialization bus and that will remain that way till the end of my life

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