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Indian military suicide rate is 70% lower than US military

Mighty Lion

Oct 3, 2018
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https://www.dspo.mil/Portals/113/Documents/02 TAB A - QSR CY2018 3rd Qtr- FINAL.pdf?ver=2019-01-10-114556-633

US Military suicides in first 9 months of 2018: 231
US military personnel strength: 1.32 million

Annual suicide rate: 23.3 per 100,000 personnel.


Indian military suicides in 12 months of 2018: 104
Indian military personnel strength: 1.44 million.

Annual suicide rate: 7.2 per 100,000 personnel.

Thus Indian military suicide rate is about 70% lower than US military.
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yeah except that's manipulated facts you got there


1600 personnel every year, mostly for road side accidents or suicides.
And whos ays those road accidents are not suicide or attempt at suicide.
Only around 300-400 deaths are from road accidents which is only the lowside when 150,000 epople died in India due to road accidents every year.
Most deaths are from illnesses.

In 2017 there were 1290 deaths from all causes in US military out of which 136 were road accidents.
https://www.dspo.mil/Portals/113/Documents/02 TAB A - QSR CY2018 3rd Qtr- FINAL.pdf?ver=2019-01-10-114556-633

US Military suicides in first 9 months of 2018: 231
US military personnel strength: 1.32 million

Annual suicide rate: 23.3 per 100,000 personnel.


Indian military suicides in 12 months of 2018: 104
Indian military personnel strength: 1.44 million.

Annual suicide rate: 7.2 per 100,000 personnel.

Thus Indian military suicide rate is about 70% lower than US military.

Yeah except of the fact that, US armed forces are forging & fighting wars (including cold war with Russia), worldwide since decades, some of the very tough and complex battles, from Vietnam to Somalia, to Afghanistan, to Syria, to Iraq etc etc. against some of very tough, committed, and resilient foes (i.e Afghan Taliban), the history have ever seen. Only a stupid can compare the mantle stress american soldiers are having with that of indian soldiers, who are supposedly fighting for the security of their country, inside their own territory (at least they have a cause to fight on, not like americans where soldiers feel guilty of imposing fruitless wars & killing innocent citizens against countries, which are not a threat to USA).

Only an Indian can do that.

Having said that what happened to Hanuman? I mean manohar parrikar called indian military, a Hanuman, so why hanumans are committing suicides now??

@Areesh @Windjammer @Zarvan @Maarkhoor
Yeah except of the fact that, US armed forces are forging & fighting wars (including cold war with Russia), worldwide since decades, some of the very tough and complex battles, from Vietnam to Somalia, to Afghanistan, to Syria, to Iraq etc etc. against some of very tough, committed, and resilient foes (i.e Afghan Taliban), the history have ever seen. Only a stupid can compare the mantle stress american soldiers are having with that of indian soldiers, who are supposedly fighting for the security of their country, inside their own territory (at least they have a cause to fight on, not like americans where soldiers feel guilty of imposing fruitless wars & killing innocent citizens against countries, which are not a threat to USA).

Only an Indian ca do that.

Having said that what happened to Hanuman? I mean manohar parrikar called indian military, a Hanuman, so why hanumans are committing suicides now??

@Areesh @Windjammer @Zarvan @Maarkhoor

Multiple ID rat giving lame excuses to fool himself and other bharatis. These are just flip flops and excuses to hide the rot in Indian army

Well who cares. As long as bharati soldiers keep putting a bullet in their heads themselves
Multiple ID rat giving lame excuses to fool himself and other bharatis. These are just flip flops and excuses to hide the rot in Indian army

Well who cares. As long as bharati soldiers keep putting a bullet in their heads themselves
Exactly, Agreed...
Logic fail.

yeah fail if you lack the logic to get the logic.

tell me again, who knows how many of those "accidents" were suicides that got labeled as accident or looked like an accident? because aparently all road crashes would be labeled as accident?
not all suicides are hold the gun and shoot your head, hang yourself with the fan, or take some poison...
on the other side of the border

Number of martyred troops can’t be disclosed, Senate told

Iftikhar A. Khan
Updated June 07, 2017

Pakistan Army troops — File

ISLAMABAD: After a minister’s hesitation to share the number of Pakistani troops who laid down their lives in recent incidents of Indian firing from across the Line of Control (LoC), Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani on Tuesday held that no information could be withheld from parliament.

Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali informed the house that as many as 66 civilians had been killed and 288 injured as a result of unprovoked Indian firing from across the LoC, but the number of army troops martyred could not be disclosed due to security reasons.

“We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives,” he said.
The minister said a letter had been written to the General Headquarters, seeking more details which were expected to be available in a couple of days.

The chairman said the calling attention notice on the matter had appeared on the agenda on Tuesday but it had been with the Senate secretariat for several days and the information should have come by now.
“Will the order of parliament prevail or that of the Ministry of Defence or GHQ?” he asked.
Stressing that no information could be concealed from parliament, he said if the government wanted, the session could be declared in-camera when it would be shared.

He said parliament was supreme and he could not allow hiding of information from the forum.
The chairman ordered that the information be provided to the house during the current session.
He said that if any matter of national security was involved, there were two options: either an in-camera session could be held or the information submitted to the office of the Senate chairman where the members could go through it.

Senator Ateeq Sheikh of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement had moved the notice to draw the government’s attention towards the loss of precious lives of Pakistani citizens in the Indian firing.

Afghan border
Speaking on an adjournment motion about firing on a census team by Afghan security personnel, Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed of the PML-Q said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wanted to use Afghan soil to create instability in Pakistan.

He said the United States was pursuing a dual policy on Afghanistan. He recalled that there had been representation of the Haqqani network in a meeting held in Murree where representatives from the United States, China and Afghanistan met the Taliban. He said warlord Gulbadin Hekmatyar had joined the Qaumi Ittehad (national unity) Government in Afghanistan.

“What is the harm in a dialogue with Taliban and the Haqqani network?” he asked.

The senator said Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had talked of opening a Taliban office in Afghanistan. The Afghan Taliban also had an office in Doha where the US had the largest base, but it kept on pressuring Pakistan, he said.
He said the US had met failure in Afghanistan and now it needed a scapegoat with its eyes focused on Pakistan.
He was of the view that Pakistan should appoint a special representative for Afghanistan.

Senator Hafiz Hamdullah of the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl criticised the policy of closing the Chaman and Torkham borders on the plea that they were used by the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) and Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) agents to find their way into Pakistan.

He pointed out that the border with Afghanistan was 2,900km long with many small crossing points and the NDS and RAW people could also use them enter the country. He said the economy of Chaman was linked with the border and its closure was tantamount to punishing the people of the town.

Senator Taj Haider of the PPP said terrorists were a common enemy of Pakistan and Afghanistan and called for joint action against them so that they could not find shelter anywhere. He said economic relations were essential for peace, which could not be achieved by closing the border.

Published in Dawn, June 7th, 2017
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We know exactly how many. It's the people of Pakistan who need to know "exactly how many".

Are you saying that Indian suicide rate is actually lower as India disguise battlefield deaths as suicide.
yeah fail if you lack the logic to get the logic.

tell me again, who knows how many of those "accidents" were suicides that got labeled as accident or looked like an accident? because aparently all road crashes would be labeled as accident?
not all suicides are hold the gun and shoot your head, hang yourself with the fan, or take some poison...

Who knows?
We know.

You are confusing our military with yours. PA which hides any significant news that casts them in a bad light hence the brainwashed populace, you.
Remember the "no news is good news" philosophy of Yahya Khan? You know what happens after.:azn:

Our forces are duty bound to reveal the truth, which is what they do and which is what gets publicised in the media which then you lot parade it around to feel good about yourselves.

What all you indophobes don't realize is you are shamelessly resorting to confirmation bias to justify your phobia.
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