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Indian Micro Air Vehicle Competition Announced


Jul 6, 2009
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Livefist: Indian Micro Air Vehicle Competition Announced

The National Programme on Micro Air Vehicles (NPMICAV), a DRDO-NAL joint effort, has announced MICAV2013 -- a national competition that kicked off in April 2013, open to industry, laboratories and colleges/institutes to build micro-air vehicles (MAVs).

The stated objective of the competition: "Bring out the capability of vehicles and technologies being developed in the country for performing a defined mission using multiple MICAVs (Fixed Wing, Rotary Wing, Flapping Wing and combinations) and Unmanned Ground vehicles (UGVs)."

The stated focus/thrust areas are: "Communication, Precise Navigation, Sensor Capabilities, Video Transmission, Multi Vehicle coordination, Cooperative flying, Vision based manual flying through windows."

I met a lot of really talented folks at Def Expo earlier this year, and they'd asked about the competition. More details about MICAV2013 requirements, contacts etc

DRDO Imperial Eagle light UAV -

DRDO SlyBird light UAV -

One of these is sure to win the light UAV contest (not this one). Both can be hand-launched just like the RQ-11 Raven of US.

I'm skeptical of what will be selected in this micro-UAV competition,...
This looks like a competition that any of us can participate. Anyone interested?
Based on the time lines, we can't build from scratch, but we can get an existing system and integrate components to meet the mission objectives.
This looks like a competition that any of us can participate. Anyone interested?
Based on the time lines, we can't build from scratch, but we can get an existing system and integrate components to meet the mission objectives.

Any takers?
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