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Indian Media Repoting China Pakistan Economic Corridor 2018

The map in the Video is absolutely wrong!
Indian media is trying to portray CPEC as infringing upon Indian territory when in fact it is fully within Pakistani territory. CPEC means Pakistan's side of Kashmir is secured in the long term due to it being an economic lifeline between China and Pakistan. India's military posturing against both nations would have less impact in the future. This is upsetting to India's military establishment.
Indian media is trying to portray CPEC as infringing upon Indian territory when in fact it is fully within Pakistani territory. CPEC means Pakistan's side of Kashmir is secured in the long term due to it being an economic lifeline between China and Pakistan. India's military posturing against both nations would have less impact in the future. This is upsetting to India's military establishment.
it is and you will realize that some time later , perhaps 3-4 years . bye for now
A childish analysis. CPEC is not China's only route to Middle East Oil , China has a route through central Asia. Every project has pros and cons. China doesn't need CPEC to build it's presence in the Indian Ocean or in the Arabian Sea. If China makes an Investment in Pakistan then of course it is going to expect a return. Indians are yelping like tireless poodles, they need to move on and get over it.
it is and you will realize that some time later , perhaps 3-4 years . bye for now

Gilgit-Baltistan used to be separate state anyway before it was forcibly included in Kashmir, they used to have their own royal family too, the people finally got rid of Dogra dogs and willingly joined Pakistan. Kanjar like you can only cry on your Bollywood media the reality is any Indian would get their *** kicked back to Gangu land if they even step on that soil. Bye for now Gangu.
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