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Indian Man puts petrol on himself and commits suicide


Sep 8, 2009
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**Note this is not mean to offend indian friends, it a very tragic story , and very very sad 19 year old is very young age perhaps it shows the problem in society that a young person can decide to do this

I mean it makes one wonder, like wow just 19 year old when you have life to explore , and things ou have not even experienced you take such a drastic measure just so ppl would pay attention other wise they will walk by your corpse by teh street ... what is the world coming to

BBC News - Indian dies after self-immolation during protest

Indian dies after self-immolation during protest

Yadaiah doused himself with petrol during a protest
An Indian teenager who set himself on fire demanding the creation of a new state in southern India called Telangana has died in hospital.

S Yadaiah, 19, set himself ablaze on Saturday during a protest in Hyderabad, the capital of the southern state of Andhra Pradesh.

Yadaiah, unemployed and an orphan, died of his injuries in hospital on Sunday.

Andhra Pradesh has seen weeks of violent protests for and against the proposals to form a new state.

Reports say Yadaiah took out a bottle containing petrol from his bag, doused himself and lit a match while watching a procession of university students.

Campaigners say Telangana's economic development has been neglected in favour of the richer and more powerful Andhra region - and that a new state is the only solution


"The suicide note in his bag shows that he was frustrated due to lack of proper employment," police official Srinivasa Rao was quoted as saying by The Indian Express newspaper.

"He wrote that a separate Telangana state would ensure jobs for hundreds of youths like him and that he was immolating himself in protest against the delay in formation of the new state."

In December, Indian authorities said Telangana would be carved out of the northern districts of Andhra Pradesh, but later said more talks were needed.

The Indian government has decided to set up a committee to look into demands for the formation of Telangana state.

But protesting politicians are calling for the immediate creation of Telangana.

In January, a meeting of different political parties to discuss the issue failed to arrive at a consensus.

Correspondents say there are deep divisions within political parties over the Telangana issue.

The final decision to create a new state lies with the Indian parliament, but the sharply divided state assembly must pass a resolution approving its creation.
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What exactly is going on with this creation of seperate state or something its very delicate topic I heard it since last year or so

Why do ppl oppose it ?
many ppl don't respect there life which is god gift.i say sad inceident.
What exactly is going on with this creation of seperate state or something its very delicate topic I heard it since last year or so

Why do ppl oppose it ?

Its a sensitive regional issue and has been in the news for many years.

One group of people desire a separate state carved out of the present state of Andhra and others oppose it. The govt has not helped matters by first agreeing to and later retracting their steps. This has created further tensions. Type in Telangana in Wiki and you can find out more.
I'm more concerned with why a youth may take such a step. Is life so trifle...I'm not debating on the formation of telegana state;that is a seperate discussion.
In psychology there is a term in especially humanists like adler, roger use & that is internal locus of control. when the locus shifts to outside there is an increase in tendency of being highly affected by outside events & attributing your failures & success to external happenings...the individuals especially the youths become vulnerable & thus shifting of locus from internal to external happens(major reason external gratification)..Anti-social elements take advantage of this & thus brain-washing & things like that happen.

It actually correlates to hijacking where the main issue takes the backseat.

May his soul RIP...
I'm more concerned with why a youth may take such a step. Is life so trifle...I'm not debating on the formation of telegana state;that is a seperate discussion.
In psychology there is a term in especially humanists like adler, roger use & that is internal locus of control. when the locus shifts to outside there is an increase in tendency of being highly affected by outside events & attributing your failures & success to external happenings...the individuals especially the youths become vulnerable & thus shifting of locus from internal to external happens(major reason external gratification)..Anti-social elements take advantage of this & thus brain-washing & things like that happen.

It actually correlates to hijacking where the main issue takes the backseat.

May his soul RIP...

Sometimes people are brainwashed with some religious or political ideology - this can be seen in the case of suicide bombers.

Sometimes there could also be family problems, domestic abuse etc.

But I think this is basically a symptom of all-round failure of governance - education, infrastructure, health care, corruption-free government services, etc.
But I think this is basically a symptom of all-round failure of governance - education, infrastructure, health care, corruption-free government services, etc.

Cheap Shot. You are a Pakistani, I presume.

Since your theory above shows that you are quite a psychology expert I believe you would know about the following link. The highest suicide rates in the world are in developed nations like Japan and Latvia.

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Cheap Shot. You are a Pakistani, I presume.

My dear fellow, I empathize with every poor citizen in every country who is squeezed for a bribe by a cop or a bureaucrat.

But the rot starts at the very top - the level of the PMs and party presidents. The lowly govt employees only follow the example of their superiors.
My dear fellow, I empathize with every poor citizen in every country who is squeezed for a bribe by a cop or a bureaucrat.

But the rot starts at the very top - the level of the PMs and party presidents. The lowly govt employees only follow the example of their superiors.

Can't agree with you more. But I don't identify with your theory on suicides. Check out the edit in my earlier post.
Since your theory above shows that you are quite a psychology expert I believe you would know about the following link. The highest suicide rates in the world are in developed nations like Japan and Latvia.

WHO | Country reports and charts available

Your link doesn't appear to have any comparative tables or graphs.

Human unhappiness is there everywhere ... causes are different in different places ... for example Latvia is an ex-Soviet republic. Those places went through their own trauma since the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.

In India poverty and lack of opportunity could play a role. These problems are intimately linked with corruption. Only a small fraction of the expenditure actually reaches the people.
What exactly is going on with this creation of seperate state or something its very delicate topic I heard it since last year or so

Why do ppl oppose it ?

people not belonging to telangana are opposing because
1. all the rivers flow from telangana to andhra.
2. hyderabad would be a part of telangana, but hyd is like a cosmopolitan city and many people from allover india and especially andhra settled in hyd. many people including me dont want to make hyderabad a part of telangana but a union territory. and its not acceptable for telangana guys. believe me; there are too many stakeholders for hyderabad city.
3. most of telangana is naxal infested due to under development and center fears that small state and lack of proper police force will increase the problem with naxals. they say that naxals used division of chattisgarh etc... to stengthen themselves. And yeah, when I saw the agitations even I got a feeling that it was infested by naxals and their supporters.
4. the students in osmania univ are the epicenter of all the agitations and they are not accepting the center's move to setup a committee to analyze all the issues and talk to all stake holders.
5. The Telangana leader mr. k. chandrasekhar rao is not a great leader either. I would say he is an asshole.
As regards Japan, the culture has a very strong sense of honor and loss of face. Also maybe a lower sense of individualism. That was what may have led to the tradition of Harakiri. Who knows, those cultural factors may still be playing a role.
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