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Indian government accused of ceding land in Himalayas to China


Sep 26, 2018
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Locals claim ‘buffer zones’ have been established in areas previously under Indian control

Indian people living near the country’s disputed Himalayan border with China have accused their government of giving away swathes of land after both sides agreed to withdraw troops from some contested areas and create buffer zones.

Earlier this month, Indian and Chinese troops, who have been locked in a tense border dispute since June 2020, began to draw back from the contested area of Gogra-Hot Springs after an agreement was reached to disengage.

The Indian government said the agreement restored the territory on both sides of the contested border, known as the line of actual control, to the “pre-standoff period”. In the newly created buffer zones, neither side will be allowed to patrol their troops.

Nevertheless, local Indian residents, elected representatives of the region and former Indian military officers who have served along the disputed border in Ladakh are claiming that the new “buffer zones” have been established in areas previously under Indian control.

Meanwhile, they allege Chinese troop positions remain either in contested areas or much inside the Indian territory.

“Our army is vacating areas which were not disputed at all, while Chinese troops are stationed in the areas traditionally patrolled by India,” said Konchok Stanzin, an elected councillor from the region.

Stanzin claimed that India had already given up territory to China during a 2021 agreement to withdraw from contested areas around Ladakh’s Lake Pangong. “We raised similar concerns in earlier disengagement, like in the Pangong Tso area where our army again lost a huge area,” he said.

Many people in the local area spoke of concerns not only for their security but the consequences the loss of land to Chinese troops was having on their livelihoods. “We are losing massive pastures, which we would use as grazing land,” said Stanzin, who belongs, like most of the people in the area, to the tribal Changpa cattle herders community. Their main sources of living have been cashmere wool-producing Changra goats.

“Earlier, our concern was about Chinese incursions only but now the situation is more worrying as our government is giving up our land happily,” he said. “If India’s approach remains the same, we are going to lose more land.”

India’s main opposition leader, Rahul Gandhi, has accused Narendra Modi’s government of “giving 1,000 sq km [390 sq miles] of territory to China without a fight”.

The recent withdrawal consensus was reached last week, during the 16th round of bilateral talks between leading Indian and Chinese military commanders. The two sides claimed to have agreed to disengage from respective sides in the area of Gogra-Hot Springs in a move “conducive to the peace and tranquillity in the border areas”.

Tashi Chhepal, a retired Indian army captain who served in Gogra-Hot Springs area around 1997, said that the areas now declared “buffer zones”, where neither Indian or Chinese troops will be positioned, had previously been patrolled by Indian troops.

“We would patrol these areas where Chinese posts are now located, leave aside the buffer zones, which are clearly in our territory,” said Chhepal. “Ideally, the Chinese should also have moved behind their patrolling area, but that does not seem to be the case.”

The pullback of troops has been the second disengagement act since August 2021, when troops “ceased forward deployments” and dismantled infrastructure in another area in the region where tensions escalated in June 2020, when at least 20 Indian soldiers and four Chinese soldiers died during the deadliest clashes between the two nuclear powers in 50 years.

After the violent altercation, in which soldiers fought with sticks and rocks in hand-to-hand combat, the two countries stationed hundreds of thousands of soldiers backed by artillery, tanks and fighter jets along the disputed border, militarising the region like never before.

After the 2020 clash, tensions soared to extraordinary levels, with deployment of 200,000 troops on both sides of the frontier in this inhospitable high-altitude terrain, where the temperature drops as low as -40C (-40F) in winters. There was also unprecedented artillery and infrastructure buildup on both sides of the 2,100-mile border, including when China invaded India in 1962.

As a result, relations between India and China have remained icy. On Friday, Modi and President Xi Jinping of China were present at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit, the first time they had met since the clashes, but no handshakes or meetings were held between the two leaders.

India’s military leaders called the disengagement a positive step that decreased the chances of a physical confrontation between the rival troops, who have been positioned almost nose-to-nose at certain points. In the area recently declared a buffer zone, China was reported to have built a temporary army base that has since been taken down.

“The idea of buffer zones is to disengage so that troops are not face to face with each other and problems do not occur,” said Deepender Singh Hooda, the Indian army’s former head of northern command, which also includes the Ladakh region. “For example, in some areas tanks were within 100 metres of each other.”

The negotiations appear to be part of efforts by the Modi government to defuse the tensions along the border in order to portray the idea that India has been successful in dealing with an increasingly hostile China.

Nevertheless, Hooda was among those who said India had still been unable to get China to withdraw from the most strategically important border regions, including the Depsang and Demchok areas of Ladakh “where the Chinese are preventing Indian troops from patrolling a very large number of places”.

The area, home to a huge buildup of Chinese troops, is tactically important to India because of its proximity to India’s Daulat Beg Oldi military airbase and Shiachen glacier, the world’s highest battlefield, where India’s nemesis, Pakistan, has a strategic presence.

“That is the area where the biggest problem is,” said Hooda.
With China india doesn't have the number advantage. So, except big talks indians can't do much against China...

Grazing lands turning into buffer zones, says chief of village bordering LAC​

He said that every disengagement process, the Army climbed down further, thereby ceding the space to China and creating new buffer zones.​

The village head of one of the last settlements along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh’s Chushul said on Tuesday that in the past year at least three large grazing areas near the village have been turned into “no man’s land” or “buffer zones” after Indian troops pulled back from patrolling points in Kugrang Valley that includes patrolling points (PP) 15, 16 and 17.
Konchok Stobgais, the traditional head or nambardaar of Phobrang village, 60 km from PP-17 told The Hindu that after the Army had stopped graziers from accessing land at Ani La, Thadang Valley, and Naglungpa in the past two years. He said that with every disengagement process, the Army climbed down further, thereby ceding the space to China and creating new buffer zones.

Mr. Stobgais said graziers have lost access to around 41 km of Kugrang Valley. “Several government agencies have contacted me asking for land records; we do not possess them but that does not mean this land is not ours. Our elders have lived here for ages, they have memories. China is forcefully claiming our territory, the loss is ours,” he said, on phone from Ladakh.
The Army did not respond to request for comment on the claims made by Mr. Stobgais.
Phobrang village has 113 households comprising 615 people and is spread over an area of 600 sq.km. “They say the land is barren but barren land also has value for livestock. The pashmina goats (unique to nomads in the Changthang area) that provide the finest quality of wool need large areas for grazing. They need nutrition, how can they be restricted to small areas? The Army does not allow livestock or graziers to access certain roads,” he said.

He added that yaks are caught and returned by the Army if they go beyond a certain point.
Mr. Stobgais said some areas had been inaccessible since 2011 but in the past two years, new areas have been added.
“After Modi ji came to power, we hoped that we will get access to the areas we were earlier being stopped from. However, in the past two years, the restrictions have increased, at every check-post we have to give a count of the livestock,” he said.
The patrolling points are the end points along the undefined LAC up to which the Indian troops patrol after starting from their respective base camps.
Since April 2020, Indian troops have been denied access to PPs 9, 10, 11, 12, 12A, 13, 14, 15, 17, 17A. The blocked PPs are spread from Depsang plains in north Ladakh to Pangong Tso (lake) in the south. In all, there are more than 65 PPs from the base of Karakoram to Chumar.
After the June 15, 2020 incident in Galwan where 20 Indian soldiers were killed in violent clashes with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), 16 rounds of talks between the two armies have taken place leading to disengagement and creation of buffer zones in five areas: Galwan, north and south banks of Pangong Tso, PP-17 A and most recent PP-15.
Konchok Stanzin, Chushul’s councillor, said that local people are never involved in the decision-making. He said the Army reduced its presence even from PP-16, which was never a friction point. On September 12, India and China completed the disengagement process from PP-15 in Gogra-Hot Springs to end the standoff since May 2020.
“We are aghast after the latest disengagement process. Though the agreement was for PP-15, even PP-16 which was never a friction point has also been cleared of Army presence. My constituency comprises the border area. When they turn our land into buffer zones, the Army never involves us in the decision-making. Villages here still do not have phone connectivity, while across the border they have 5G connection,” Mr. Stanzin said.
Humiliated by China
Humiliated by Pakistan
Thrown out of Afghanistan by the ISI
5 million dead through COVID

Anywhere else they would have lynched Modi, india is such a communal shithole that Modi is more popular than ever

He should get another 5 million Indians killed and he could be elected for life
Humiliated by China
Humiliated by Pakistan
Thrown out of Afghanistan by the ISI
5 million dead through COVID

Anywhere else they would have lynched Modi, india is such a communal shithole that Modi is more popular than ever

He should get another 5 million Indians killed and he could be elected for life

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