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Indian Gang Rape Case Highlights Lack of Toilets


Feb 20, 2014
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The two teenage girl cousins had walked out together at night, as they did every night, into the wild bamboo fields 10 or 15 minutes from their mud-and-straw huts to relieve themselves. Like millions of families across India, they had no toilet at home.

In the dark, they were attacked, gang-raped and killed. The assailants then hung their bodies from a mango tree in their village.

Beyond highlighting the rampant sexual violence in India, last week's horrific crime is drawing attention to a glaring problem across the country that threatens women's safety: the lack of toilets.

U.N. figures show of India's 1.2 billion people, 665 million — mostly those in the countryside — don't have access to a private toilet or latrine, something taken for granted in developed nations. Some villages have public bathrooms, but many women avoid using them because they are usually in a state of disrepair and because men often hang around and harass the women.

"Around 65 percent of the rural population in India defecates in the open and women and girls are expected to go out at night. This does not only threaten their dignity, but their safety as well," UNICEF representative Louis-Georges Arsenault said in a statement.

Bindeshwar Pathak, founder of the Sulabh Sanitation and Social Reform Movement — a group that helps build low-cost toilets — estimates the country needs about 120 million more latrines. Since the attack, his group has decided to construct toilets in 108 houses in the girls' village of Katra Sadatganj in the northern, densely populated state of Uttar Pradesh.

Indian women aren't alone in their vulnerability as they use either unhygienic public latrines or visit the fields to relieve themselves. From villages in Nepal to the urban slums of Cape Town, South Africa, women say that lack of safe access to toilets often puts them at risk of sexual violence and harassment.

The 14- and 15-year-old cousins were dalits, at the bottom of Hinduism's caste hierarchy, making them even more vulnerable to attacks from men, particularly of higher castes.

They did not go out alone, but there were just two of them. Women generally gather in groups to go to the fields to relieve themselves. To avoid embarrassment they usually go at dawn and late at night. Male family members usually don't go with the women since modesty is a major consideration.

After the girls had left, an uncle, Baburam, went out to make sure the cows hadn't trampled his patch of mint, The Indian Express newspaper reported. He heard some screams and shone his flashlight toward four men dragging the girls away across the fields, he told the newspaper. They threatened him with a gun.

"I was scared and I fled," he said. "I now wish I hadn't."

The state's top police official made a clear link between rape and the lack of toilets.

"More than 60 percent of the rapes in the state occur when the victims step out to relieve themselves because they do not have toilets at their homes," Ashish Gupta told reporters in the state capital, Lucknow. "It is difficult to give protection to every woman who goes out in the open to relieve herself."

A lack of toilets is also a problem in urban slums, but the dangers are greater in rural areas because girls and women must go out into the fields, where they are more vulnerable.

The evenings are really scary. The young men, sometimes drunk, pass indecent remarks and we can do nothing," said Sarita Kuswaha, a 50-year-old mother of two. She was once attacked by a man when she was out in the fields in her village near Milkipur, a small town in Uttar Pradesh.
"I told my mother-in-law, but she asked me to keep quiet because that person was a relative of the village head," she said.

In April, two women and two teenagers were raped in some fields in the northern state of Haryana. Those women were also dalits and their attackers were Jats, a superior caste.

New Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party promised "toilets before temples" in their election manifesto. The former Congress party-led government also promised to deliver sanitation services to villages and urban slums, but those projects lagged due to corruption, misuse of finances and a lack of political will.

In Uttar Pradesh, a massive sanitation project was launched in collaboration with the federal government in 2002 to build toilets, yet the most recent data from 2011 show that only 22 percent of the state's households have them.

"This data clearly proves that the public money has been flushed away in the toilets," said Alok Ranjan, a senior government official.

While the village waits for Pathak's group to build toilets, a local women's rights organization issued an advisory for women. Their primary suggestion: move in big groups.


Associated Press writer Muneeza Naqvi in New Delhi contributed to this report.

Indian Gang Rape Case Highlights Lack of Toilets - ABC News
Lack of sanitation is an direct impact to rape??!! Shocking stats

BBC News - Why India's sanitation crisis kills women


Nearly half-a-billion Indians lack access to basic sanitation

The gruesome rape and hanging of two teenage girls in the populous Uttar Pradesh state again proves how women have become the biggest victims of India's sanitation crisis.

The two girls were going to the fields to defecate when they went missing on Tuesday night.

Nearly half-a-billion Indians - or 48% of the population - lack access to basic sanitation and defecate in the open.

The situation is worse in villages where, according to the WHO and Unicef, some 65% defecate in the open. And women appear to bear the brunt as they are mostly attacked and assaulted when they step out early in the morning or late in the evening.

Several studies have shown that women without toilets at home are vulnerable to sexual violence when travelling to and from public facilities or open fields.

The evidence is glaring.

A senior police official in Bihar said some 400 women would have "escaped" rape last year if they had toilets in their homes.

Women living in urban slums of Delhi reported specific incidents of girls under 10 "being raped while on their way to use a public toilet" to researchers of a 2011 study funded by WaterAid and DFID-funded Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity.

Women in one slum said when they went out in the open to defecate, local boys stared at them, made threats, threw bricks and stabbed them. Others said they faced "lewd remarks, physical gestures and rape when they relieved themselves in the bushes".

"We have had one-on-one fights with thugs in order to save our daughters from getting raped. It then becomes a fight that either you [the thug] kill me to get to my daughter or you back off," a helpless mother told the researchers, pointing out to the chilling frequency of such assaults.

By one estimate, some 300 million women and girls in India defecate in the open. Most of them belong to underprivileged sections of the society and are too poor to afford toilets. The two girls from Badaun, who reportedly belonged to the lower-rung of a group of castes called Other Backward Classes (OBCs), were among them and paid with their lives.

"This vicious, horrifying attack illustrates too vividly the risks that girls and women take when they don't have a safe, private place to relieve themselves," says said Barbara Frost, chief executive of WaterAid. "Ending open defecation is an urgent priority that needs to be addressed, for the benefit of women and girls who live in poverty and without access to privacy and a decent toilet."

Experts believe that India needs to scale up its war on sanitation with a special emphases on women.

It needs to build more private toilets with sewerage connections when space is available and shared toilets when space is scarce. Community toilets have worked in many places and flopped in others like the city of Bhopal, where, a study revealed, only half as many women as men used the toilets because of their distance from home.

This is not a problem in India alone: violence against women on the way to or from public toilets have been reported from countries like Kenya and Uganda. But for a country which aspires for superpower status, lack of toilets is an enduring shame.

On his stump, the new prime minister Narendra Modi of the Hindu nationalist BJP had promised, "Toilets first, Temples later". He needs to do that sooner to save lives of more women.
Thats true.

Happy to see Modi has it in his manifesto to build toilets in every house by 2019, 150 anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. And please, these toiltes are not only for Hindus. Its for every Indian. Wish, Sickular Congress had taken this task before.
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