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Indian Forces - Any Time - Any Where > Operation Cactus : Maldives ( Documentary )


Jan 17, 2009
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Maldives is an island nation in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). The country was formerly a colony under the British Empire and gained its independence in the year 1968. Maldives is a collection of around 1,192 islands among which 192 islands are believed to be populated and sums to around 328,536. Male is recognised as the capital of Maldives. It is the smallest Asian country in both population and land area. Maldives is a presidential republic, with the President as head of government and head of state. The current President is Abdulla Yameen.

The main revenue is from Tourism. Maldives is an active member in SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation). India and Maldives have shared a friendly and close relationship in strategic, economic and military cooperation. India has contributed to maintaining security on the island nation. Maldives is placed strategically in Indian Ocean that has been considered by India as part of its Extended Exclusive Economic Region (EEER). India has time and again provided Maldives supports be it the scope for infrastructure development, resources to boost the economy of the nation or be it the security of the nation. India has provided support to Maldives during the times of revolt from within the country and from foreign armed rebels, during natural calamities and during times of distress. A notable time of support India provided to Maldives was during the coup in 1998 under the name ‘Operation Cactus ‘.


The beginning of November 1988, armed militants belonging to the People’s Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam landed in Maldives and started joining the armed rebels within the Island nation. The rebels challenged the government headed by then president Gayoom. The plot was well laid in Sri Lanka by the Tamil nationalist group which was seeking a safe haven and base for its activities. Having a very small flotilla of armed ships the Maldivian government soon conceded defeat and the militants successfully landed in various Maldivian ports. The militants also successfully took control of the airport in Male, and took control of most of the parts in the national capital. But the militants failed to capture the President of Maldives Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who had fled the troubled country and asked for military aid from India on 3 November. The then-Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi ordered 1,600 troops to aid the Maldivian government. Thus began the “Operation Cactus”.

Some Pics from this Operation :





I concur, Indeed it was a Drama. A similar Drama of 71 changed a lot as well.
In the End.. It was a Pure Drama .. lol.
Same as 1947, the tea you had at lahore in 65
And the 1000 years of muslim rule.

What a drama. I think you should make movies of how you hindus served muslims. How your country was then torn apart and taken from u and how Even today you act like slaves
Same as 1947, the tea you had at lahore in 65
And the 1000 years of muslim rule.

What a drama. I think you should make movies of how you hindus served muslims. How your country was then torn apart and taken from u and how Even today you act like slaves

1000 Years hoax has been discussed millions of times. Keep it to yourself. Or open your own thread.

As a matter of fact, we are still ruled by Muslims. Not just muslims but Sikhs, Jews and Christians and Trust me its Just fine. Kalam was a Muslim but he made our ICBMs and Rockets ... Trust every youngster of this generation in India loves Kalam.

Some years ago, A Christian women paved the way for a Sikh..tobe sworn as a PM ..by aMuslim President.....for a country having 80% Hindus.

Thats the beauty of India. Its works for us.
What you fail to realize is, APJ Kalam, Tessy Thomas, Manekshaw or Chandpuri all mY have different religions ,but when it comesto India, They are Indians First.

Isolating the minor events, we have done well we are not bankrupt and that is far far far better than 'supposedly' ruling for 1000 years and ending up Bankrupt in 2019.
1000 Years hoax has been discussed millions of times. Keep it to yourself. Or open your own thread.

As a matter of fact, we are still ruled by Muslims. Not just muslims but Sikhs, Jews and Christians and Trust me its Just fine. Kalam was a Muslim but he made our ICBMs and Rockets ... Trust every youngster of this generation in India loves Kalam.

Some years ago, A Christian women paved the way for a Sikh..tobe sworn as a PM ..by aMuslim President.....for a country having 80% Hindus.

Thats the beauty of India. Its works for us.
What you fail to realize is, APJ Kalam, Tessy Thomas, Manekshaw or Chandpuri all mY have different religions ,but when it comesto India, They are Indians First.

Isolating the minor events, we have done well we are not bankrupt and that is far far far better than 'supposedly' ruling for 1000 years and ending up Bankrupt in 2019.

Yes definitely works for you, BS -"Thats the beauty of India. Its works for us."

I concur, Indeed it was a Drama. A similar Drama of 71 changed a lot as well.
In the End.. It was a Pure Drama .. lol.
later rajiv gandhi were killed after this episode of drama :)
1000 Years hoax has been discussed millions of times. Keep it to yourself. Or open your own thread.

As a matter of fact, we are still ruled by Muslims. Not just muslims but Sikhs, Jews and Christians and Trust me its Just fine. Kalam was a Muslim but he made our ICBMs and Rockets ... Trust every youngster of this generation in India loves Kalam.

Some years ago, A Christian women paved the way for a Sikh..tobe sworn as a PM ..by aMuslim President.....for a country having 80% Hindus.

Thats the beauty of India. Its works for us.
What you fail to realize is, APJ Kalam, Tessy Thomas, Manekshaw or Chandpuri all mY have different religions ,but when it comesto India, They are Indians First.

Isolating the minor events, we have done well we are not bankrupt and that is far far far better than 'supposedly' ruling for 1000 years and ending up Bankrupt in 2019.
So muslims didnt rule india...nice

Who is delusional me or you ??? Make a movie
So muslims didnt rule india...nice

Who is delusional me or you ??? Make a movie

Oh Muslims definitely did rule India, just no Pakistani did.
Perhaps try to know the difference between Muslims that ruled (not you) and Muslim that cowered to the sword of every invader (definitely you).
Now whether it’s 1000 years or an eternity, you coterminous Pakistanis definitely didnt have any part to play in that rule. Period!
Oh Muslims definitely did rule India, just no Pakistani did.
Perhaps try to know the difference between Muslims that ruled (not you) and Muslim that cowered to the sword of every invader (definitely you).
Now whether it’s 1000 years or an eternity, you coterminous Pakistanis definitely didnt have any part to play in that rule. Period!
But pakistanis took pakistan from you....suck on that.
We took it and we are keeping it and you indisn gandoos can do nothing except bend over for afghanis to butt blast you
But pakistanis took pakistan from you....suck on that.
We took it and we are keeping it and you indisn gandoos can do nothing except bend over for afghanis to butt blast you

Don’t think anyone ever regretted taking out a cancerous tumor from their body. Feel free to gloat about it, we are laughing away at your false bravado.

Besides, to be reduced from what you claim to be a 1000 year rule to being the social pariah of the world, being owned in every war and metric by the very people you claim to have ruled, must be like having a train pulled on you. But here you are showing us how much you’re enjoying the feeling lol

Remember, who rules Delhi rules South Asia. That’s always been the way it is even pre independence.
So enjoy being number two (no pun intended lol) soon to be #3 at the rate BD is progressing. You’ll always be number two at best. We have no issue with it.
Don’t think anyone ever regretted taking out a cancerous tumor from their body. Feel free to gloat about it, we are laughing away at your false bravado.

Besides, to be reduced from what you claim to be a 1000 year rule to being the social pariah of the world, being owned in every war and metric by the very people you claim to have ruled, must be like having a train pulled on you. But here you are showing us how much you’re enjoying the feeling lol

Remember, who rules Delhi rules South Asia. That’s always been the way it is even pre independence.
So enjoy being number two (no pun intended lol) soon to be #3 at the rate BD is progressing. You’ll always be number two at best. We have no issue with it.
Yes we got owned when you came foe tea at lahore gymkhana
We also got owned when we took all the northern areas.
You people are dillusional. You also claim india didnt exist before 1947 yet maps state otherwise.
You also deny muslims ruled you.
You claim you had lazer weapons and aeroplanes when still you havent invented a toilet
You have invented a square wheel that doesnt work and are wondering why?
Yes we are a pariah nation due to negative publicity but we simply cannot be ignored or sidelined line india just has been in Afghanistan. Loool. You have been piss slapped by your american god trump.
Regarding what the world thinks of us as a pariah nation....its good keeps them awake at night whilst we sleep soundly.
Fact is you were rule but muslims for centuries and tjen pakistan was carved out of india.
Now go rape someone. Thats all you indian are good at.
Better to be a pariah than a rapist. And do come again for tea at lahore we have kept it warn for you
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