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Indian Caste System Pushing "Dalit" towards Wall by Zaheerul Hassan

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@Zaheerul Hassan

I don't get, what are you trying to say.

he is talking about situation faced by indians in Australia !! :lol:

---------- Post added at 12:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

@Zaheerul Hassan

I don't get, what are you trying to say.

he is talking about situation faced by indians in Australia !! :lol:
very true the situation is quite bad, but its worse with state of denial of indians!! sigh !!!

---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ----------

very true the situation is quite bad, but its worse with state of denial of indians!! sigh !!!

By ur comments it looks , You also didnt read the article...
The OP wrote this himself. Some people just have too much time I guess...

How did you know this ? LOL.. A pakistani writing about Hindu Caste system...As if Indians did not know what he wrote already. It is a crime to waste time writing this crap.
Wow..the writer is seriously misinformed. This situation was true some 60 years ago following which the so called "backward communities" were given preferred quotas in PSU's and educational institutions. Today there are communities fighting to be categorized as backward caste, or scheduled castes!!!

These communities are today quite well off and no one asks anyone else what their caste is anymore. Only incase of an arranged marriage does all this come up.
To give you an example, I scored 99.08 percentile in an entrance exam but couldn't make it to the top 4 colleges. A person who belongs to these so called "backward castes" can get in at 70 percentile.
And did I mention that the Indian government states that if a religious minority institution sets up a college they are bound by law to admit a majority of the students of their own community? Some of the premier institutions like St.Xaviers, Aligarh Muslim University etc etc are a few I can name.
If you want an India mentioned in the article above, I suggest you visit a really backward region of India. Even they would be a lot more secular than SWAT.

P.S.:Tamilistan seriously??? This guy has literally crapped into this article.

The author has no clear idea about what he is writing about but it is true that Dalits are badly treated The Prime Minster of India himself admitted the widespread prevalence of this cruelty.


(New York) - India has systematically failed to uphold its international legal obligations to ensure the fundamental human rights of Dalits, or so-called untouchables, despite laws and policies against caste discrimination, the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice and Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today. More than 165 million Dalits in India are condemned to a lifetime of abuse simply because of their caste.

The 113-page report, “Hidden Apartheid: Caste Discrimination against India’s ‘Untouchables’,” was produced as a “shadow report” in response to India’s submission to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), which monitors implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). The committee will review India’s compliance with the convention during hearings in Geneva on February 23 and 26.

On December 27, 2006 Manmohan Singh became the first sitting Indian prime minister to openly acknowledge the parallel between the practice of “untouchability” and the crime of apartheid. Singh described “untouchability” as a “blot on humanity” adding that “even after 60 years of constitutional and legal protection and state support, there is still social discrimination against Dalits in many parts of our country.”

“Prime Minister Singh has rightly compared ‘untouchability’ to apartheid, and he should now turn his words into action to protect the rights of Dalits,” said Professor Smita Narula, faculty director of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) at New York University School of Law, and co-author of the report. “The Indian government can no longer deny its collusion in maintaining a system of entrenched social and economic segregation.”

Dalits endure segregation in housing, schools, and access to public services. They are denied access to land, forced to work in degrading conditions, and routinely abused at the hands of the police and upper-caste community members who enjoy the state’s protection. Entrenched discrimination violates Dalits’ rights to education, health, housing, property, freedom of religion, free choice of employment, and equal treatment before the law. Dalits also suffer routine violations of their right to life and security of person through state-sponsored or -sanctioned acts of violence, including torture.

Caste-motivated killings, rapes, and other abuses are a daily occurrence in India. Between 2001 and 2002 close to 58,000 cases were registered under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act – legislation that criminalizes particularly egregious abuses against Dalits and tribal community members. A 2005 government report states that a crime is committed against a Dalit every 20 minutes. Though staggering, these figures represent only a fraction of actual incidents since many Dalits do not register cases for fear of retaliation by the police and upper-caste individuals.

Both state and private actors commit these crimes with impunity. Even on the relatively rare occasions on which a case reaches court, the most likely outcome is acquittal. Indian government reports reveal that between 1999 and 2001 as many as 89 percent of trials involving offenses against Dalits resulted in acquittals.

A resolution passed by the European Parliament on February 1, 2007 found India’s efforts to enforce laws protecting Dalits to be “grossly inadequate,” adding that “atrocities, untouchability, illiteracy, [and] inequality of opportunity, continue to blight the lives of India’s Dalits.” The resolution called on the Indian government to engage with CERD in its efforts to end caste-based discrimination. Dalit leaders welcomed the resolution, but Indian officials dismissed it as lacking in “balance and perspective.”

“International scrutiny is growing and with it the condemnation of abuses resulting from the caste system and the government’s failure to protect Dalits,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “India needs to mobilize the entire government and make good on its paper commitments to end caste abuses. Otherwise, it risks pariah status for its homegrown brand of apartheid.”

Attempts by Dalits to defy the caste order, to demand their rights, or to lay claim to land that is legally theirs are consistently met with economic boycotts or retaliatory violence. For example, in Punjab on January 5, 2006 Dalit laborer and activist Bant Singh, seeking the prosecution of the people who gang-raped his daughter, was beaten so severely that both arms and one leg had to be amputated. On September 26, 2006 in Kherlanji village, Maharashtra, a Dalit family was killed by an upper-caste mob, after the mother and daughter were stripped, beaten and paraded through the village and the two brothers were brutally beaten. They were attacked because they refused to let upper-caste farmers take their land. After widespread protests at the police’s failure to arrest the perpetrators, some of those accused in the killing were finally arrested and police and medical officers who had failed to do their jobs were suspended from duty.

Exploitation of labor is at the very heart of the caste system. Dalits are forced to perform tasks deemed too “polluting” or degrading for non-Dalits to carry out. According to unofficial estimates, more than 1.3 million Dalits – mostly women – are employed as manual scavengers to clear human waste from dry pit latrines. In several cities, Dalits are lowered into manholes without protection to clear sewage blockages, resulting in more than 100 deaths each year from inhalation of toxic gases or from drowning in excrement. Dalits comprise the majority of agricultural, bonded, and child laborers in the country. Many survive on less than US$1 per day.

In January 2007 the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women concluded that Dalit women in India suffer from “deeply rooted structural discrimination.” “Hidden Apartheid” records the plight of Dalit women and the multiple forms of discrimination they face. Abuses documented in the report include sexual abuse by the police and upper-caste men, forced prostitution, and discrimination in employment and the payment of wages.

Dalit children face consistent hurdles in access to education. They are made to sit in the back of classrooms and endure verbal and physical harassment from teachers and students. The effect of such abuses is borne out by the low literacy and high drop-out rates for Dalits.

The Center for Human Rights and Global Justice and Human Rights Watch call on CERD to scrutinize the gap between India’s human rights commitments and the daily reality faced by Dalits. In particular, CERD should request that the Indian government:

Identify measures taken to ensure appropriate reforms to eliminate police abuses against Dalits and other marginalized communities;
Provide concrete plans to implement laws and government policies to protect Dalits, and Dalit women in particular, from physical and sexual violence;
Identify steps taken to eradicate caste-based segregation in residential areas and schools, and in access to public services; and,
Outline plans to ensure the effective eradication of exploitative labor arrangements and effective implementation of rehabilitation schemes for Dalit bonded and child laborers, manual scavengers, and for Dalit women forced into prostitution.
“International outrage over the treatment of Dalits is matched by growing national discontent,” Smita Narula said. “India can’t ignore the voices of 165 million citizens.”

“Hidden Apartheid” is based on in-depth investigations by CHRGJ, Human Rights Watch, Indian non-governmental organizations, and media sources. The pervasiveness of abuses against Dalits is corroborated by the reports of Indian governmental agencies, including the National Human Rights Commission, and the National Commission on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. These and other sources were compiled, investigated, and analyzed under international law by NYU School of Law’s International Human Rights Clinic.


The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) is a body of independent experts responsible for monitoring states’ compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), ratified by India in 1968. It guarantees rights of non-discrimination on the basis of “race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin.” In 1996 CERD concluded that the plight of Dalits falls squarely under the prohibition of descent-based discrimination. As a state party to ICERD, India is obligated to submit periodic reports detailing its implementation of rights guaranteed under the convention. During the review session CERD examines these reports and engages in constructive dialogue with the state party, addressing its concerns and offering recommendations. CERD uses supplementary information contained in non-governmental organization “shadow reports” to evaluate states’ reports. India’s report to CERD, eight years overdue, covers compliance with the convention from 1996 to 2006 yet does not contain a single mention of abuses against Dalits – abuses that India’s own governmental agencies have documented and verified.
The author has no clear idea about what he is writing about but it is true that Dalits are badly treated The Prime Minster of India himself admitted the widespread prevalence of this cruelty.


Like I said, if you want to see this part of India you have to go to really rural and under developed areas. You have to remember we have a population of a billion people. Even if 1% of the population does this that's 10 million people. But it does not represent India. It's like potraying SWAT as whole of Pakistan or the Right winged catholics as representative of the entire USA.
I wonder if it is pushing anyone to the wall.

In fact, it is a flag of honour that is exhibited for preference in getting seats for education, jobs and out of turn promotions.

It is a one way ticket to higher echelons, even if undeserved!

In fact, these reservation promotes inefficiency because it goes against the tenets of meritocracy!

On these thread we find much lament about India's poverty, malnutrition etc.

Now, if people who are in charge are people who have no merit, but have these 'qualifications' for jobs and higher posts, then what progress in these fields can be expected?

Then, because of these 'qualification', they get subsidised foodgrains. kerosene etc and then they sell it on the blackmarket to make money instead of improving their lives and health, how can the ills that afflict India and lamented by concerned posters out here, be ever solved.

If everything is subsidised and if education, jobs and promotions are for the taking because of the 'qualification', who in the fight sense, would like to work for gaining their rightful place in society that is guaranteed by the Law?

For subcontinental people, my example is - how many rich men's son do well? They all play duck and drakes with their feudal family fortunes. Why? If you have the easy way out and everything is for you laid on the platter, who the Dic.kens requires to work or slog?

So, why should you expect the Dalit, who gets everything on the platter to work and get their due by honest hard day's work?

I have worked with Dalits throughout my career. One of my men's son was a primary school teacher in English, appointed by the Govt through a 'selection process'. He could only say "Good Morning" and "Good Night" clearly. The remainder of his English required translation after he spoke to his father in his own language, who then told me in Hindi as to what the boy was wanting to say!

Good for them. India must give them all the facilities without hesitation and it is not material if they are qualified or not. After all, it is social service and removing a historical blot on India!!
I wonder if it is pushing anyone to the wall.

In fact, it is a flag of honour that is exhibited for preference in getting seats for education, jobs and out of turn promotions.

It is a one way ticket to higher echelons, even if undeserved!

In fact, these reservation promotes inefficiency because it goes against the tenets of meritocracy!

It's called affirmative action. Just because a few select get ahead of you, does not mean that they should get discredited for coming through this method.

Like I said, if you want to see this part of India you have to go to really rural and under developed areas. You have to remember we have a population of a billion people. Even if 1% of the population does this that's 10 million people. But it does not represent India. It's like potraying SWAT as whole of Pakistan or the Right winged catholics as representative of the entire USA.

Download this - http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/india0207webwcover_0.pdf

Read it. It is very much prevalent in India. 113 pages written by a UN agency is nothing to be laughed about or turned a blind eye on. It is hardly fringe at all.
How did you know this ? LOL.. A pakistani writing about Hindu Caste system...As if Indians did not know what he wrote already. It is a crime to waste time writing this crap.

Look at the author's name at the end.... and look at the OP's handle. Either he's too impressed by this obscure author, or this was written by him.

PS: You managed to read the entire ramble? I must congratulate you.
You are writing articles by yourself and posting it here... But no one is reading it.. You can check your old articles also. .. No one is even bothering to comment..(Hardly few comments that too just for fun).

My advice : Dont waste your time and energy like this.... Spend it on some constructive work..

At this present situation, Your country needs you more than India....

Have Peace

for colored part> it is a masterstroke :toast_sign:
It's called affirmative action. Just because a few select get ahead of you, does not mean that they should get discredited for coming through this method.

Download this - http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/india0207webwcover_0.pdf

Read it. It is very much prevalent in India. 113 pages written by a UN agency is nothing to be laughed about or turned a blind eye on. It is hardly fringe at all.

Let us not get extragora about it.

Affirmative action in the US and that in India are not quite the same.

I marvel at the way people lap up western stuff as the Gospel Truth!

OK, everyone who is not white is a fool!

The West know better about how we should live!
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