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Indian Army mapping out strategy to counter infiltration in Kashmir


Feb 20, 2012
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Indian Army mapping out strategy to counter infiltration in Kashmir
IANS Jammu, January 16, 2014 | UPDATED 10:26 IST


The year 2014 is a "challenging" one as US troops would leave Afghanistan this year but the Indian Army is already mapping out a strategy and planning to counter any infiltration bid during the year, top army officials said on Wednesday.

Although 2013 was largely peaceful in Jammu and Kashmir, there were a large number of ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops and many infiltration attempts were made last year, Lt. Gen. Sanjiv Chachra, general officer commanding-in-chief (GOC-in-C) of the army's northern command, said at a press conference on the 66th Army Day here.

"Pakistan border action teams (BAT) planned many attacks on our troops during 2013, but we foiled most of those attempts," the GOC-in-C said.

The northern army commander said every time there was an incursion, "we make them feel the futility of such an action".

He said the Indian Army had faced two-three major Pakistan-backed BAT actions in 2013 but had effectively responded, although not in the manner the Pakistanis did.

"In 2013, Pakistan's BAT planned attacks on Indian troops but we foiled most of those attempts," the army commander added.

He said terror camps were still active across the border.

"They have the infrastructure and capability to disturb peace in the state. 2014 is a challenging year as American troops are leaving Afghanistan but the Indian Army is already making a strategy and planning to counter any infiltration during the year," he said.

On media reports about Chinese incursions in Ladakh region, the army commander said: "All things on the border with China in the state are normal.

"In case of any issue, we have a border mechanism in place to resolve such issues. Right now our focus is on infrastructure building to make our position more strong."

Read more at: Indian Army mapping out strategy to counter infiltration in Kashmir : North, News - India Today
What happen to plebiscite? Largest democracy ? HA don't make me laugh, so afraid of democracy that they can't hold a plebiscite to ask the KASHMIRIS what they want.
Indians are still living in 60s when ICK (Indian Controlled kashmir) was a totally different.

Now LOC is fully locked up.

And thus ICK is purely internal Indian issue with no significant military support from outside.

This is time Indians switch grears and use civilian methods and not military methods to improve law and order situation in ICK
what's the status on that berlin wall? is that complete?

Indians are still living in 60s when ICK (Indian Controlled kashmir) was a totally different.

Now LOC is fully locked up.

And thus ICK is purely internal Indian issue with no significant military support from outside.

This is time Indians switch grears and use civilian methods and not military methods to improve law and order situation in ICK

after american troops leave..don't you think there would be more incursions from pak side espically whn there are elections ahead in india..!?!
what's the status on that berlin wall? is that complete?

:what: You mean the wall that they are planning near LOC for protection against small arms fire and some artillery? If so, then I think it is still in the planning process. They will probably start it after winter since currently the weather will not be as permitting for such kind of construction. But we must also understand that no matter how much well fenced or militarized a border is it will always have some weakness. Just look at the NK and SK border even after NK has invested so much in keeping the border closed off, with electric fence, land mines and spot towers, they still have defectors that cross the border each year. So keeping that in mind, I would say the army should plan for such things in advance even if we can build a wall that covers the entire border. It is better to be prepared than to be sorry
Indians are still living in 60s when ICK (Indian Controlled kashmir) was a totally different.

Now LOC is fully locked up.

And thus ICK is purely internal Indian issue with no significant military support from outside.

This is time Indians switch grears and use civilian methods and not military methods to improve law and order situation in ICK
india is open to make LOC the international border and thats the only solution for kashmir issue.but unfortunately your army and govts are obsessed with kashmir.if things were so much simple as u stated things would become better long ago..
What happen to plebiscite? Largest democracy ? HA don't make me laugh, so afraid of democracy that they can't hold a plebiscite to ask the KASHMIRIS what they want.
No democracy ever allow to let someone go anti-nation and demand a seperate country especially by using terrorist activities. That someone will be arrested if not shot for that.

after american troops leave..don't you think there would be more incursions from pak side espically whn there are elections ahead in india..!?!

The possibility is always there.

But the reality on the ground is that there will not be any meaningful incursions anymore.

The case is closed for now.

This is why Indians intellectuals should stop looking at ICK as Pakistan problem

It is now 100% internal problem for all practical purposes.

And if once in a while some beardo weirdo does show up waving AK-47, what is his value and contribution in ICK? zero, zilch, nada.

It is no longer 1960 or even 1980s my friend


No democracy ever allow to let someone go anti-nation and demand a seperate country especially by using terrorist activities. That someone will be arrested if not shot for that.

It is not just dhoom-cracy,

no government allows it that easily.

Be it democracy or dictatorship. No one can steal any government's territory.

Ask Chinese about Tibet and they will burn your tongue if they could.

That's the name of emotions and show of power.

So let's not make it sound that separatists are not allowed in democracy but they are A-OK in dictatorship.

What's good for the goose is also highly desirable for the gander. :lol:

india is open to make LOC the international border and thats the only solution for kashmir issue.but unfortunately your army and govts are obsessed with kashmir.if things were so much simple as u stated things would become better long ago..

India has always wanted to make LOC as international border there is nothing new.

And LOC is an international border for all practical purposes.

the dispute now exists only in the mind of Indian nationalists, and Pakistani Islamists.


:what: You mean the wall that they are planning near LOC for protection against small arms fire and some artillery? If so, then I think it is still in the planning process. They will probably start it after winter since currently the weather will not be as permitting for such kind of construction. But we must also understand that no matter how much well fenced or militarized a border is it will always have some weakness. Just look at the NK and SK border even after NK has invested so much in keeping the border closed off, with electric fence, land mines and spot towers, they still have defectors that cross the border each year. So keeping that in mind, I would say the army should plan for such things in advance even if we can build a wall that covers the entire border. It is better to be prepared than to be sorry

It is all done. all passable points are barb wired two or even three lines.

Then there are 2 lines of Indian defenses.

There is no forking way even for a bird to fly across the LOC let alone some bearo wierdo muj

Please update your knowledge.
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The possibility is always there.

But the reality on the ground is that there will not be any meaningful incursions anymore.

The case is closed for now.

This is why Indians intellectuals should stop looking at ICK as Pakistan problem

It is now 100% internal problem for all practical purposes.

And if once in a while some beardo weirdo does show up waving AK-47, what is his value and contribution in ICK? zero, zilch, nada.

It is no longer 1960 or even 1980s my friend


Indian Kashmir's problems are not merely internal, which is what this article is talking about. You are right that bearded weirdos from the west cannot really change anything on the ground or take an inch of land from India. But they still do keep coming, as there is a cottage industry in Pakistan to recruit and train these fellows and send them to certain death. The subject of the article is infiltration, and obviously, by definition, that is a problem that comes from external source. Nobody infiltrates from within.
Indian Kashmir's problems are not merely internal, which is what this article is talking about. You are right that bearded weirdos from the west cannot really change anything on the ground or take an inch of land from India. But they still do keep coming, as there is a cottage industry in Pakistan to recruit and train these fellows and send them to certain death. The subject of the article is infiltration, and obviously, by definition, that is a problem that comes from external source. Nobody infiltrates from within.

you can easily count with your fingers the muj coming from Pakistan in the last decade

The number is even smaller nay tinier for those who actually crossed LOC.

That tiny number hardly qualifies the level of fear you show in your post. Sadly.

It is time to rid your fears bro

and see the reality.
India has always wanted to make LOC as international border there is nothing new.

And LOC is an international border for all practical purposes.

the dispute now exists only in the mind of Indian nationalists, and Pakistani Islamists.


There is a problem in equating that red and green entities. Indian nationalists only want to prevent infiltration into Kashmir, and attempts to take Indian Kashmir by force and terrorism. They do not want to infiltrate into Pakistan and take Pakistani Kashmir. Despite taunts from Pakistanis that Indians dream of an 'akhand bharat, that is simply not true. On the other hand, the intention of Pakistanis is not simply to hold on to their part of Kashmir, but also to take India's Kashmir from India.

Now about the green part; I don't think it is true that only 'islamists' in Pakistan want to take Indian Kashmir. The majority of posters on this forum want that, and laughably, believe that that will happen some day. So you are misrepresenting Pakistani public opinion when you imply that only a fringe think of Kashmir as a dispute.

you can easily count with your fingers the muj coming from Pakistan in the last decade

The number is even smaller nay tinier for those who actually crossed LOC.

That tiny number hardly qualifies the level of fear you show in your post. Sadly.

It is time to rid your fears bro

and see the reality.

I don't think I displayed any fear in my post, I only stated the reality. BTW, it is precisely because of our eternal vigilance and caution that we are now able to say that the number of mujjus coming from Pakistan has slowed to a trickle. Yes that is true, and I agree with that. But the Indian army has had to work hard to make that happen. Their fears now are justified because of the anticipated geopolitical events. When the US withdraws, there will be a lot of jobless jihadis in Pakistan's western parts, and if previous experience is anything to go by, ISI will try to funnel them all into the east. We all know how Kashmir ignited when the Soviets withdrew.
...The majority of posters on this forum want [to free ICK], and laughably, believe that that will happen some day. ..


So many of the PDF posters can only wish they were the generals in Pak army.

But you know very well. they are NOT

So many PDF posters so childishly want to press red and blue buttons.

But you know very well. they can NOT

What they can only do is to push Indian posters' buttons, driving them crazy, instilling in them this muj fear.

So bhai, are you going crazy and fearful all thanks to PDF posters?

Just curious!


I don't think I displayed any fear in my post, I only stated the reality.

When a 600 pound wrestler (if possible) points to a 60 pounder lightweight, and says "bachao bachao, mujhay marta hai" (save me save me, this 60 pounder is going to kill me) hahahahah

What you call it? Reality? yea,

Bu I call it "fear mongering reality".

Hope you see the difference.

if previous experience is anything to go by, ISI will try to funnel them all into the east. We all know how Kashmir ignited when the Soviets withdrew.

Pre-1995 Muj were different

Post 1995 era has no Muj, just Talibarbarians.

Please quit living in the past.

Thank you

So many of the PDF posters can only wish they were the generals in Pak army.

But you know very well. they are NOT

So many PDF posters so childishly want to press red and blue buttons.

But you know very well. they can NOT

What they can only do is to push Indian posters' buttons, driving them crazy, instilling in them this muj fear.

So bhai, are you going crazy and fearful all thanks to PDF posters?

Just curious!

Not fearful, just vigilant. Even taking PDF as a sample space, how many Indian posters here want India to take over Pakistani Kashmir? Only a handful, if that. Now compare that with the percentage of Pakistani posters who want to take Indian Kashmir. This attitude is reflected in each country's mindset.
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