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Indian arms imports almost triple China, Pakistan: study

care to explain??? as I can't comprehend much out of this one line --

Dont know much about IA but IAF &IN have really been quite enthusiastic about Indigenous platforms-IAF have been Inducting Indian developed SAMs & Radar systems,and helicopters,and is eager to operationalise LCA.The same with the navy-They have really shown interest in Naval LCA,Dhruv & LCH.And in case of shipbuilding save for Vikramaditya & Talwar class ,much of India's newer warships are either designed & made in India-Destroyers,Frigates,Aircraft carriers,Scorpene subs manufactured in India,SSBNs-Again proving authors theory -'Indian military doesn't want Indian made systems' wrong.

If this artcle is referring to Mig 21s,then it is widely known that those airframes are really old,upgraded with modern equipment every time and that has caused much of accidents.

And if the author uses that example to prove India's aircraft manufacturing capability as ,he should also have remembered that even Su 30 MKI is also manufactured in house by HAL.Yes,I would say manufactured because even the AL 31 FP turbofan is manufactured here.And much of Indian Airforce aircraft is manufactured in India-Even MMRCA-Rafale would be manufactured in India.

Do you realize these now?
Large amounts of weapons imports are fine as a stop-gap measure.

As long as it is just a stop-gap measure, not a long-term replacement for indigenous industries.

In India things move really very slowly ...

I hope the indigenization will speed up ....

But for foreseeable future India will remain one of the biggest arms importer country .

The investment in R & D and local industry is miserably low ....as compared some other nations .
Lack of knowledge that Indians always have......You are talking about Govt. or Military......even our peoples in FATA made weapons at their homes....

The lack of knowledge certain trolls from your country have,always amuses me.I would rather suggest you to educate your buddy AUz about what India is capable of.

He is here to troll stating that 'Pakistan can produce world class weapons' while his country assembles 2000 tonne frigates.
What an embarrassment india is becoming LOL!!! :lol:

Pakistan and China makes their own top-class weapons, tanks, artillery guns, and even fighter jets now.

india tries to make a tank..and then end up ordering hundreds of tank from Russia to cover up the failure of arjun...

And then india spends three decades to build a jet....about which the lesser said the better :cry:

China... Yes !

Pakistan ??? Really ???

There is another big difference, China's GDP is now $9.3 trillion, and India's GDP is still at $1.7 trillion.

We went into a double-digit growth phase for over three decades, and the result is a bigger GDP, which leads to a larger defence budget.

China can afford to invest a lot more in indigenous industries compared to India, which is why we have even become the 4th largest defence EXPORTER in the world.

It's true, India can buy military tech from a greater variety of sources. But the question is... does that hurt or help India's indigenous defence industries? If you can buy it, where the incentive to make it yourself?

True ... There has to be right balance between arms being purchased and arms being indigenously produced .

and to strike that right balance is the herculean task ....It's not easy .

Hopefully our planners are thinking and prepared ....

I guess India is in still that transition phase ....

although I don't know how long this phase is going to last ....
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Pakistan and China makes their own top-class weapons, tanks, artillery guns, and even fighter jets now.

'Pakistan and China makes ' I :lol:ed.Attempt to bracket yourself with another country far ahead in this field.'their own' double :lol:

Even fighter jets?Baccha Learn that China have developed their own fighter jets in the past too.And without their massive help,JF 17 would not have even took off.Not to forget JF 17 was designed in China,took shape using Chinese infra structure-a JV between 2 countries,one being already established aerospace power & another one that doesn't even have an indigenous aircraft project in its history.And without the 'kit' you receive from China,you cannot even build a single JF 17.

Do you know that India builds Su 30 MKI (which happen to have more Indian components than JV JF 17 ) with its engine included?Can Pakistan do the same?
And not to forget,much of IAF,IN aircraft,IN ships are either License manufactured/developed in India.What about PAF & PN ?

Top class weapons-assembling weapons of Chinese origin :lol:

Can Pakistan develop a SAM,a BMD system,a phased array radar,A SONAR,an Attack Helicopter,a stealth Frigate,a Nuclear sub,An Aircraft carrier or an AEW & C ?

Short answer-No.

And then india spends three decades to build a jet....about which the lesser said the better :cry:

Same old boasting.Go learn that India have been developing its own jet aircraft from 1960s.And unlike JF 17,Tejas is a indigenous project.So comeback when your country have developed a basic trainer aircraft without a JV.
The lack of knowledge certain trolls from your country have,always amuses me.I would rather suggest you to educate your buddy AUz about what India is capable of.

He is here to troll stating that 'Pakistan can produce world class weapons' while his country assembles 2000 tonne frigates.

Well, they believe right up to their enlightened moderate president (some say moderately enlightened) that they are ahead of India in the space program as well.

And that the 60 KM Nasr is a "karara jawaab" to the Indian Mars mission.

Now you can't really counter that, can you. ;)

You can just sit back and enjoy.

“Pakistan’s space programme is now ahead of India after the formal launching of Paksat-I and this is due to the hard work of our scientists and I am sure Indians would take another 30 months to do the job,” Gen Musharraf claimed.

What an embarrassment india is becoming LOL!!! :lol:

Pakistan and China makes their own top-class weapons, tanks, artillery guns, and even fighter jets now.

india tries to make a tank..and then end up ordering hundreds of tank from Russia to cover up the failure of arjun...

And then india spends three decades to build a jet....about which the lesser said the better :cry:

Spending and developing weapons for our military is not a joke.We have number of shipyards but their order book is complete for next few years for Indian Navy only.China is better than us.But Pakistan dont even come in the picture.

When St.Antony, defence minister of India took over, India was the sixth largest importer of arms and China was the largest arms importer,"

In less than a decade, India has become the world's largest arms importer and China has become the world's fifth largest arms exporter."

That speaks a lot about how bad the ministry was with support of a network of 39 ordnance factories, three defence shipyards, eight defence PSUs and 52 DRDO laboratories under it.

Its a shame in reality.

Antony's socialist leanings, his refusal to reform the defence Public Sector Undertakings (PSUS) and suspicion of the private sector,is the root cause of the failure of indigenous defence capability to meet India's requirements.

First of all Antony dont know anything about defence industry .He is not a defence expert.
PSU is the main guilty here,We dont have a good private industry.And due to weapon exports of China.India also follow same path because in long term weapon imports is not a solution.But in present case it is the only solution.
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care to explain??? as I can't comprehend much out of this one line --

Except Army.IAF and IN always give priority for indigenous systems because they cant afford over dependence on foreign industry.That is why IAF buy full ToT of all system of Su-30.otherwise they may brought that plane in offshelf from Russia.Same goes to IN .They cant buy local system that compromise on quality.But IA show some idiocy but it is also a small percentage.
People in india are dying of hunger and they are busy in buying weapons .. feed ur population... Real shame for india!!

What an embarrassment india is becoming LOL!!! :lol:

Pakistan and China makes their own top-class weapons, tanks, artillery guns, and even fighter jets now.

india tries to make a tank..and then end up ordering hundreds of tank from Russia to cover up the failure of arjun...

And then india spends three decades to build a jet....about which the lesser said the better :cry:

They are probably buying those weapons from around the globe to kill their own people one day, thats one way of lowering poverty, indian logic :p
Whats the point here !!!!
China need only a few imports and Pak don't have money to import.
India need imports and have the required money. Thats it

People in india are dying of hunger and they are busy in buying weapons .. feed ur population... Real shame for india!!

They are probably buying those weapons from around the globe to kill their own people one day, thats one way of lowering poverty, indian logic :p
The day Pak gets money you will start buying. Wake up from delusion that you are not buying so you can spend on welfare. You just don't have any money for that
LMAO! Look who's talking, one who goes in front of Obama every year with a "katora" and begs in front of him in the name of helping the poor and what actually does is spend on so called "advanced Chinese jets" and spend on terrorists for the so called "bleed India 1000 cuts" mission:rofl::omghaha:

People in india are dying of hunger and they are busy in buying wr India!!

silly mullah logic, hum jaise duniya bhi waisi:coffee:

They are probably buying those weapons from around the globe to kill their own people one day, thats one way of lowering poverty, indian logic :p
What an embarrassment india is becoming LOL!!! :lol:

Pakistan and China makes their own top-class weapons, tanks, artillery guns, and even fighter jets now.

india tries to make a tank..and then end up ordering hundreds of tank from Russia to cover up the failure of arjun...

And then india spends three decades to build a jet....about which the lesser said the better :cry:

Ok bro, you can go back to your concentration camp :coffee:

People in india are dying of hunger and they are busy in buying weapons .. feed ur population... Real shame for india!!

They are probably buying those weapons from around the globe to kill their own people one day, thats one way of lowering poverty, indian logic :p

Dafauq ?

Are you real stupid or just pretending one ?
China had never been and will not be a threat to India.

There are many small nations (Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, and India before British came over there) lived along south and east side of China for thousands of years.

China doesn't have any interest in such places. If she did, those small nations would have not been existed just like what happened around US.

China's threat is from east and south China sea.

As a nation whose GDP (nominal) per capita is under $1,500, India is supa poor (poorer than many Africa countries wherever in wars for many years). Your officers should use the precious money to improve your people life, not arms to defend the threat does not exist.

China threat is obviously used as an excuse to import arms by those from-grandfather-to-grandson-politicians. .
A 1 billion $ purchase, 1% commission is 10 million. And everyone will agree 1% is the least.

Actually, India is on the way making herself a threat to China. More arms you purchased, more threat to the peace of the world.

People knew it, and that's why India Fears U.N. May Block Arms Imports
As a nation whose GDP (nominal) per capita is under $1,500, India is supa poor (poorer than many Africa countries wherever in wars for many years). Your officers should use the precious money to improve your people life, not arms to defend the threat does not exist.

Our money our priorities. . why the hell are you so worked up ? :coffee:
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