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Indian Americans ask UN to declare Pak terrorist state


Dec 20, 2008
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New York: Braving sub zero temperature and cold wind, more than 200 supporters and workers of dozens of Indian American organisation held a
demonstration outside the UN, seeking the world body declare Pakistan a terrorist state.

The demonstrators, from New York and adjoining New Jersey and Connecticut states spearheaded by Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP) and Indian American Intellectual Forum, demanded that the international community take action against Saudi Arabia also as groups based there had been funding the terror operations which are planned and executed from Pakistan.

The international community, they said, need impose economic sanction against Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and force Islamabad to rein in its "infamous" Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) which, they alleged, provides logistic and other support to terrorists.

If Pakistan does not hand over the suspects that India has demanded, they should be tried by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, they said.

The demonstrators carried pictures of Jewish couple Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and wife Rivka, who were murdered by the terrorists during Mumbai attacks, with caption: "It is a crime to be a Jew?"

The demonstration began with a silence observed for one minute to pay homage to the victims of Mumbai attacks and the police officers who were killed in the action.

"Who is funding terrorism?' Saudi Arabia," "Down with Pakistan," "Pakistan, a failed state," "stop aid to Pakistan," and "Radical Islam is the worldwide problem," were among the slogans that they shouted.

Gaurang Vaishnav, a spokesperson of the Tristate Indians under whose banner the demonstration was organized, said that it was important that countries such as US, Britain, Israel and India come together to evolve a strategy to root out the terrorism
can anyone please specify what are the criteria for declaring a state terrorist state?
Countries determined by the Secretary of State to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism are designated pursuant to three laws: section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act, section 40 of the Arms Export Control Act, and section 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act. Taken together, the four main categories of sanctions resulting from designation under these authorities include restrictions on U.S. foreign assistance; a ban on defense exports and sales; certain controls over exports of dual use items; and miscellaneous financial and other restrictions.

Designation under the above-referenced authorities also implicates other sanctions laws that penalize persons and countries engaging in certain trade with state sponsors. Currently there are four countries designated under these authorities: Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria.

State Sponsors of Terrorism

However when it comes to Pakistan, geo-political compulsions prevent such a move, inspite of the fullfillment of the criteria
State Sponsors of Terrorism

However when it comes to Pakistan, geo-political compulsions prevent such a move, inspite of the fullfillment of the criteria

Pakistan doesn't supports terrorism nor it fullfils the criteria.. therefore no no..

Does India makes it though? For Indian state actors (i.e. Indian Army) full involvement in murdering, raping of Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir?
India is the biggest Terrorist country. Everyone already know about GUJRAAT state issue by BJP (Ministry) had done gujrat job. INDIA IS THE BIGGEST TERRORIST STATE agar dekh jaye!
However when it comes to Pakistan, geo-political compulsions prevent such a move, inspite of the fullfillment of the criteria[/QUOTE]

my personal opinion is that pakistan does not fulfill the criteria as there are no proof of the the allegations but certain elements within pakistan may have a soft corner for the rogue elements then how can the state<consisting of innocent civilians> be charged as a terrorist state.
if the US is really so powerful then why is it hesitating to goforward with the pakistan issue.why are they worried about geo-political issues
the real truth is they do not have proof or accountability.
Well, we should not worry..it's just a wet dream of some indians..
sir can u please elaborate the reason why? thanks

This can explain a little as to why there is a possibility of being labeled as sponsor of terror. But owing to its current role in WoT it may not happen. It was about to be named as State sponsor of terrorism according to Pakistan's present US ambassador, Hussain Haqqani.

U.S. came close to declaring Pakistan a "terrorist" State in 1992

Amit Baruah

Letter blamed Islamabad for supporting militants in India

Letter talked of the complicity of ISI and Army in training terrorists
Pakistan warned that it would be listed among State sponsors of terrorism
A meeting in 1992 resolved to further cover "tracks of terrorism"
NEW DELHI: Proof is now available to support suggestions that the United States came close to declaring Pakistan a terrorist State in 1992, as Islamabad increased support to militant elements operating in Jammu & Kashmir.

Pakistani scholar Hussain Haqqani reveals that a May 12, 1992 letter from U.S. Secretary of State James Baker to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif directly blamed Islamabad for extending support to terrorists operating in India.

Handing over the letter to Mr. Sharif, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Nicholas Platt also provided some "talking points," which are, now, in the possession of Mr. Haqqani, who had worked as Press Secretary to both Mr. Sharif and Ms. Benazir Bhutto.

Damning points

The "talking points" are damning. "We are very confident of our information that your intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, and elements of the Army are supporting Kashmiri and Sikh militants who carry out acts of terrorism... This support takes the form of providing weapons, training and assistance in infiltration ... We're talking about direct, covert support from the Government of Pakistan," Mr. Platt's written "talking points"stated.

Credible information

"Our information is certain. It does not come from the Indian Government. Please consider the serious consequences to our relationship if this support continues... If the situation persists, the Secretary of State may find himself required by law to place Pakistan in the U.S.G. [United States Government] State sponsors of terrorism list... You must take concrete steps to curtail assistance to militants and not allow their training camps to operate in Pakistan or Azad Kashmir," the "talking points" added.

In his book, "Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military," Mr. Haqqani referred to a meeting that Mr. Sharif presided over on May 18, 1992. "We have been covering our tracks so far and will cover them even better in the future," Mr. Haqqani, who was present at the meeting, quoted ISI chief Lt. Gen. Javed Nasir as saying.

According to Mr. Haqqani, Mr. Sharif agreed with this assessment and sanctioned a sum of $2 million for stronger lobbying efforts in the U.S. Foreign Secretary Shehryar Khan, however, disagreed with this assessment, the book said.

Note of discord

The Foreign Secretary said Pakistan would "probably be more successful by focussing on diplomacy and political action" in favour of the Kashmiris, instead of "setting off bombs."

At the same meeting, Chief of Army Staff Asif Nawaz said it was not in Pakistan's interest to get into a confrontation with the U.S., but "we cannot shut down military operations against India either."

Pressure off

The removal of Lt. Gen. Javed Nasir as ISI chief in 1993 took the pressure off Pakistan and the Americans backed off from their threat of declaring Islamabad a State sponsor of terrorism.
I will suggest the Pakistani members to be not too sure that it can't happen.

It has been pushed in the past by the USA and the threat is never too far away. It is not happening now for one reason: because they need your support in Afghanistan.

Only the USA can push such a resolution. You have decades of rich experience with them.

The next time anything happens in the USA and there is the remotest link to the Pakistan (not even the government or the military, just the territorial link), you can bet what will happen.
State Sponsors of Terrorism

However when it comes to Pakistan, geo-political compulsions prevent such a move, inspite of the fullfillment of the criteria.......

Mr. Slugger just for you..
when it comes to India, geo-political compulsions prevent such a move, inspite of the fullfillment of the criteria.....>>>Kashmir rapes killing of innocent men women old children.
Orissa>>>Mass massacre Killing of Christians foreign and citizens convert of die.
Gujrat>>>Mass genocide massacre Killing of Muslims citizens of India.
Punjab>>Killing of Sikhs
Shiv sina>>Terror group..
RAW>>terror Org
so many to list a perfect heavens for the terrorists.
State Sponsors of Terrorism

However when it comes to Pakistan, geo-political compulsions prevent such a move, inspite of the fullfillment of the criteria.......

Mr. Slugger just for you..
when it comes to India, geo-political compulsions prevent such a move, inspite of the fullfillment of the criteria.....>>>Kashmir rapes killing of innocent men women old children.
Orissa>>>Mass massacre Killing of Christians foreign and citizens convert of die.
Gujrat>>>Mass genocide massacre Killing of Muslims citizens of India.
Punjab>>Killing of Sikhs
Shiv sina>>Terror group..
RAW>>terror Org
so many to list a perfect heavens for the terrorists.

i have no opinions about other posts but claiming raw to be aterrorist organisation is not true according to me. its an intelligence agency just like any other . claiming raw as a terrorist outfit provides fuel to the indian claim of ISI to be the same.
there are various links which can be provided to support your answer but even ISI activities can also be provided with links. both of them do their best to serve their country. they are not terrorist organisations
Guys to be honest..All organizations do support terror if it's for their national interest.Just like CIA supported these Brainwashed mullahs in the 80's but they get away with it because of Super Power status.
United Nations can very well do so, they are Zionist extremists in disguise.

But that can prove to be an extremely big mistake if they declare Pakistan as a terrorist country

so '' DREAM ON '' Indians.
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