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Indian Air Force MI-17 V5 deployed to fight forest fire in Nagaland


Jul 6, 2009
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Indian Air Force MI-17 V5 deployed to fight forest fire in Nagaland

For the first time in the history of India, helicopters are being utilised for fighting forest fires. Massive and widespread fires had been devouring the pristine forests close to Mt Japfu in Kohima, Nagaland, since 31 Jan and causing widespread destruction to the flora and fauna. While the efforts put in by the State Govt of Nagaland to contain the fires have fructified in certain areas, a large portion of forested area east of Mt Japfu is largely inaccessible by foot and continues to smolder.
On request from the state administration, the newly acquired Mi-17 V5 helicopter of the Indian Air Force was pressed into action using the Forest Fire Fighting Equipment, euphemistically called “The Bambi Bucket”. The helicopter was positioned at Rangapahar, close to Dimapur, late evening on 3rd Feb and commenced operations from daybreak on 4th Feb.

Indian Air Force MI-17 V5 fills the Bambi Bucket with water

The first sortie was devoted to carrying out a detailed aerial assessment of the general area, the extent of the fire and most importantly, an open source of water. Having identified a small lake near Dimapur as the source, the helicopter dunked a collapsible Bambi Bucket in the lake and hauled up about 2500 kg of water. With the Bambi bucket which was hanging about 25 m below its belly, the helicopter, captained by Group Captain Mukesh Kumar Yadav of the IAF, dispensed its load of 2500 kg of water over the raging fires below, at a height of almost 10000 ft.

Indian Air Force MI-17 V5 fills the Bambi Bucket with water
We ought to have effective forest fire fighting unit like in canada ,australia and USA . Their majority of populations r living in urban cities but they have learn the important of having forest and learned the tactic of controling and fighting forest fires , whereas our most of population still depends on forest product directly or indirectly we still havn't explore the full potential use of our forest product which can bring billions of rupee in revenue . North-east is decleared among the 34 hotspot in the world for diversity in biological plants and animals other than western ghat in south india every year hunderds of difernt new species of plants and animals are being found here but there has never been geniun atempt from govt. s side to protect it . its first time such an attempt hav been tried involving militery to fight forest fires .. govt. should form diferent department to tackel this type of disaster this one attempt is not going to change anything . every year specially in dry winter millions of hacter of forest gets burn down due to neglance of people of nature mishap .
Pretty surprising to know that India has just now started to utilize Bambi buckets under helicopters...
some choppers with bambi bucket....not mi-17v5 ones




Pretty surprising to know that India has just now started to utilize Bambi buckets under helicopters...

as it was not needed before..in USA,I think this kind of service is already available to Fire Brigade due to they've a large amount of forest fire each year.but in India,its generally not needed as we experience very few.
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