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India working to make Bangladesh a desert

That should be a piece of cake. Burmese are more than willing to help, and from what I have heard India s trying to get Rohingyas on board by promising them a part of CHT bordering Arakan, as their autonomous homeland. With the RAWAMI agents in power very little resistance is expected anyways. :coffee:
Damnit stop giving them details to our plan:mad:
Blame global warming and population growth, not India.

no such thing as global warming
The only sad part in this is it is nearly impossible.We will slowly annex smaller countries like we annexed Skkim,GOa,Hyderabaad e.t.c. .
Fisrt part of the operation is complete that is installing puppet regime on the target country.Second part is to slowly annex parts of the target country which is progressing at a good rate.
In case of Nepal we have rooted out border pillars which seperated Nepalian and Indian border and in case of Bangaldesh we have encroached some lands but your gov. is silent about it.

But Bangladesh can never be a part of India again because our people will stand against this and do whatever happened in 1971. And after everyone realises how evil India always has been, we will get rid of all the Hindu Brahmic influences and be completely free from such BS like Bengali culture and truly be an independent Muslim sovereign country.. Then we will probably ally with Pakistan and China.

Then years later a war between China and India will ensue because India kept meddling with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sril Lanka and other countries beside their border. And offcoarse we will help China fight against our neighbour. And all of us are going to win except the losers "India". Now that is going to put you all rightly to your place!

So continue annexing, puppeteering us, it won't last because the good will always prevail! And if you don't want to share your rivers then that's fine. We don't need dirty rivers because the river from Indian side is always like that and polluted with ashes from the dead. And you will help us from flooding our lands which your country will be facing btw.
But Bangladesh can never be a part of India again because our people will stand against this and do whatever happened in 1971. And after everyone realises how evil India always has been, we will get rid of all the Hindu Brahmic influences and be completely free from such BS like Bengali culture and truly be an independent Muslim sovereign country.. Then we will probably ally with Pakistan and China.

Then years later a war between China and India will ensue because India kept meddling with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sril Lanka and other countries beside their border. And offcoarse we will help China fight against our neighbour. And all of us are going to win except the losers "India". Now that is going to put you all rightly to your place!

So continue annexing, puppeteering us, it won't last because the good will always prevail! And if you don't want to share your rivers then that's fine. We don't need dirty rivers because the river from Indian side is always like that and polluted with ashes from the dead. And you will help us from flooding our lands which your country will be facing btw.
Bangladesh is a failed state which will be annexed by India in a short time.This is the only thing wiic will happen in future.End of the story,
Bangladesh is a failed state which will be annexed by India in a short time.This is the only thing wiic will happen in future.End of the story,

End of story and still to be continued.
True true, I for one see immense strategic benefit of annexing CHT and the top bit of Rangpur :dirol:

That should be a piece of cake. Burmese are more than willing to help, and from what I have heard India s trying to get Rohingyas on board by promising them a part of CHT bordering Arakan, as their autonomous homeland. With the RAWAMI agents in power very little resistance is expected anyways. :coffee:
india has already tried to destabilize CHT by covertly supporting Shanti bahini and failed miserably :omghaha: Today CHT is 50% Bangali, 50% tribal mongoloid and Bangali population in CHT is surging. Soon Bangalis will achieve demographic dominance in CHT. The tribal mongoloids are now well integrated in Bangali society, I know many of them here studying in the university of Dhaka. They have quotas in public universities, army etc. Two of my friends have chakma girlfriends. Rohingyas? Do you know about Ramu riots? It was the Bangalis who saved the tribal mongoloids from the Rohingyas wrath.
Most of our rivers come from Northeast states, so make sure that China does not do anything to you there to get their South Tibet back.

You mean to say China will also contribute to turn Bangladesh into a desert and getting you closer to Arabia.
You mean to say China will also contribute to turn Bangladesh into a desert and getting you closer to Arabia.

I mean to say that Northeast may become independent with Chinese help and in that case what happens with those rivers will be none of your concern. China, independent Northeast and Bangladesh can then work on integrated water management.
I mean to say that Northeast may become independent with Chinese help and in that case what happens with those rivers will be none of your concern. China, independent Northeast and Bangladesh can then work on integrated water management.
In your dreams :coffee:
india has already tried to destabilize CHT by covertly supporting Shanti bahini and failed miserably :omghaha: Today CHT is 50% Bangali, 50% tribal mongoloid and Bangali population in CHT is surging. Soon Bangalis will achieve demographic dominance in CHT. The tribal mongoloids are now well integrated in Bangali society, I know many of them here studying in the university of Dhaka. They have quotas in public universities, army etc. Two of my friends have chakma girlfriends. Rohingyas? Do you know about Ramu riots? It was the Bangalis who saved the tribal mongoloids from the Rohingyas wrath.

Oh we know about it alright, why else do you think has the Ronhingyas decided to side against Bangladeshis :angel:
but it will help in going back to your arob roots, when are you guys changing your language and scripts btw. :p:
WTF your SSB has killed innocent at boarder and ask money from local, where as INDO-NEPAL boarder is the oldest demarcated boarder in south asia during a deal signed In sugauli treaty 1814 A.D by constructing boarder Pillar which ur SSB is removing to make it disputed. NOW SHUT UP
You have saddened me by what you have said, I am Bhumihar from Purnia and know many Nepali. None of them talk like this.
Mod, indians are hijacking the thread with irrelevant chit chat, please help remove these comments
England is a size of U.P and Bihar. with a population of Gujrat DUMBO
hey muslim friends This is our Hindu Brotherhood

If we go to hell then who will give jobs to poor Nepali of "Chowkidar" :rofl:....Nepal don't have to worry for us about Pakistan, China and Bangladesh, we will fix it by ourselves 8-). But what if Chinese interest on Nepal increase and they invade Nepal :devil: Who will help you...WTF you guyz thinking they are scared from you :pop:
BTW it's not Chowkidar it's Bahadur :rofl:
Gorai river in district of Kustia dried up because of indian water aggression and dams in padma river. Livlihood of millions of people including environment and ecology are destroyed by indian aggression.

কুষ্টিয়ার পদ্মা নদীর শাখা গড়াইসহ ৪টি নদী এখন পুরোপুরি মরে গেছে
জাহাঙ্গীর হোসেন জুয়েল মিরপুর (কুষ্টিয়া) প্রতিনিধি

ভারতের ফারাক্কা বাঁধের কারণে বাংলাদেশের নদ-নদী ও পরিবেশের ওপর পড়ছে বিরূপ প্রভাব। পানি না পেয়ে এক সময়ের প্রমত্তা পদ্মা এখন শুকিয়ে চরাঞ্চলে রূপ নিয়েছে। ফলে কুষ্টিয়ার পদ্মা নদীর শাখা গড়াইসহ ৪টি নদী এখন পুরোপুরি মরে গেছে। এর নেতিবাচক প্রভাব পড়েছে দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিমাঞ্চলের জীববৈচিত্র্য ও পরিবেশের ওপর।

কুষ্টিয়ার পদ্মা নদীর শাখা গড়াইসহ ৪টি নদী এখন পুরোপুরি মরে গেছে
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