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India working on robots that may patrol borders

if anyone loves his country he should protect by standing on borders instead of sending the robots ... robots are machine they can kill u back... :sniper:.... India may be doing this to keep an eye on Pakistan but they dont know the intelligence of PAKISTAN:pakistan:
send this "raboat"... :omghaha:
Probably wont complain about poor meals then I guess.
A good way to circumvent Insubordination from troops
its worked only on flat terrain on Pakistan/India international border but hilly/mountainous terrain like LOC its useless
what he got ? he was kicked out . and yeah i can see no extream poverty in paksitan while 15% in india something worse then africa

At least he got that,I heard more than 22 % of your population is malnourished.
India doesn't have toilet for half population and here talking about building robots.....:rofl:

First learn to build a rifle :haha:

At least he got that,I heard more than 22 % of your population is malnourished.
another jahil indian. listen friend half indian poplation is living worse then africa. every year many indians apply for african citizenship to run from hellhole india. :haha: :D

here proof

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